Types of reducers (photo). Types of gas reducers

Types of reducers (photo). Types of gas reducers
Types of reducers (photo). Types of gas reducers

Reducers have been used for many decades in various fields of instrumentation and technology. But such devices are most widely used in the automotive industry in the manufacture of aggregates and components of automobiles. Various types of gearboxes are installed on cars, scooters and motorcycles. For the first time, this equipment was manufactured at the Tula plant, but at that time it was a real shortage, so only the we althiest people could purchase it.

types of gearboxes
types of gearboxes

Currently, such devices are very common, but only now they are no longer in demand. That is why it is very difficult to find spare parts for them. Sometimes it may even be necessary to have an exact drawing of the gearbox in order to create quality parts.

Types of devices

The following main types of gearboxes are distinguished:

  • worm;
  • toothed;
  • gearmotors;
  • hydraulic.

All of them are endowed with their own characteristics and are used in various fields. A device of this kind can be found in almost anycar. Each of them is endowed with an additional gear shaft. The efficiency of the gearbox also depends on the type.

types of gas reducers
types of gas reducers

In addition, the installation of such a device is very simple, but you should be very careful not to damage the shaft of the primary gearbox. Moreover, a minimum of materials is used to create it, and no frame structures are even needed during installation. The manufacturers also took into account the need to create a device that would fully meet all the needs of consumers. Therefore, there are types of gearboxes of different sizes and capacities.

Planetary and spur gearboxes

These types of gearboxes are most often used in modern mechanisms and units for general industrial purposes. They are produced according to the following scheme: the output shaft and the electric motor are located very close to each other. Helical gearboxes are the most popular variety of all existing today. They are designed to change the speed of rotation when transmitting torque. Modifications of such devices can be one- and three-stage.

types of gearboxes photo
types of gearboxes photo

All types of spur gearboxes are reliable and durable, so the machines and equipment with these installations are very durable and productive.

Worm gears: types and purpose

The worm gearbox is a special kind, having a rather unusual body with a worm thread profile. It is usedwhen transferring motion between intersecting axes, which are located, as a rule, at right angles. The main advantage of this device is the possibility of obtaining a large gear ratio in one stage.

Bevel-helical gearboxes

Such devices also have their own characteristics. Their working elements are endowed with a very original design solution, but they perform the same functions as other types of gearboxes: they change the rotation speed when one shaft transfers rotational motion to another. Compared with other varieties, such devices have a fairly high efficiency. Most often used for various drives of conveyor lines, mine traction electric locomotive, etc.

types of gearboxes vaz
types of gearboxes vaz

As noted earlier, the types of gearboxes, the photos of which are posted in the article, are used each in their specific area. It should be remembered that the correct choice of such a device guarantees a long period of its operation, and, accordingly, vice versa. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the acquisition of equipment that will be installed in the car.

Reducer disassembly

The gearbox housing has certain features, due to which such a device is disassembled according to a certain scheme. This process is necessary if, for any reason, the gearbox device has ceased to function normally. Many people do very wrong: when the gearbox breaks down, they simply throw it away. But if you properly approach this matter, suchthe equipment can be repaired, after which the equipment will function in the same way as before. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is quite difficult to purchase such spare parts for your car or scooter, so you should not scatter them in vain.

Disassembly steps

  • If the gear housing has been disassembled for some time, then, first of all, it would be nice to clean it from dirt and dust.
  • Next, you need to unscrew all bolts tightening the gearbox. Then, using a building hair dryer, heat the device from all sides, and then knock on the case with a wooden mallet. This should be done until two halves are formed.
  • We need to find out what caused the breakdown. Naturally, there are different types of gearboxes, so it is important to take this into account when looking for the cause of a malfunction. As a rule, gearboxes fail for 2 main reasons: the first is that the input shaft or its bearing has broken, the second is that the gears have worn teeth. If parts are broken, they will have to be thrown away.
  • Replace gears and bearings with new parts.
  • Remove the safety shield.
  • Remove the retaining ring and remove the axle shaft from the cup.
  • Before assembling all parts, it is necessary to check their integrity.
  • After the gearbox housing is fully assembled, it can be returned to its designated place.

Features of gas reducers

The gas reducer is a device used to equalize the pressure level when supplying gas. Suchthe device can effectively maintain the desired pressure. In addition, it can lower its level if necessary. Thanks to the gearbox, you can save a lot, which is very important today.

worm gear types
worm gear types

There are such types of gas reducers: propane and methane. The first of them is used in welding and cutting metal. The second is installed on vehicles to save fuel. It is worth noting that both of these options have their own unique features.

Propane Reducers

Such devices are most commonly used in domestic and industrial environments. They can be found in modern homes where household gas bottles are used.

Methane reducers

They are actively used on various cars. Today, many drivers give their preference to gas, because it can be driven more economically. The gearbox makes it possible to save and ensure safety. Much depends on the quality of the device. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase it in a trusted place and only with a product certificate.

Types of VAZ gearboxes

Depending on the components, such devices can be of different types. The main gear gears are endowed with an unusual shape, and the teeth are at different angles. This is because a hypoid transmission is used. Its main advantages are:

  • work without jerks;
  • low noise;
  • reduced load on each of the teeth.
  • types of cylindricalgearboxes
    types of cylindricalgearboxes

The whole mechanism, therefore, can be operated for quite a long time and, as practice shows, quite reliably. Reducers can have a gear ratio - 3.9, 4.1, 4.3, 4.44. It should be noted that such devices are installed on many other models of domestic cars.
