How to remove the chain from the bike yourself?

How to remove the chain from the bike yourself?
How to remove the chain from the bike yourself?

The chain is the main component of the bicycle transmission. It transmits torque to the rear wheel, passing through the drive sprockets. Thus, the bicycle is set in motion. As a result of the loads to which the chain is subjected during operation, it wears out.

On bikes with one speed, the chain usually lasts its entire life, as it moves smoothly and straight over the sprockets. You need to remove this part on a high-speed bike much more often: due to the fact that there is no right angle between the front and rear sprockets. As a result, the load on the chain mechanism increases several times, which leads to wear.

Signs of malfunction

First of all, you need to pay attention to the chains on multi-speed bikes. Although the operating time of this element is formed from the mileage traveled, the value is very approximate, since the actual use time is determined by the nature of the ride, speed limit, road quality.

Inaccurate shifting and a strange clang are the first symptoms that the chain has failed. To find out for sure, you can usein the following way.

The chain is bent away from the largest sprocket. If three or more teeth remain free, then you need to urgently remove the chain from the bike and replace it. The same method works for singlespeeds.

In addition to the method described above, there is another one - measuring the relative elongation:

  • 304, 8mm is the ideal chain length;
  • 306, 5 - 307, 5 - acceptable wear, ride while you can;
  • 308 mm - heavy wear on chains and sprockets;
  • 308 mm or more - the drive unit is badly damaged, the bike chain needs to be replaced urgently.

The image below clearly shows the difference in length between a worn chain (top) and a newer one (bottom):

worn chain comparison
worn chain comparison

Chain with and without lock

Removing the chain of a speed bike is no more difficult than removing it from an ordinary two-wheeled "friend", since it all depends on whether the chain is equipped with a lock or not. If a part with a lock is installed on the bike, then it will not be difficult to remove it for replacement or cleaning. If the chain is not very dirty, the link with the lock can be found almost instantly. If the knot could not be found, then the part is either solid, or it needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

Bicycle chains with a lock are equipped with a special clamping mechanism. In terms of convenience, it is much easier to remove a lock chain from a bicycle than a structural element without constipation. But in fairness, it’s worth saying that the clamp can loosen, and the link itself can disengage. At the same time, there is no such problem with solid bike chains - if the chaintorn, then the whole problem is solely because of its quality.

Unlock bike

The assembly and disassembly process is the same for single speed and multi speed bikes. Before you remove the bike chain, you need to find the link with the lock. There is often the name of the manufacturer and there is a special clip that holds the adjacent links.

Locks of different companies are not the same, but the process itself has minimal differences. It is necessary to connect adjacent axles and remove the clamp. It is possible to pry off the lock with a slotted screwdriver or some other sharp object. At the same time, try not to damage or lose the clip, otherwise you will not be able to assemble the chain again.

chain lock
chain lock

Removing solid chain

Removing a bicycle chain without a lock is much more difficult. For this, a special device is useful - a chain squeezer.

axle puller
axle puller

Of course, you can do without it, for example, put the pin on the table and gently tap it. True, after this operation, it will be incredibly difficult to push it back.

How to remove a solid bike chain:

  1. Any link is selected, installed in the puller so that the axle is opposite the release axle.
  2. Then, slowly turning the screw, extrude the pin. The bottom line here is that you do not need to extrude the axis completely.

Thus, you can not only remove the chain from a speed bike, but also repair an ordinary one.

Removing a continuous chain with a squeeze
Removing a continuous chain with a squeeze

Correction of defects

The most common type of wear is sagging. Above, the critical values of the elongation of a bicycle chain were analyzed, at which its further operation is highly undesirable. But it is not necessary to throw away the chain at the slightest wear, you can try to repair it. Under prolonged loads, the chain axles become loose, which results in longitudinal and transverse deformations. It is impossible to get rid of the last type of deformation, but you can fight with the longitudinal one.

In order to get rid of the longitudinal expansion, it is enough to remove the extra links. They must be removed so that the chain moves along the large star without tension. With the help of a squeeze, the extra links are removed, and the extra shafts of the axles are completely removed. It is important here not to overdo it and not pull out the excess.

If you need to go immediately, but there is no time to repair, you can use the so-called pacifiers. This is the name of the devices that do not allow the chain to come off when moving.

Installing the chain

Before starting installation, make sure it fits the bike in length and width. If the chain is too wide or too narrow, then it will not work. In the case of length, everything is much simpler: just remove the extra links.

In order to install the chain on a speed bike, you need to set the speed switches to the highest mark, and then fix them. When installing the bike chain, it is necessary to correctly put it on the tensioner rollers. The chain should go around the bottom roller on the left side and the top roller on the right side. Then the two are combinedextreme links and a pin is installed. After the chain is installed, the axis is inserted into the squeeze, fixed with a screw and the pin is pressed in. If the latter is even with the edges of the chain, then everything is done correctly.

Chain installation
Chain installation

After installation, it is required to control the course of the chain. It should not have sagging, pedaling should be free. If the pedal travel is tight or the chain sags, then with the help of the same squeeze, using the second seat, we adjust the second axis.

Practical Tips

There are times when you urgently need to remove the chain from the bike, but the pomace was not at hand. In this case, you can apply the old method - riveting.

When re-removing the chain, use different links, as squeezing the pins loosens them.

If you regularly remove and install a solid bike chain, you should put a lock on it. This will greatly facilitate the process.
