Interior decoration of balconies: what material to choose?

Interior decoration of balconies: what material to choose?
Interior decoration of balconies: what material to choose?

When deciding to renovate an apartment, it is important not to miss any trifles, and also to capture all the premises, even the smallest ones in terms of square. The latter include a balcony or loggias, which are often undeservedly deprived of attention. But, as you know, there are no trifles in the repair of trifles. And it is these rooms that can become such necessary additional square meters, where you can create your own cozy corner for relaxation or other purposes.

So, the interior decoration of balconies begins with the choice of materials that will be needed. Currently, their choice is presented in the construction industry in a wide range. The most popular in this case are plastic panels, drywall, wooden lining.

interior decoration of balconies
interior decoration of balconies

It is worth noting that the interior decoration of the loggias and balconies begins only after these rooms have been glazed. Atwhen installing window structures, it is also necessary to provide for the installation of expansion profiles (additions) so that the finishing material does not subsequently overlap the width of the openings in thickness.

If you are planning the interior decoration of the balcony with your own hands, it is very convenient to use a plastic lining. It will provide the room with a neat appearance, while being easy to install. An important advantage of lining is the low cost. Among the minuses noted for this material is easy susceptibility to mechanical stress, and, therefore, fragility.

interior decoration of loggias and balconies
interior decoration of loggias and balconies

The interior decoration of balconies is also done with the help of plastic panels. This design is also easy to install, and also provides a beautiful appearance. In addition, plastic is sufficiently resistant to various environmental influences. The disadvantage of the material is only its relatively high price compared to others.

Among the inexpensive options with which interior decoration of balconies can be done, it should be noted lining from MDF. This material is one of the most common, as it has an affordable cost and gives the room a sophisticated look. However, the top layer of the lining is made of paper, so these panels have low moisture resistance. This option is suitable for those who have a balcony or loggia well insulated beforehand.

do-it-yourself interior decoration of balconies
do-it-yourself interior decoration of balconies

Of course, it is worth noting the wooden lining. This natural material is environmentally friendly, besides it givesthe interior is a certain chic. The tree is quite resistant to mechanical stress. This design has a very presentable appearance. However, it is quite difficult to perform such a finish on your own, since special qualifications are required here and it is better to trust a professional. After all, the durability of the structure depends on how well and how well the installation will be done.

The interior decoration of balconies can also be made of drywall. This material is most acceptable if the loggia is a continuation of the room. After all, when choosing the necessary color scheme, the rooms will harmoniously combine with each other. In addition, this material is the easiest to install and has a low cost.
