Repairing the ceiling is a very responsible business, because it is the ceiling that creates a feeling of comfort. And this is true, because even with perfect wall decoration, a space with a dull or uneven ceiling seems squeezed and gloomy. Whether it's a snow-white and perfectly smooth ceiling finish, which can give space to the room! But which ceilings are better - stretch or drywall, and what exactly to choose for your home?
The refurbishment industry does not stand still, it is in constant motion towards improvement, and these two types of ceiling finishes are now the most popular. But few people will probably remember about the whitewashing of the ceiling.

To answer the question of which ceilings are better - stretch or drywall, it should be noted that in terms of quality, durability, aesthetic appearance and soundproofingcharacteristics of these two materials are equally good. The choice between these types of finishes depends on taste, but there are still a few hidden nuances.
Plasterboard ceiling is mounted much longer, requires both preparatory work in the form of mounting the frame, and finishing - puttying, painting or gluing. A large amount of debris during installation requires the removal of furniture from the room, and the entire work process will take about a week, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the complexity of the ceiling.
As for the stretch ceiling, to install it, it will be enough to move the furniture to the middle of the room, freeing up the passage around the perimeter. Garbage from such a finish is minimal, and the installation time for a simple, even ceiling is only a few hours. It will take several days to install a multi-level ceiling.

The difference between these two types of ceilings lies in the complexity of their installation. So, for example, to the question of which ceilings are better for self-assembly - stretch or drywall, the answer will be unambiguous - drywall. Even though for such a ceiling it will be necessary to assemble a profile frame, it is much easier to make it than to work with PVC film. To install the stretch fabric, you will also need a frame around the perimeter of the room, but without special equipment you can’t stretch it yourself.
Form and design
Design ideas for the ceiling, both stretched and suspended, are limited only by imagination. It could be curved linesgeometric figures or, in general, the most interesting plot of intricate ledges and niches, which can later be highlighted. Often, drywall and PVC film are combined in the same room; a common option is drywall around the perimeter and a stretch fabric in the middle of the ceiling. Therefore, which false ceiling is better to choose depends on the taste of the owners.

Pros and cons
- A plasterboard ceiling can last from 5 to 10 years, but a stretch ceiling is guaranteed for 15 years, although with proper operation, according to experts, it can stand three times longer.
- In case of flooding, which ceilings are better - stretch or drywall? This is also an important selection criterion, especially for high-rise buildings. The answer is simple: drywall is afraid of moisture, and a stretch ceiling in such a situation will not only not deteriorate, but will also protect property from water, preventing it from seeping through.
- The seams on the plasterboard ceiling are sealed and the end result is not traceable, which cannot be said about the stretch ceiling. The joints of the canvas will be less noticeable on a matte film, but on a glossy surface they will be visible due to the reflection of light. Therefore, before choosing a film, you need to decide which stretch ceilings are better to choose.
- The painted plasterboard ceiling is not afraid of mechanical stress, but the film must be protected from piercing objects and champagne corks.