High humidity is the main enemy of most surfaces or structures. Mankind has been constantly waging an invisible struggle with it throughout the entire time of its existence. And it has long been proven that a hydrophobic coating copes best with it. Today there are plenty of them, and they honestly prove their right to use.

What is a hydrophobic coating
Hydrophobic coating is the effect of moisture non-wetting of the surface on which it is applied: brick, concrete, glass, stone, gypsum and so on. Moreover, thanks to it, the treated surface is more resistant to corrosive processes or low temperatures. Which is important for reinforced concrete or concrete structural elements.
Hydrophobic coating is a modern substance for treating any surface. The main goal and task is to protect it, first of all, from the destructive effects of moisture. Available as a spray or liquid. So don'tyou need to have special skills or involve a specialist to use it. Do-it-yourself hydrophobic coating can be applied to any surface, strictly following the instructions for use.

Scope of water repellents
Hydrophobic coating is used to process finished products in factories with open warehouses, to reduce its water absorption, increase heat resistance or frost resistance. And also before transporting it from these warehouses. For anti-corrosion treatment of car body or other parts made of metal. Also in order to preserve the paintwork of the car. To strengthen and protect concrete, stone and other structural elements from the effects of weather changes and temperature changes on their surfaces, as well as high humidity.

How a hydrophobic agent works
Each hydrophobic coating has an active filler, which, interacting with the surface, forms a special very thin layer - a film. It is she who prevents the penetration of moisture through herself, creating a kind of anti-corrosion barrier. This coating can process fabric elements, metal, glass, even under very adverse weather conditions, extending their service life. The line of new and modern hydrophobic substances includes:
- wax compositions;
- Teflon coating;
- silicon-based organics;
- corrosion with inhibitorssilicone;
Having a unique structure and composition, the hydrophobic coating is able to penetrate deep into the pores of the surface, while creating a thin invisible layer by crystallization.
Types of hydrophobic material
All products of the water-repellent coating line are divided into four main types:
- varnishes;
- impregnation;
- special colors;
- stains.

Varnishes are used to treat and protect wooden surfaces from damage, decay and other destructive actions, they are produced in an unpainted form, that is, completely without color. Lies on the surface easily, the service life is quite long. Painted surfaces become attractive and shiny. The processing process takes place in two stages: surface preparation and the process of applying the material.
Impregnation. They are used in the construction of paths on terraces or the erection of building walls. The material is applied both during the laying and upon its completion. The use of impregnations is especially effective for porous surfaces, where, as a rule, water enters, which subsequently leads to a deterioration in both the appearance of the surface and its inherent characteristics.
Stains. The basis of this product is drying oil, which has a particularly good effect on the quality of wooden surfaces and is perfectly absorbed by the latter. Apply by roller, brush or spray.
Special colors. Are applied to all types of wall surfaces. The product is easy to apply tomaterial, odorless, moisture resistant and hygienic, vapor permeable and economical. Paint easily lays down on a damp basis. After drying, it becomes an excellent protective barrier against high humidity and its effects.

Hydrophobic agent and car
Hydrophobic coatings for the car can be purchased at almost any auto shop. The body treated with this substance will protect it from corrosion or other contaminants for many years, it perfectly protects the paintwork and prevents scratches on its surface. If you apply a hydrophobic coating with your own hands by polishing the metal parts of the main components of the car, this will extend the life of the car as a whole.
Now these funds are sold in a variety of forms. Modern hydrophobic coatings for automobiles are non-toxic and indifferent. And most importantly - they are able to completely protect the treated surface from damage due to high humidity. Hydrophobic coating for car windows has a unique water-repellent effect. And this is safe driving in a downpour or heavy rain.
Waterproof concrete with additives

As you know, concrete is a material that has a high water absorption coefficient, so it is recommended to additionally and specially process it. After all, moisture that penetrates into its surface will not only lead to shedding of the base, but also to damage to its integrity. Often a hydrophobic coating forconcrete applied to its surface can completely protect it from this incident. But in some cases, this is not enough, and it is necessary to change the structure of the material in order to minimize the level of porosity, making it more durable.
Advantages of water repellents
The main and undeniable advantages of these substances are:
- Easier handling of materials such as concrete. In finished designs, they are almost invisible.
- During the crystallization process, a light film is formed that can pass air.
- Non-toxic and does not contain substances harmful to human he alth, do not pollute the environment.
- Processing building facades with these products prolongs their service life.
Remember that in order to achieve the desired effect from water repellents, you need to correctly and skillfully take into account the nuance: each of the surfaces that will be treated with them has its own special tools. And for this it is better to use either the advice of a competent person, or to entrust this matter to an experienced specialist. With the right approach and the right choice, the surfaces and structural elements treated with it will serve you for many years.

Hydrophobic compounds in wall waterproofing
Since the architecture and construction of structures began to develop, one of their main elements is the roof. A reliable roof is a symbol of building protection. And we must admit that it is she who is most exposed to natural and temperature loads. Therefore, it requiresextra attention and processing. If you apply a hydrophobic coating for stone in construction or in finishing some parts of a country house with this material, then the appearance of the material will always have its original appearance.
For this purpose, the developers of water-repellent coatings have created special additives. They are able to influence the density of the solution and plasticity. The result is a concrete mortar that is easy to lay and when dry it is a hard, durable, waterproof and low temperature resistant product. To achieve this effect when building with concrete, you need to use either in combination the additives below, or separately:
- Clogging.
- Polymer.
- Plastifying.

Comparative characteristics of water repellents
Hydrophobic agents first appeared about 40 years ago. They were based on: an organosilicon solution, which included polyhydroxyloxane, Na methyl siliconate and Na ethyl siliconate. These substances had negative qualitative properties: they were low in efficiency and flammable. To date, they have completely disappeared from production. Modern products of this line are mostly made from polyorganosiloxane and its derivatives: polymethylhydridesiloxane liquids, polymethylsiloxane resins, alkali metal alkyl siliconates or other compositions based on the latter. These products are non-toxic, non-hazardous, not harmful toenvironment and for the human body.

Surface and bulk hydrophobization
Surface hydrophobization is carried out by injection or by applying a substance with a brush, roller, spray. Volumetric hydrophobization is carried out by injection into specially drilled holes in the walls of a building or other surfaces. Drilling is done in a checkerboard pattern with a downward slope almost to the very end. Further, a hydrophobic material is introduced into these boreholes under a certain pressure. This surface treatment method is considered more efficient than the first.
This is due to the fact that the denser the impregnation of the surface with a substance, the stronger the hydrophobic protection is considered. Such protection does not lose its properties for 30 years during surface treatment, and if volumetric protection is applied, then the entire service life of the structure.