If you constantly face the need to mow the lawn, then you probably thought about the fact that a lawn mower is simply necessary for proper care of the territory. If you take care of the beauty of the site, then he will thank with a juicy and thick coating already in the current season.

Need to use
Many owners of country and private houses acquire special equipment. On sale you can find gasoline and electric versions of such devices. Before visiting the point of sale, it is recommended to understand how to choose a tool, taking into account the characteristics of the structure, type of site and the amount of work ahead.
What are lawn mowers
If you are interested in MTD products, you can purchase lawn mowers from this manufacturer at an affordable price. The above tool can be divided into three options, namely trimmers, lawn mowers themselves and lawn mowers. Each type of equipment is designed forperforming certain tasks. For example, lawn mowers and trimmers are very similar, so many sellers believe that these are synonymous words. The tools have a motor, a shaft and a cutting part.
When it comes to trimmers, they are less powerful and mow the grass with a fishing line. They can be used to control grass under trees, as well as within terrain.

Motokosy are considered more powerful, they cope with shrubs, nettles and burdock. The cutting part consists of knives, but fishing line can also be used. Lawn mowers are characterized by a stronger noise during operation, the load on the hands is more significant. However, trimmers use less fuel. The user manual for your MTD lawnmower must be read by you. From there you can find out that the most voluminous tool is exactly the lawn mower, which is represented by a trolley and an engine. The unit moves on wheels. It allows you to cut grass with knives.
Model for giving
The equipment is controlled by means of a handle. This option cannot be called the best for solving problems in the country, as it is designed for well-groomed flat areas that are devoid of trees and hard growths. Such a unit will not be able to come close to the trees, and an additional disadvantage is the inability to work with the device on rocky areas.

Level Characteristicsnoise and power
Quite often, consumers choose MTD brand products lately, the company's lawn mowers are inexpensive, and they are very convenient to use. If we compare in terms of power, lawn mowers that run on gasoline are stronger than electric ones. The latter are powered by the network, so manufacturers do not install powerful electric motors. Otherwise, the 220V network will not withstand the voltage. Some models, however, have a battery, but you can work with such a tool for no more than 2 hours. Do-it-yourself repair of the MTD lawn mower is not required if the equipment is used according to the rules. Another added benefit of low power tools is that the motor is quieter. If you use a gasoline unit, you can feel what the roar of the motor is. Some models even come with headphones.

It is worth remembering that the maximum possible power of gasoline options can cause tool failure. If you imagine that you are caring for a section of a medium-power scythe, and a stone falls under the knife, then the engine simply stalls. If this object falls under a powerful lawn mower, then there will be enough force for the jammed knives to continue working. Ultimately, the cutting mechanism will fail, the shaft will deform, and the bushing will break. If you are interested in MTD products, you can purchase lawn mowers of this type in the store. To solve problems within the dacha is betterjust pick up a tool whose motor is characterized by seven horsepower.
Performance reviews
This criterion is directly related to power. Medium and large areas are easier to handle with gasoline models, as they are able to work non-stop for a long time. If we are talking about an electric motor, then the equipment will not be able to withstand such a pace. It will be possible to work with this unit for 15 minutes, after which the tool should be allowed to rest to prevent overheating of the mechanism.

Before choosing an electric lawn mower, you need to consider how far the power source is from the site. According to users, the standard cord length is 20 meters and no more. If there is a need to care for a site that is further than 50 meters from the outlet, then you will have to purchase an additional 30 meters of extension cord. The cost of a good cable, mower and automation will eventually result in a medium-powered gasoline model. That is why many consumers are not advised to be tied to a wired unit if a gasoline device can be purchased for the same amount.
Reviews on security level
MTD products are quite inexpensive today. Lawn mowers are no exception. It is important to remember that electric models are easier to maintain. They do not imply control over the fuel level, therefore, for consumers who are not very well versed in the features of filling liquids inengine, the electric option is best. As users emphasize, it is important to pay special attention to the level of security. Gasoline models are not pleased with the amount of exhaust gases that the master will have to inhale. This is especially true for areas with a small area. If you choose electrical units, then the work will not be accompanied by harmful emissions, however, it will not be possible to use such equipment in wet weather.

Among other things, the MTD electric lawn mower, reviews of which are often only the most positive, can be disabled if you touch the cable with careless handling of the cutting part. This can be quite dangerous.
Lawn mower repair
You can repair MTD lawn mowers yourself. In some cases, there is no need to contact specialists. Thus, if the tool began to make extraneous sounds, rumble and rattle, then this may indicate that the bolts were loosened in the motor. If everything is in order with them, then we can talk about poor mounting of the case. If you find a backlash in the bolted connection, then you need to use the necessary tool and tighten the fasteners tightly. Before disassembling the MTD lawn mower, it is necessary to understand the cause of the breakdown. If the tool does not work properly, cuts the grass unevenly, then the cause may be the bluntness of the cutting knife. In this case, the problem can be solved by sharpening it or replacing it with a new one. Secondthe option, according to experts, is more expensive, but preferred.

With front-wheel drive equipment, over time, you may encounter the fact that the device suddenly stops. The cause may be a worn drive belt, which must be replaced to solve the problem. If you are faced with the fact that the clutch cable is stretched, then it will be necessary to adjust it.
In some cases, the mower's engine will stop after starting work. This can be caused by seizing the crankshaft after prolonged use. In this case, it is necessary to check the oil level or start the parts manually. The MTD lawn mower, whose repair manual is presented above, is characterized by ease of maintenance. So even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to tidy up his lawn.