Some people are faced with the situation of electric shock from tap water. This is unpleasant and such a lack of plumbing can scare many. Even minor electric shocks testify to the fact that the appliances in the bathroom are faulty. Residents of an apartment or private house should focus on the condition of the wiring and make sure that all current-powered appliances are properly grounded. Malfunctions in these cases can lead to a serious danger to life and he alth.

Why there are problems
There are several reasons why a faucet should be electrocuted:
- The water pipe is used by your neighbors as a neutral conductor. Quite often, unscrupulous residents of apartment buildings resort to this method to minimize their energy costs.
- Electrical appliance is not equipped with grounding. Among theseappliances stand out water heaters, dishwashing machines and washing machines.
- It is worth focusing on the wiring, it may also be faulty. In addition, in a room with high humidity, sockets that are not intended to function in such rooms may be installed.
Also, if your bathroom has underfloor heating, you should make sure that it is properly connected.

How to troubleshoot in damp rooms?
After you have learned a number of reasons why you get electric shock from tap water, you need to try to understand which of them corresponds to reality in a particular case. This is not always possible without the help of specialists. For example, it is quite difficult to understand that insulation is damaged without certain skills. Therefore, you can resort to a gradual shutdown of all consumers, while simultaneously monitoring the situation. So, if when you turn off one device, for example, a water heater, the water from the tap is electric, as before, then you need to turn on other electrical equipment.
It is worth dwelling in more detail on the dishonesty of neighbors who can install grounding in their bathroom by connecting the PE wire to the water riser. The result is a leak, and your room is electrocuted by water. A similar problem may also include connecting the neutral wire to the central water supply pipe - with the help of this, neighbors can wind their electricity meter back. Naturally, under these conditions, the current will "flow" through the pipeline to your bathroom, and the walls and the faucet will begin to shock you.

Electrical Appliances
When the water from the tap is electric, the reason in most cases lies precisely in the water heater. This is due to damage to the heating elements, which are enough to be replaced with new and high-quality ones. Also, some sockets and lamps that are installed in the bathroom may often not correspond to the degree of protection that is declared.
The reason may lie in other electrical appliances. So, the washing machine is also quite often not grounded, which is why at the slightest breakdown it will be shocked, even if it is rather weak. In particular, grounding is required in a private house.
Another reason for electric shock from water
Also, a possible flaw is probably faulty insulation in the wiring. Often, experts identify such a malfunction as "broken" wires inside the walls. Because of this, electricity leaks occur, they are transmitted to the water faucet made of metal material, to the walls of the room and to the bath itself.
To understand if there is a wire break in the wall, you need to "enlighten" the wall with a specialized device that allows you to perform such actions. In the event that you do not know how to use such devices, it is recommended that you first read all the instructions from the manufacturers or consult withspecialists.

Procedure for identifying causes
The reasons why the water from the tap is electric should be identified by specialists. When such problems occur, a rather thorough diagnosis is necessary, which is often divided into several stages:
- Checking the availability of grounding for all household appliances operating in the apartment.
- Determining the wear of the wiring, for which all electrical appliances in the room are turned off in sequence, after which the voltage in the area where the problem occurs is checked.
- Full revision of sockets in the apartment.
- Proper installation of equipment.
When you install complex household appliances, seek the help of specialists to make sure that their components really protect the parts that carry electric current. Pay attention to the fact that there should be a minimum number of appliances in a humid room, and they should be protected as much as possible from exposure to liquid. In the apartment, water from the tap is most often electrocuted due to the fact that moisture settles on the equipment.

Installation of protective equipment
When the water from the tap is electric in the apartment, most likely it will be necessary to install protective automation in the bathroom, since electric shock occurs more often in such places than in other rooms. Experts do not advise installationprotective automation "with a margin". Circuit breakers should be set to the smallest possible power to ensure a minimum flow of electricity to the devices. So, the minimum leakage current should be about 10mA.
In the absence of grounding, it is necessary to install special equipment that will provide it. All electrical appliances must be connected through an RCD, which will operate at the moment when the current leakage begins to be 10 mA or more. Experts also recommend installing EMS, which combine equipment into an integral communication network. This includes a bathtub, a sink, and other items that can potentially conduct an electric current. All these devices are connected to a single ground bus. EMS can be not only for one apartment, but for the entire apartment building.
Sometimes the system, which is calculated on a house or an entrance, cannot cope with the load or it does not exist at all. That is why the installation of EMS is the most common and effective option. It should be understood that such actions should be performed only with the help of specialists, since inept actions can lead to disastrous consequences. Do not skimp - it is better to invest in experienced electricians who will have the necessary knowledge and skills. The craftsmen will do all the necessary work, thereby securing the inhabitants of the house.

What to do if the water is electric in a private house?
It is not uncommon for a private house to get electric shock from tap water. Whatdo in this case? In principle, everything is the same that needs to be done if it is electric in the apartment - first understand what caused the problem.
In country houses, a similar problem is quite common and lies, as a rule, in improper grounding. In order to ensure reliable grounding, it is necessary to equip a small "hole" in the ground. It is necessary to place there several pins made of metal material. Ultimately, there should be an isosceles triangle. A wire must be placed on one pin, the purpose of which is to drain the current. Such a wire is attached with a screw.
Installing the correct grounding
When attaching a wire to a metal post, make sure that all electrical powered equipment is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Please note that you need to check the he alth of the equipment at the moment when it is turned off.
After checking, you need to open the water and try to touch the jet. If the fingers do not feel tingling, then the technique will only be shocked at the moment when it is turned on and used. To be sure of the problem, plug the device in and try touching the water again.
Recommendations from experts
In order to minimize the likelihood of damage to the wiring, experts give a number of recommendations. So, they advise installing waterproof covers on switches, sockets, lighting fixtures.
If there is thoughIf there is a small chance that moisture will get inside the device, including the socket, then most likely this will lead to current leakage. And when you touch the wall, you will probably feel a tingling sensation - a slight electric shock. If the problem persists for a long time, the consequences can be dire - you risk severe electric shock and end up in the hospital.

How to ensure the safety of the premises?
No one can guarantee 100% safety in the bathroom, but you can try to minimize the risks. Initially, you need to pay attention to the quality of the appliances that are installed in the bathroom. Keep track of the technical characteristics of the equipment and their coincidence with the actual readings. Check devices for tightness and reliability. When there are no protective elements of the case in the kit, then you need to install them additionally. When conducting electrical wiring, it is necessary to install the equipment so that the switch does not adjoin the bathroom closely.
To ensure maximum protection, you should also take care of the potential equalization system, as mentioned above. Such a system allows you to combine all the equipment and centrally provide grounding.
If you suspect that your neighbors are unscrupulous and are trying to "steal" electricity - try to talk to them. One way or another, it will not work to deal with this problem without their participation. However, this should only be done if you are completely sure that you havethe apartment is fine.