Neon lighting in the apartment. neon lamp

Neon lighting in the apartment. neon lamp
Neon lighting in the apartment. neon lamp

Neon lighting is used today for outdoor and indoor lighting. Such lamps are characterized by high efficiency, reliability and long service life. Using neon lamps, you can create a festive atmosphere in the house, decorate the territory of a country house.

Neon lighting in the interior
Neon lighting in the interior

Advantages and disadvantages

Neon lamps are glass tubes that are filled with gas under high pressure. These devices have a fairly wide scope. The demand for neon lights is not at all accidental, because they have many advantages. These lamps give a bright light, do not heat up, are fireproof, have a long service life, and work completely silently. A wide variety of lamp designs and lighting options allows you to choose them for any interior style of the room. The design of the device provides for the control of the brightness of the light flux, this is very important when installing them in a residential area.

Today, neon lighting is used quite often. However, ithas some drawbacks. For the complete equipment of such a backlight, a high voltage in the mains is required, and it is also necessary to additionally purchase a high-voltage transformer. Another disadvantage is that devices with such light are still expensive.

Where are neon lights used?

Lamps and ribbons containing an inert gas are now used in many areas. They are used to illuminate the facades of buildings, advertising structures, architectural objects and monuments, to illuminate the runway at the airport. With the help of neon lamps, hidden lighting is created in the interior of a residential building, in shopping centers, museums, concert halls. Often they are used in landscape design.

neon landscape lighting
neon landscape lighting

Neon apartment lighting

Such lighting can become a true decoration of the room, if you combine it correctly with the interior style. Neon fixtures are used in the following occasions:

  • for stretch and multi-level ceilings;
  • for decorating niches and any partitions;
  • for lighting floors, stairs and podiums;
  • for additional illumination of the work area, countertops, kitchen sets;
  • as a decor for wall panels and cornices.


The false ceiling neon lighting looks very impressive. It allows you to emphasize all the elements of the structure: levels, ledges, transitions. With the slit method of equipment (when the lamp is not visible, but there is light), all geometric shapes are illuminated andconstruction elements. It visually expands the space and looks very stylish. This option is especially recommended for small spaces.

Neon ceiling lighting
Neon ceiling lighting

Neon lamps are placed as the main lighting in the center of the room, matching the color to the situation in the room. Additional lighting is equipped around the perimeter of the room. This option is only possible if there are no construction defects.

Most often, neon lighting is installed in the living room, for the bedroom it is important that the light is not very bright. It is necessary to choose calm light blue or lilac shades.

Neon lighting in the bedroom
Neon lighting in the bedroom


With the help of floor lighting, you can zone the room, create various geometric light forms. In this case, it is important that it is in harmony with the lighting of the ceiling.

When installing neon lights in the floor, safety measures must be observed. Here, the lamps can be subjected to mechanical stress and suffer from moisture, so you need to buy appliances with a high degree of protection for the floor.

The brightness of the lamps should be moderate, because such illumination often serves as a guide when the lights are off. In this case, it should not interfere and irritate the eyesight.

In the bathroom, neon lights are not mounted on the floor, as there is a high probability of their contact with water. For a bedroom, floor lighting is also not the best option, here it is better to use ceiling and cornice light.

In the kitchen, floor lighting is done next tofurniture set. The most effective and even necessary lighting option is the equipment of neon lamps on the stairs in private homes. In this case, it is important to ensure the safe movement of all household members on the stairs.

Stair lighting
Stair lighting


Here, neon lamps serve as additional lighting. In combination with the main source, complete lighting is obtained, which can be used in a spacious living room where the whole family spends time or welcomes guests.

In the bedroom, this combination is used alternately. While reading, working on documents or at a computer, good light is needed, while watching TV or getting ready for bed will be enough eaves lighting.

A festive atmosphere can be created by the light from a neon strip installed around the perimeter of the eaves. It matches with many interior styles.

Cornice lighting
Cornice lighting

More ideas for using neon lights

For the home, there are several more options for using this lighting. For example, on photo wallpapers, only one element can stand out from the entire picture. Also, the backlight is mounted in furniture with the main light turned off. Additional light can decorate a wardrobe, kitchen set, table, sofa. Neon lighting can decorate a mirror, mosaic panel, framed photos, indoor plants.

DIY installation

Not everyone knows how to make neon lighting in a room, and they think that only professionals can do it. However, the installation of such lampsquite simple. In the selected place, you need to install the holders for the lamps, and then screw the bulbs into them.

They are connected through a resistor that acts as a current limiter. As a rule, these resistors are already built into the base during the manufacture of lamps, so they are immediately connected to the network. It is because of the ease of installation that these lamps are very popular.

There is one important requirement that must be observed when installing neon lights. It is strictly forbidden to install them on a metal surface. In this case, a special plastic spacer with a thickness of at least 1 cm is used, it is placed between the lamp and the surface where it is installed.

When installing neon tape, use remote holders that provide the necessary distance from the metal surface (at least 3 cm). They can be purchased at any hardware store.

When installing the lamp on the street or on the territory of a country house, it is necessary to equip cable protection with plastic corrugated hoses. For arranging the space near the house, professionals recommend using neon ribbons, not lamps. The tape will not only provide bright and beautiful lighting, but will last for many years without any special care and maintenance.