How to make slime from soda and water: recipes and tips

How to make slime from soda and water: recipes and tips
How to make slime from soda and water: recipes and tips

Recently, slimes have become popular. Almost all children and even some adults play with such things with passion and genuine interest. Unfortunately, such a toy becomes unusable very quickly, so you will have to buy it often. Also, the composition of some slimes is very doubtful, which can affect the he alth of the child. To prevent such troubles, you should try to create a toy yourself. Experienced parents know how to make a slime from soda and water, glue and other materials at hand. Knowing a few secrets, you can create a safe, cheap and original thing.

For what purposes can be used

Everyone knows that a slime is a jelly-like mass that is easily deformed, returning to its original shape. Another property that the toy has is a slight stickiness. Knowing how to make a slime easily and quickly, you can give it the necessary properties.

May be used for:

  1. For children, the toy acts as an assistant in the development of fine motor skills.
  2. Very often slimeused as a cleaning item for laptop or computer keyboard.
  3. With homemade sticky mass, you can completely collect, for example, small glass or objects.

There are other uses that are just as effective and practical.

Easiest Slime Making Recipe

The best option for making a toy, which in all respects corresponds to a store product, is a recipe based on stationery glue and powder. Therefore, it is not necessary to know the recipe that tells how to make slime from soda and water. You can try other ingredients as well.

the simplest slime based on glue
the simplest slime based on glue

For a glue-based slime, you will need the following components:

  • Half a cup of PVA glue.
  • 5 tablespoons of water.
  • Washing powder.
  • Gouache.

Production principle:

  1. Pour water into a glass bowl.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of laundry detergent. Stir the mass until the powder is completely dissolved.
  3. Gradually add glue to the soapy liquid, stirring it constantly.
  4. When the mixture reaches the desired consistency, it is worthwhile to move the substance into the bag for a while.

Sometimes sodium tetraborate is used instead of washing powder. This tool can be bought at a pharmacy. To put into practice the presented recipe, you will need a whole vial of the product.

How to add effects to a product

To make a homemade toy more bright and attractive,you can use a lot of techniques and materials:

  1. The bulk can be dyed any color using natural or chemical dyes.
  2. To decorate the texture of the product, you can add some sparkles to the blank.
  3. You can make a slime that will be composed of several colors, creating a real rainbow.
  4. Figurines or confetti, which are made of shiny plastic, are placed in the mass.
decorating a homemade slime with sparkles
decorating a homemade slime with sparkles

To experiment with decorating, you need to know how to make a slime easily and in a short time. With a little imagination, many jewelry ideas can be brought to life.

Recipes for kids

The safest option for slime for young children will be a recipe that includes only natural ingredients. It is best to use food. Then many will have a question, how to make a slime according to a recipe for children, if food products are included in the toy?

Sample set for making a slime
Sample set for making a slime

You need to stock up on these ingredients:

  • Flour.
  • Chilled water.
  • Warm water.
  • Natural dye.

Sticky toy manufacturing principle:

  1. Pour a glass of flour into a bowl, which was previously sifted.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of chilled water to the flour, and then the same amount of warm water.
  3. Stir the mass until completely homogeneous. It is important that the mixture is completely free of lumps.
  4. In progresskneading, add food coloring (beetroot, carrot or cherry juice) to the dough.
  5. Put the finished mass in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

The chilled toy will be a wonderful analogue to the store version.

Clear slime at home

Making a glass-like or transparent toy can be very easy if you choose the right components. Such a mass will have several advantages over standard options. The sticky toy has minimal viscosity, leaves no color marks after use, and is characterized by increased durability.

How to make the slime become transparent? Read the ingredient list and you'll understand.

  • Package of clear dentifrice gel.
  • Bottle of sodium tetraborate.

It is necessary to perform elementary manipulations to make a toy:

  1. Pour out all the dentifrice gel from the vial into any container.
  2. Pour in a few drops of sodium tetraborate and immediately start mixing the ingredients.
  3. It is better to use a wooden stick for mixing.

Knead the composition until the whole mass sticks to the wooden base of the stick. After removing the slippery lump and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After pulling out and kneading the slime with your hands to warm it up. The toy is ready to play.

Original recipe without glue

If you wish, you can make a sticky toy from improvised materials without using harmful substances. Many parents are especially interested in how to makeslime at home without glue, as this option will be much cheaper, safer and more effective.

the principle of creating a homemade slime
the principle of creating a homemade slime

The following components are needed:

  • Soda.
  • Dishwashing liquid.
  • Water.
  • Food coloring.

The dosage of each ingredient is determined by the desired initial mass of the toy, depending on the size and consistency. To prepare a soda slime, you should use glassware to make it convenient to knead the mass.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pour a certain amount of dishwashing detergent into a glass container.
  2. Pour a little soda into it and mix the mass. Depending on the consistency, you need to increase the amount of soda.
  3. To make the density less, you need to add water.
  4. Knead the composition until smooth and add a little dye.

If you reduce the amount of funds and increase the amount of water, the consistency will change. The toy will turn out more viscous, but it will be easy to tear.

A slime recipe made from water and baking soda with dishwashing liquid is still not a completely safe option. Therefore, you need to ensure that the child does not take the toy in his mouth and does not use it for other purposes.

Sticky scrap toy

Knowing how to make a slime from soda and water, you can experiment a little with a set of auxiliary components. Each new component introduces its own characteristics and changesoperating conditions, making the toy more versatile.

a possible option for preparing a slime from shaving foam
a possible option for preparing a slime from shaving foam

On the basis of only soda and water, it is impossible to create a full-fledged slime, so it is additionally worth using such improvised materials:

  • Flour from corn, wheat.
  • Potato starch is often used.
  • Sometimes the composition includes shampoo or dishwashing detergent, shaving foam.
  • Sometimes s alt or even sugar is used.
  • Viscous ingredients can be glycerin, tooth gel, glue.

The principle of selection of ingredients depends on who and under what conditions will use the product. For young children, it is worth choosing those components that will be as harmless as possible to he alth. You can use simpler ingredients for cleaning.

How to care for a homemade toy

There are several recommendations that will help extend the life of homemade and purchased slimes. A toy of this type, like any other, just needs proper care. It is determined by the material from which the sticky lump is made.

homemade slime consistency
homemade slime consistency

Care instructions:

  1. The toy needs daily feeding. Sprinkle it with a pinch of s alt. In addition to "food", the toy also needs moisture. At the bottom of the container where the mucus is stored, you need to pour a little water every day.
  2. For a homemade version, you need to choose the necessary container in which the toy will be stored. Sothe composition will be protected from the accumulation of dust and weathering.
  3. It is advisable to bathe the toy sometimes. This action will help maintain the normal appearance and purity of the texture. Pour a little water into a plate and move a lump in it for several minutes. Then transfer to a storage container.
  4. If the integrity and texture of the product is lost, then you need to put the slime in the refrigerator for several hours.

These care rules are best suited for products that are made from various components.

Slimer based on soda, s alt and shampoo

Knowing how to make a slime from baking soda and water, which is the basic option for cooking, you can create a more complex product. The basis for such a sticky lump will be s alt, shampoo and soda.

how to use slime
how to use slime

You need to prepare the following components:

  • Shampoo.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Kitchen s alt.
  • Soda.

How to make a simple slime at home from improvised ingredients? It's very simple:

  1. Pour a few spoonfuls of shampoo into the container.
  2. Mix equal proportions of s alt and soda. It is necessary to ensure that the bulk components are without lumps.
  3. Pour about 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate into the shampoo, mix the ingredients.
  4. Gradually add loose ingredients to the foaming composition. In this case, you need to stir the mass all the time.
  5. S alt and soda are added until the consistency satisfies you.
  6. You can adda little dye or leave natural color.

Lizun according to the formula glue + water + soda

Slizun from glue of soda and water is easy and quick to prepare, and the components are extremely affordable in terms of prices and prevalence. You need to prepare the following materials:

  • ¼ part of a glass of water.
  • 3 tablespoons of glue.
  • 20 grams of soda.
  • Food coloring.
  • Essential oil.

Cooking principle:

  1. It is better to use a plastic container for cooking.
  2. Pour room temperature water into prepared container.
  3. Gradually pour the glue into the water. You need to constantly stir the mass.
  4. When the mixture begins to gradually thicken, you need to gradually pour in the soda.
  5. At the last moment, add a few drops of essential oil and dye.

Almost any glue can be used in the cooking process. The main thing is to properly process the adhesive mass, as well as take the correct proportions. Essential oil should be used to eliminate the unpleasant smell of glue. Therefore, the proportion may increase or decrease depending on the type of product.

Glycerine slime based on soda and water

When wondering how to make a simple homemade slime with store characteristics, you should pay attention to simple recipes. In addition to general physical features, it is worth choosing the right composition. Now you will learn how to make a slime at home without glue, but with a good indicator of ductility. Such a product can be made as follows:

  1. You need to add a few drops of sodium tetraborate to 100 grams of warm water.
  2. Stirring the liquid, add a teaspoon of glycerin to the composition.
  3. You need to add a few tablespoons of swollen gelatin.

Knead the mixture to the desired degree of thickening. Optionally add coloring and flavorings.
