How to make a DIY folding fishing chair

How to make a DIY folding fishing chair
How to make a DIY folding fishing chair

The main occupation of fishing is waiting for a bite. And it is much more convenient and pleasant to do this while sitting on a fishing chair assembled with your own hands. There are more than enough drawings of them on the corresponding resources, and the variety of types allows you to choose the most suitable option and one that suits your own preferences.

Features of fishing chairs

You can assemble various models with your own hands and using various materials. But their main characteristics remain unchanged. Among the qualities that chairs must have are the following:

Sustainability. The chair must be stable regardless of the relief of the coastal strip

Strength. The design must support the weight of the fisherman, and not break after the first use

Small size and weight. Stowing a bulky and heavy chair even in a personal car can be problematic. And in those cases when you need to walk a certain distance, any person seeks to lighten his burden. And a heavy or large chairin this situation is unacceptable

DIY folding fishing chairs
DIY folding fishing chairs

Since it is planned to assemble a fishing chair with your own hands, its design should be simple. Therefore, it is better to give preference to simple schemes that everyone can assemble.

Design options

Before deciding how to make a fishing chair with your own hands, you need to decide what kind it should be.

The easiest option is a stool. These are the lightest and most compact models that are easy to carry. And the technology for their manufacture is simpler than other options.

DIY fishing chair
DIY fishing chair

A fishing chair with a back will be more comfortable. It is a little more difficult to assemble it with your own hands than the previous version. However, it will allow you to relax your back during prolonged sitting, which is also important for any fisherman.

The most comfortable option is a chair that has both a back and armrests. Sitting on it, the fisherman will not experience muscle tension. True, such models have a lot of weight. But if you drive a private car to the place of fishing, then this is not a problem. One of the modifications of this model can be considered a folding chair. You can even lie down on it.

Experienced fishermen often prefer a box chair. You can sit on top of it. And inside it has a storage space where you can hide fixtures, tools or catch. This option resembles a home locker. It only has a seat on top. To not get up every timewhen you need to see the contents of the box, the box can be organized as a drawer.

Materials used

You can assemble a chair for fishing with your own hands using various materials. The use of improvised raw materials will significantly reduce the cost of all work.

You can often find wooden chairs. Wooden blocks of various sizes are used both for the manufacture of the frame and for the preparation of the seat, backrest and other elements.

DIY folding fishing chair
DIY folding fishing chair

Metal pipes are widely used as supports. They can be combined with wooden or fabric seats. To cut out the seat, pieces of tarpaulin, leather and other durable fabrics are used. There are also plastic items. It is a durable yet lightweight material, ideal for making fishing chairs.

Do-it-yourself structures are assembled using fasteners. The base is assembled, as a rule, using self-tapping screws, bolts, screws, brackets.

Stool with four plastic legs

Very convenient to use are self-assembled folding fishing chairs in the shape of a stool. The basis in them is made of plastic pipes. A piece of dense, durable fabric is taken as a seat.

The first step is to prepare the blanks. 8 pieces are cut from a plastic pipe. The pieces that will serve as a support should be about 50-60 cm long. Such blanks will require 4 pieces. 4 more pieces will be required 35-40 cm long. Two of them will go tobottom jumpers between the legs. They will allow you to get a more reliable and stable design. And two will organize the seat.

do-it-yourself fishing chair drawings
do-it-yourself fishing chair drawings

Long pieces are joined in pairs. Each pair is fastened with a bolt, twisted in the middle. You should get two cruciform parts. They are interconnected at the edges with short elements. Should be a retractable design. Ease of folding (unfolding) is regulated by the tension of the bolts.

The upper short jumpers are interconnected with a piece of fabric (for example, tarpaulin). Should be a seat. A narrower fabric ribbon is stretched between the lower pair of jumpers. It will be a limiter that will not allow the chair to fold.

Folding chair with metal legs

You can also make your own folding fishing chairs with metal legs. Their design is similar to the previous version. The only difference is the use of aluminum (or steel) pipes. It is worth noting that this option will have more weight than made from a plastic pipe. But at the same time, its reliability will be higher.

The manufacturing process itself is similar. Blanks can be taken in the same dimensions. The only difference is in the way the individual elements are attached to each other. Metal will be a little more difficult to work with. With a tool, most connections can be made welded. Only at the intersection of the legs must there be bolts. Otherwise the chair will not fold.

Wooden chair with four legs

This is another option that will help you assemble a folding fishing chair with your own hands. Drawings prepared in advance will allow you to determine the dimensions of the structure and the required amount of materials.

how to make a fishing chair with your own hands
how to make a fishing chair with your own hands

4 blanks are prepared from wooden bars, which will be supports. The two parts are connected to each other by a bolt twisted in the middle of the legs. You should get two blanks that are somewhat reminiscent of scissors. The blanks are connected to each other with wooden planks. They will serve as a seat. They can be replaced with cloth.

Lumps are made from below in the form of wooden beams. They won't let the chair slide.

Wooden four-legged stool with backrest

Similar to the previous option, you can make a folding fishing chair with a back with your own hands. To do this, you will need to slightly change the design. And you will need the following materials for this:

Wooden supports x 2, 91cm long

Wooden supports (2 pcs.) 55 cm long

31.5cm Wooden Seat Supports

  • Six boards of various sizes for the seat (40x7, 39x4, 36, 5x4, 36, 5x4, 31x4, 30x4).
  • Wooden back (40x0.7 cm).

Crossbars for connecting the bars (1 pc. 39x5 cm and 2 pcs. 32x3 cm)

Begin work with the preparation of supports. Holes for bolts are made on their outer part. On the inside, along the rail, grooves are made with a length and depth of 1.1 cm. Supportsconnected by crossbars. The joints are smeared with glue.

To make it more comfortable to sit on a chair, a bevel is made over a bunch of long supports. The boards on the seat are connected to the bars with dowels and screws.

do-it-yourself folding fishing chair drawings
do-it-yourself folding fishing chair drawings

Three-legged chair

There are options for chairs that have only 3 legs as a support. There are also drawings for similar models. A folding chair for fishing with your own hands, assembled, and even at minimal cost, will appeal to many. And yes, it's easy to make. You will need the following materials:

3 legs about 60 cm long (they are made from wooden blocks with a round section)

A piece of fabric in the shape of a triangle (for example, thick leather)

Mounting bolt with loop

Long mounting bolt

Washers (3 pcs fastening and 3 pcs finishing)

Nuts (2 pcs.)

A hole is drilled in the middle of the cut bars. The same holes are made on the upper sections of the bars. They will be required to attach the fabric to the seat. Under them, holes are pierced at the corners of the fabric.

Two legs are connected by a long bolt. A bolt with a loop must be put on the bolt between the legs. With it, the third leg will be fixed.

DIY folding fishing chair blueprints
DIY folding fishing chair blueprints

The fabric is screwed to the upper cuts of the legs using decorative washers. Next, a fabric strip is attached, for which it will be convenient to carry a high chair.

This version of the chair is very light,compact. It unfolds (assembles) without any effort. A shoulder strap makes it easy to carry. Materials for its manufacture are available. The only downside is convenience. Three legs do not give the desired stability. A small seat does not allow you to fully relax. Yes, and the lifespan is questionable. The fabric quickly starts to tear in the corners.


As you can see, it's easy to make a fishing chair with your own hands. Having chosen the model you like, you can begin to prepare the drawing. According to it, the calculation of the necessary materials and the dimensions of the necessary parts is made. And then all the elements are connected together.

The choice of model and materials depends on several basic parameters. The main ones can be considered ease of manufacture, convenience and comfort during operation, size and weight. Their combination depends on personal preference. If you go fishing by car, you can choose comfort and neglect low weight. If you prefer walking, then it is better to choose lighter and more compact models.
