Description of the kitchen: interior, equipment, dishes

Description of the kitchen: interior, equipment, dishes
Description of the kitchen: interior, equipment, dishes

Design is what allows you to make your apartment stylish, modern and attractive. In addition, the overall design style unites the rooms in the house into one whole, creating comfort and coziness inside, which reflects the character of the owner of the apartment.

But modernity dictates its own rules to us, and today the creation of a separate image of each room is becoming more and more popular. And if you decide to start repairs from scratch, then many questions will surely arise - where to start, what description of the kitchen to choose, how not to make a mistake in creating a design?

Let's try to find answers to all questions on one example - creating a kitchen in a classic style.

kitchen description
kitchen description

Classic style and its relevance

First, let's find out what are the advantages of the classic style and why you should choose it:

  • One of the main advantages of this design is its enduring relevance. This style has been formed in Europe since the 17th century, and until now its popularity has not decreased.
  • Classicism will fit perfectly into any room, be it a country house, apartment or just a separate room.
  • The classics are based on restraint, which makes this style universal - it will not get boredover time and will not be annoying.

Does classic kitchen style have drawbacks? The description will help you find out. Of course, they are, but they are quite subjective.


The first disadvantage is the cost of creating the named image - the classic design is not cheap. However, if you wish, you can embody this image and if you have a limited amount of money.

The second disadvantage is the need for a large and bright room. The perfect classic design looks great in large kitchens. However, this is not important, and even in a small kitchenette you can create this amazing look.

Design Features

What distinguishes the description of a modern kitchen made in the named style? How to distinguish it from other styles? It has its own distinctive features that you need to pay attention to.

  1. There is naturalness in classicism - it should be obvious in the materials used.
  2. Symmetry is important for a kitchen like this.
  3. Classic cuisine must include a dining table.
  4. Most of the appliances should be hidden in niches or behind doors, and the kitchen sink should be made as inconspicuous as possible. Dishes, on the contrary, may be visible.
  5. Classic colors: black, white, beige, peach, wood color, yellow, burgundy. Contrasting colors of dark shades are allowed.

This description of the kitchen in the house allows you to note the basic rules of classical design. But in order not to make a mistake when creating this style,should study it in more detail.

classic kitchen style description
classic kitchen style description

Large kitchen area

As mentioned, it's great if your kitchen has large dimensions. Spaciousness is one of the main components of this design, which allows you to advantageously place furniture in the room. The center of the kitchen must be occupied by a dining table. Ideally, it is round, but today many designers deviate from this rule, and square shapes often look much more profitable. The central place, in addition, should be highlighted in some way - either with a simple pattern on the floor, or an attractive chandelier above the table.

description of the kitchen in the house
description of the kitchen in the house

Since the classic tends to be symmetrical, the U-shaped arrangement of furniture is the best fit for this description of the kitchen. But if the layout does not allow the use of such a shape, you can give preference to any other headset. It is desirable that its center be a stove, the hood of which is disguised as a chimney. The fireplace is a common feature of the classic style and is preferable if your stove will generally resemble it.

Small room space

But what if the size of your kitchen does not provide a lot of space? Do not despair. In this case, it is important to properly plan the placement of furniture in the room. This can be successfully done by purchasing multifunctional furniture that can be folded, thereby saving free space.

description of modern kitchen
description of modern kitchen

Also noteattention to room lighting. It is desirable to organize as much light as possible in the room. Give preference to translucent curtains that will not hide it. You can also create artificial daylight - all this will help visually expand the room.

Materials used

Pay attention to the description of kitchen furniture. It is desirable that it be made of natural materials, for example, wood. But since it does not belong to the category of inexpensive materials, problems may arise in the case of a limited budget. In this situation, you can use a veneer finish, which will save you money. Also, ideally, the kitchen sink should match the color of the countertop, but today this rule is not strictly enforced.

It is also important how the dishes for the kitchen are chosen. It would seem such an insignificant detail, but it plays a big role. The best option would be porcelain, without a pattern. Glassware for the kitchen is also suitable, but preferably in dark shades.

Pay attention to the decoration of the room. For the floor, it is best to choose parquet. But since this is also an expensive option, you can use a parquet board or laminate. The use of natural stone is also popular, but such a floor will be quite cold. But any material like natural stone is just perfect for kitchen worktops.

description of kitchen furniture
description of kitchen furniture

The ceiling of the kitchen can be made of any material, but most often stretch glossy or matte ceilings are used for its designwhite or other pastel colors. This, by the way, will increase the number of spotlights.

There are also no strict restrictions in wall decoration. It can be both textured plaster and ordinary ceramic tiles, as well as wallpaper (but only the right ones, because using ordinary paper wallpaper is not the best option for the kitchen).

Decorative decoration of the room

It is necessary to delve into the design description of the kitchen again. A separate issue is concluded in the decorative decoration of the room. Is it possible to use any decorative elements, or should everything be strict?

cooking utensils
cooking utensils

Since the classical style includes such subspecies as baroque, rococo, empire, which are particularly pretentious and luxurious, decoration is also allowed in it, but it should be used in small quantities.

For example, the classic style allows the use of artistic painting on the walls, ceiling or floor, but note that it can only be placed on any one surface. If you use floor painting, then the ceiling and walls must be done in matte paints.

Also popular is the use of mosaics for the kitchen. It can be used to decorate the perimeter of the ceiling, walls and floor, and also be used on the kitchen apron. In this case, you can purchase material with a pattern or even gilding.

Which is unacceptable for classics

Despite the fact that the classic style cannot be attributed to extremely complex design styles, itmistakes can also be made. What should be avoided in classicism? The answer is simple:

  • It is unacceptable to use any elements with a small floral pattern, etc. If we are talking about dishes, then it must be strictly monophonic. The same applies to other details. Fine drawing is allowed only for finishing the perimeter of surfaces.
  • Don't use flashy or bright colors.
  • Mistakenly over-cluttering the room with furniture. For a small space, try to use the same small pieces of furniture or multifunctional furniture.
  • You should also avoid overcrowding the work surface. It should have a minimum of decor and more free space for work.
kitchen sink
kitchen sink

Now that you've read the description of a classic kitchen, you'll be able to tell it apart from other designs. And if you decide to equip it in this style, then the tips proposed above will definitely come in handy. But if you still doubt your abilities, then it is best to contact a specialist who will complete his task 100%.
