To protect the perimeter, the Gyurza 035PZ warning complex is used, which gives an alarm signal about a violation of the integrity of the fence or its overcoming by climbing. It also reports a malfunction in the event of a violation of the integrity of the elements of the detector itself, consisting of the Gyurza 035PZ terminal device, an adapter, an incoming signal processing unit and a transmitting element (cable). Thus, for the protection of objects, the detector can be installed on wooden, metal, brick, reinforced concrete fences in lattice design and fences made of barbed wire, ASKL. It is possible to mount on the roofs of buildings, objects, structures, as well as on trees close to the object in order to signal an attempt to penetrate in time.

Operation principle
The security detector "Gyurza 035PZ" works by transmitting a signal over a sensitivean element in the form of a cable RK-50-2-16, which has triboelectric properties and is installed on the fence along the entire protected perimeter. The cable length should not exceed 500 meters between units to keep it sensitive all the way. The blocks are hinged mounted in special metal cases that protect them from damage and hacking. When an intrusion is attempted, the Gyurza 035PZ detector receives a signal through the processing unit and makes a notification about it.
Cable installation

The triboelectric cable "Gyurza 035PZ" is mounted using a rigid mount, after which it is adjusted taking into account the mass of the impact. The standard force is from 6 to 8 kg. This will prevent unwanted false alarms of the system when in contact with small animals, birds and atmospheric precipitation. The violator, when committing illegal actions in the form of penetration, exerts a load on the sensitive element of at least 6 kg.
Benefits of Security System
Let's consider the advantages of the device in question.
- the ability to most accurately determine the place to overcome the fence, which reduces the time for the advancement of the security team, and also reduces the search area for the offender;
- reduction in the time of arrival of the security team to the scene, because the alarm signal comes to the console at the first load, and this can be much earlier than the offender sets foot on the protected ground, overcoming the obstacle;

- the ability to install the sensing element discreetly from prying eyes, which does not give the offender an advantage in surprise;
- The versatility of the "Gyurza 035PZ" device is achieved due to the fact that one system is able to hold the perimeter of the protected object, which consists of different types of enclosing structures;
- resistant to climatic weather conditions, does not respond to low and high temperatures, and also remains stable during precipitation, which can interfere with security systems;
- impossibility to violate the boundaries of the protected area without alerting the guards with an alarm signal. Any remote or mechanical interference will be immediately detected.