Folk remedies for bedbugs: recipes, tips and tricks

Folk remedies for bedbugs: recipes, tips and tricks
Folk remedies for bedbugs: recipes, tips and tricks

Insects in the house become a real headache, regardless of whether a person lives in a private house or a high-rise building. You can quickly get rid of mosquitoes and your husband by swatting them or hanging sticky traps. Another thing is when it is not so easy to recognize the enemy. Bed bugs fall into this category. It is very difficult to get rid of them, as invisible parasites are distinguished by vitality.

two parasites
two parasites

Many believe that bedbugs appear only in those places where the garbage is not taken out for months and the floors are not washed. In fact, you can get such unpleasant neighbors even if the room is cleaned daily. According to reviews on the network, there are a huge number of methods on how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment with folk remedies. However, before proceeding with any manipulations, it is recommended to study useful information about parasites.

Bed bug habitats

As a rule, these insects inhabit the most inaccessible places. They can be found in crevices between parquet flooring, behind baseboards, in electrical appliances that are rarely used, and even in book bindings. Bed bugs can get intosockets, but most of all they like to be closer to a person, so they often climb into beds and sofas.

Although they prefer old furniture, they also do not disdain a new bed. Therefore, the repair made is not yet a guarantee that annoying insects will not run across from the neighbors or that the plumber will not bring them.

Bed bugs on the boards
Bed bugs on the boards

When you first find these insects, you should get rid of bed bugs as soon as possible. Folk remedies in this matter can be very effective. Of course, you can call specialists and treat with chemicals. However, it should be borne in mind that spraying dangerous poison around the apartment is not the best idea.

Folk remedies for bedbugs at home

According to reviews, you can get rid of annoying insects in several ways:

  • Mechanical.
  • Temperature.
  • Using plants and malodorous ingredients.

Let's consider the effectiveness of these methods in more detail.


To fight bedbugs with folk remedies, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to determine the places of settlement of parasites and remove them using a household appliance. After that, you need to immediately get rid of the garbage bag, it is best to burn it completely so as not to leave the parasites a chance to survive.

However, in reviews, the effectiveness of this method is often called into question. In addition, sucking up bedbugs with a vacuum cleaner is a rather laborious process. No guaranteethat managed to capture all the pests. If a few of them hid very deep, they will continue to multiply, and the apartment will again be flooded with biting parasites.


It is worth noting that bed bugs do not tolerate too much cold and heat.

You can also get rid of them by scalding. To do this, steep boiling water must be poured into the alleged habitats of bedbugs. Such methods also raise a lot of doubts, since furniture, laminate, etc. can also suffer from heat treatment.

If you still want to try this method, it is better to use a steam generator. Processing is carried out in the summer, when it will be possible to open the windows and dry the apartment. After processing, all linen and clothes should be washed at the maximum temperature.

Bed bugs under carpet
Bed bugs under carpet

Also, the so-called frost attack is suitable for furniture and carpets. To do this, all infected items must be taken outside for several days during the winter. However, this procedure is available only to owners of private houses.

Plants and substances with an unpleasant odor

Such folk remedies for bedbugs in the apartment and house are more popular, as they are more effective and do not harm the furniture.

It is worth noting the amazing sense of smell of insects. Thanks to the aroma, they find each other and people. This advantage can be turned against bed bugs. If they smell an unbearable smell for themselves, they will certainly leave the territory.

As a rule, folk remedies for bedbugs includevarious plants and herbs with a pungent aroma that will be invisible to humans, but will drive insects crazy. Also, some use other substances that repel bedbugs.


If it is decided to use this folk remedy for bedbugs, then it is worth considering that the largest amount of insecticidal components is in the foliage of this plant. They need to be collected. Runaways are also good. However, they should only be harvested when the plant bears fruit (August to September). In this case, the maximum amount of essential oils will be concentrated in them.

There are several options for dealing with parasites with wild rosemary:

  • Using dry raw materials. In this case, you need to cut, grind and dry the young shoots of the plant to a state of powder. To do this, it is best to decompose them in a dark, dry place at temperatures up to 35 degrees and wait about a week. The resulting powdered "poison" is scattered in all corners, under mattresses, along baseboards and furniture frames. For 3 months, the composition will successfully repel parasites without bringing discomfort to the inhabitants of the living space.
  • With smoke. In this case, the grass is also dried, but not crushed. The plant is then set on fire like normal incense.

Ledum is a very effective remedy for bedbugs. Folk remedies of this type can also get rid of flies, annoying mosquitoes and even small mice.


To get rid of bedbugs with this method, you need to know a few rules. You only need to collectgrass flowers. However, it is much easier to get them at any pharmacy.

Bed bug on hand
Bed bug on hand

If we are talking about self-harvesting, then the components must be dried, ground into powder and mixed with naphthalene (optional). The finished dry mixture is poured under mattresses, inside sofas and other places in which bedbugs have settled. After a few hours, the parasites will begin to flee. If there is a lot of powder, then this can even lead to immobilization of the limbs of bedbugs.

You need to carry out such processing in the morning and evening for 5 days.

It should be borne in mind that this folk remedy for bedbugs in the apartment does not have a long-term effect. There is no guarantee that after a while the parasites will not decide to repeat their raids.


This folk remedy for bedbugs has been used since ancient times. The villagers believed that this herb casts out all evil spirits, which include not only demons and vampires, but also other bloodsuckers.

To get rid of bedbugs with wormwood, you need to spread the fresh branches of the plant under the mattress, inside sofas and baseboards, in the corners of all rooms.

If the localization of parasites has reached a huge scale, then in this case, decoctions and infusions of herbs are treated, which must be sprayed over all infected surfaces and hidden places.

Nevertheless, despite all popular beliefs, the reviews of Web users suggest the following: although the bugs remain very unhappy with the pungent aroma, they are ready to leave their homes farnot all of them. Therefore, the procedure will have to be carried out repeatedly. However, even so, it must be remembered that wormwood does not prevent the reproduction of parasites and does not protect people from their bites.

Poisonous celandine

Speaking of how to get rid of bedbugs with folk remedies, many advise this particular herb.

Bed bug on fabric
Bed bug on fabric

The recipe for making poison is quite simple. To do this, you need to mix about 180 g of ground grass leaves with 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 2 days, after which shavings of ordinary laundry soap are added to it in the amount of 50 g.

The resulting cocktail is poured into parasite nests and adjacent areas. From the aroma of celandine, parasites will quickly scatter and for a long time will forget the way to a dwelling where they are not welcome.


This herb is another effective folk remedy for bedbugs. The composition of this plant contains a special essential oil with camphor and glycosides. These components give tansy a very specific aroma that quickly scares away bedbugs.

In order to forget about the parasites, you need to prepare a decoction and spray it all over the apartment. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the period of scaring away in this way will be no more than 5 days. When the scent of the decoction wears off, the bugs will gladly return.

Some bugs will die from tansy, but only if the agent enters the insect's respiratory system directly.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

This herb is also dangerous for people, so it should be stored exclusively inout of the reach of children and pets.


This composition will scare away not only bedbugs. The aroma will also be felt by all households. However, it's worth it.

To prepare a foul-smelling poison, mix a spoonful of kerosene and turpentine and add 30 g of green soap and about 70 ml of water to the composition. With the help of the resulting mixture, all places where bedbugs can live are processed. Be sure to wear rubber gloves before using this product. After processing, the room is tightly closed and ventilated.

You can also mix 3 tablespoons of turpentine with the same volume of carbolic acid, adding a little salicylic acid. Processing is done in the same way as in the previously described method.

Pine nut oil

Speaking of how to remove bedbugs with folk remedies, you can use components that are more pleasant to the human sense of smell. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to mix the aromatic liquid with water and spray it with all the places where insects are supposed to be. Most attention should be paid to sleeping places.

Another benefit of cedarwood oil is that it can be used to relieve itching and swelling after vermin bites. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the affected skin with this composition.

Method alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a technical product in which various dyes and other additives are added to eliminate the likelihood that people will consume hot liquidinside.

big bug
big bug

Before using this product, protect the respiratory tract with a gauze bandage or respirator, rubber gloves will be required on hands. After that, it is enough to add 5-7 g of naphthalene to 150 ml of denatured alcohol. The resulting liquid must be treated with all infected areas. At the next stage, the apartment is thoroughly ventilated. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after 3-5 days.

This tool inflicts a fatal defeat on the motor system of bedbugs. At the same time, the composition will not leave stains on furniture or wallpaper. However, you need to be prepared for a rather unpleasant smell. In addition, if a person performs treatment without protection, then he runs the risk of inhaling harmful fumes. This can cause quite serious harm to the body. Therefore, be sure to use rubber gloves and a protective mouth mask.