Table setting is a real art, because not a single holiday can do without a beautiful and original design. Each host who receives guests must be able to arrange cutlery and dishes in accordance with the rules of etiquette. Only thanks to serving it will be possible to create an unforgettable and cozy atmosphere at any solemn event. The purpose of the article is to tell the reader in detail how to set the table correctly and beautifully.
Basic requirements
The main condition for any serving is order. However, it is necessary not only to carefully arrange the cutlery, but also to properly set the table. It is thanks to the observance of these simple rules that it will be possible to create a harmonious and pleasant environment in which it will be comfortable not only for the owners, but also for guests. To meet these requirements, you need to consider the following important points:
- The format of the celebration - it can be a family dinner, a business lunch, a wedding, a buffet table, a festive table, etc. Knowing the number of people who willeat, you can determine the number of cutlery and dishes.
- To choose the style of table decoration, you need to know in which room the banquet will take place.
- Dishes should be chosen according to dishes.
When the mentioned nuances are discussed, you can set the table, taking into account the following rules:
- Dishes must be of the same shade or at least from the same set. But this requirement is not taken into account if you need to properly set the home table. As you know, in the family circle it is allowed to put products of different colors and designs. But for a festive event, you need to choose light and plain dishes.
- One person will need at least 80 cm of table length.
- Dishes, glasses, forks, glasses and other cutlery should be thoroughly washed and polished so that they do not leave greasy stains and streaks. If there are any defects (for example, small cracks or chips), in this case, you need to find a replacement for the damaged service or throw it away altogether. In addition, there should be no blunt knives and bent cutlery on the festive table.
- Washed dishes should be wiped with a dry terry towel or hard cloth.
- The tablecloth should be clean and smooth, but this item is not required if the owner wants to showcase a beautiful and prestigious tabletop, made of mahogany or decorated with an original pattern, for example.
- Substitute plates - additional devices for decoration. If the owner is interested in how to properly set the table for guests in the traditionalstyle, in this case, he needs to substitute the mentioned products under the main dishes.
- The room in which the banquet will take place must be clean, bright, ventilated and spacious so that all guests feel comfortable in it.
Following these simple and important requirements, you will be able to arrange a festive table in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

Serving order
There is an optimal and quick way to properly set a table for guests at home, consisting of the following steps:
- Cover the table with a tablecloth.
- Arrange chairs every 50–80 cm.
- Arrange empty plates and dishes with dishes.
- Put glasses, glasses and glasses on the banquet table.
- Arrange cutlery (spoons, forks, knives, etc.).
- Place napkins.
- Place tableware and bottles of various sauces.
- Decorate the table with candles, flowers or other decorative items.

Choice of tablecloths
This product is an important decorative element. An exquisite and solemn tablecloth of snow-white color is considered a classic option. However, you can decorate the table with a colored product with a pattern, but in this case, the image should be located on the edge, since excessive variegation and pomposity can be very striking.
The main thing is that the tablecloth is combined with the interior palette, cutlery, curtains and decorative furniture upholstery. For example, for a banquet, a classica light product made of a special restaurant fabric that will retain its original shade and hold its shape well. A suitable color is beige, cream, olive, pistachio, etc. For a family dinner, an acrylic tablecloth is used that matches the shape of the table. And interior items for a children's event are best decorated in colorful colors.
It is known that it is possible to properly set the table with a tablecloth only subject to the following rules:
- The product should completely cover the rectangular table top so that its ends hang from the table surface by 20–25 cm.
- A round tabletop should be covered with a tablecloth of the same shape so that it optimally fits the cover.
- If the surface of the table is polished, first you need to lay an oilcloth on it. This will prevent the product from slipping.
- For an original decor, it is recommended to use a naperon - a decorative bedspread, thanks to which it will be possible to bring the desired accent to the interior.
Housewives know how to properly set a table with a tablecloth: open the product, take the end on one side, gently lift it up and sharply lower it onto the tabletop. Thanks to this technique, it will lie flat, but you should not pull it by the corners and stretch it too much.

Dishes Placement
After choosing a tablecloth, proceed to this step. If the festive event is a child's birthday, it is better to use disposable plastic utensils, as this will avoid injury and damage to high-quality sets. However, in anycase, the location of the cutlery must be approached responsibly: they must be in harmony with the dishes. They are individual and auxiliary (for example, a ladle). However, you must first arrange the dishes, taking into account the following rules:
- The optimal distance between the plate and cutlery is 5–10 mm.
- Initially, you need to put porcelain or ceramic dishes on the table, and then glass or crystal.
- Glasses should be held by the stem to avoid getting them dirty.
- On the right side of the snack plate, located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, you need to put a champagne glass, glasses, a glass and a glass. If alcoholic beverages and drinking water are served immediately, place the container closest to the dish that best matches the taste of the first course.
- The bread saucer should be placed about 10 cm away from the snack plate. But usually such products are rarely used.
- If you need to solve the problem of how to properly set the table for guests who will be treated to the first course (for example, soup or broth), then put a bowl on the snack plate.
The host should replace dirty dishes with clean ones in a timely manner so that guests can enjoy the true taste of the prepared dishes.
Cutlery Arrangement

There is one important rule: the last fork and knife are for the dish that is served at the very beginning. Next, you need to consistently use the devices. Therefore, the owner mustput on the table such a number of forks, spoons and knives, corresponding to the number of dishes served. Experienced waiters and housewives have long come up with a competent method of how to properly set the table. Devices in this case should be laid out in this order:
- To the left of the plate at a distance of 15–20 mm, first you need to put a fork for the main (hot) dish, then for fish, and on the edge you should place the smallest cutlery item for cold appetizers.
- On the saucer, which should be placed in the upper left corner of the dishes, you need to put a butter knife.
- After the plate on the table, you need to put a fork and a spoon so that the first object is facing the top to the right, and the second - to the left. If the menu does not include dessert, then these cutlery should not be put on the table.
- On the right side of the plate, first place a knife for the main course, then for seafood, then there is a sharp object for salad or other snack, and at the end you need to place a spoon for soup or broth.
Of course, there are other ways of serving (an additional example will be given below), but above was a classic version of how to properly set a festive table in order to place cutlery in the optimal order.

Usually, paper products and fabrics made of cotton, linen, etc. are used for table setting. The former are placed in special coasters, which are placed at such a distance that the guest can reach them. But they can also be placednear the right edge of the plate. In addition, unusual compositions are sometimes made from them: roses, envelopes, boats and various geometric shapes (for example, caps or cones). However, their main purpose is not for decorative purposes, but for people to wipe their hands or lips on them.
If the question arises of how to properly set the table, in this case you need to use linen napkins folded in four. They are placed under dishes when there is no snack plate, or guests use them to avoid staining their clothes. It is these products that should be used for table setting at festive events. And in the family circle, paper napkins can also be used, but the main thing is that they are combined with a tablecloth and are beautifully folded.
Table bowls
At the end of the serving, you need to put on the table:
- crystal or glass s alt shaker with stainless steel edges;
- pepper box filled with dry peppers;
- a container for mustard or horseradish (serve only with meat and fish dishes);
- vials for oil (olive or sunflower), vinegar, various sauces, etc.
Housewives know how to properly set the table: you must first free up a place in the center, and then put table bowls with spices on small boards or saucers.

Serving meals
If you follow the rules of etiquette, the host should bring prepared food, drinks, fruits, etc. from the kitchen on a tray. Dishes must be placed in one row. In addition, it is undesirable to put on a trayheterogeneous food (for example, seafood and meat). If the dish consists of several pieces, put one serving on the plate. However, it is not necessary to play the role of a waiter, since ready-made food can simply be put on the table.
Standard menu for any celebrations includes the following dishes:
- Cold appetizers - bread, boiled pork slices, Korean-style carrots, pork ears, pickled cucumbers, cheese, fresh vegetables, soy and other delicacies.
- Salads - Russian salad, vinaigrette, Caesar, herring under a fur coat, etc.
- Main course (hot) - steak, ham, fried chicken, cutlets, sirloin chops, fish with garnish (for example, stuffed duck with apples or battered pike perch), mashed potatoes, french fries, etc.
- Dessert - cake, apple pie, fruit salad, milkshake.
- Drinks - red or white wine, vodka, beer, champagne, juice, lemonade, strong coffee and tea.
However, you can also buy ready-made meals: grilled chicken, pizza, sushi or rolls. In addition, sometimes you have to cook soup or broth. If on New Year's holidays the question arises of how to properly set the table, champagne, tangerines and sweets will be an ideal set for treating guests. Everyone can make their own menu, but the main thing is that all dishes are served in clean dishes.
How to properly set a buffet table: the best method

Buffet - reception of guests, when everyone eats standing up, choose any snacks and serve themselves. This method has the following advantages:
- a lot of free space for dances and contests;
- self-service;
- no need to reheat and constantly change dishes;
- monetary savings;
- opportunity to invite many guests.
In this case, there is one- and two-way serving method. In the first method, the table must be placed, for example, right next to the wall. But they usually use the two-way method, as this is a more convenient option for celebrating a birthday or wedding celebration. On the table placed in the center of the room, you need to put drinks, fruits, snacks and serving items: glassware, glasses, wine glasses, cutlery, etc.
Bottles of alcoholic and soft drinks are usually placed in the middle of the festive table. Snack and dessert plates are placed in piles of 6-8 pieces. The next step is the arrangement of cutlery. 30 minutes before the start of the buffet, cold appetizers, seasonings, bread, gravy boats are put out, and tongs are placed next to the dishes, with which guests will put their own food. Tartlets and small sandwiches - canapes served on skewers are considered an ideal dish, which is undoubtedly convenient. You can put sweets on the table: eclairs, sweets and other delicacies.
Some housewives consider this option to be the ideal method of how to properly set the table for an anniversary, when there is no desire to cook a large number of hot dishes, but you want to celebrate the holiday actively and cheerfully. In addition, table setting in this case will take much less time.
The article considered a successful andthe best option, how to properly set the table, taking into account the rules of ethics and the arrangement of dishes. If you approach this matter from a creative side, the preparation process will bring a lot of positive impressions. The main thing is to take into account the taste and aesthetic preferences of the invited guests in order to make an indelible impression on them.