It should be pleasant and comfortable to rest and work at the summer cottage. The garden arch will be an excellent addition to the decorative zone, and will also form an excellent place for relaxation of all family members. Such structures can have different forms, for example, trellis or have the shape of a vault, each of them can be implemented without outside help, which is very cost-effective.
On sale today you can find arches of various designs, but inexpensive ones look very simple, and are also made of plastic, which is affected by an aggressive environment, which indicates a short lifespan of the structure. While expensive models may not fit in terms of design features or shade, they are most often made of metal, which is very problematic to deliver to the place on your own.
The arch for the garden is quite often for these reasons made by home craftsmen on their own. Performing such work is not a difficult task, and even a person who does not have enough experience can cope with this. Best formanipulations to use wood, as it is simply processed and looks natural.
Preparation for work

If you will be making an arch for the garden, then you will need to prepare wooden bars or poles in the amount of 4 or 6 pieces. Their height should be equal to two meters, while the width is 100 or 75 millimeters. These pillars will have to be installed strictly vertically so that they act as supports, to which 2 side cross beams will be fixed. To them, in turn, the crossbars will be attached. For the manufacture of the latter, an edged board is suitable, the cross section of which is 20 x 200 millimeters. It is important to choose the right wood, its humidity should not be too high, otherwise, when it dries out, the material will lose its original shape, and the whole structure will no longer be even.
Material selection

It is best not to save on wood, only in this way it will be possible to make an arch that will last more than one year. If you purchase material in the summer, you should ask about the period when the forest was cut down. In winter, such manipulations are most preferable, since the trunks contain the least amount of juice, which negatively affects the quality characteristics during operation.
Arch manufacturing technology

Initially, you will need to prepare the recesses, the parameter of which can vary from 0.5 to1 meters. This is where the poles will be placed. It is worth noting that when you make an arch for a garden, the depth of the holes depends on the type of soil. If you have to work with loose soil, then you should go deeper. In order for the design to be practical, some of the supports to be buried must be treated with bitumen or well wrapped with roofing material. Suitable for these works and roofing, as well as other waterproofing materials. When arches are made for the garden with their own hands, the correct installation of the supports must be checked using the building level, which will ensure the vertical position of the elements. The resulting empty space in the pits should be filled with rubble, but the most reliable way will be pouring with concrete.
Master's recommendations

When making arches for a garden with your own hands, you should think about the location of the structure. You can start building it along the path or in the recreation area. If the pillars are increased to 6 pieces, then this will form a real gazebo. If there is a desire for the plants to braid the pergola, then it is recommended to stretch the twine between the posts. If you fill the slats between them, placing them in the form of a lattice, then the pergola will have a very attractive appearance. In order to exclude the negative impact of insects on wood, it is better to treat the surface of the elements with a special composition. It will protect the structure from the harmful effects of atmospheric influence. Lattices can also be located on the roof, so it will be more convenient for plants.climb up.
Nuances of the work

When making arches for the garden, the photos of which are presented in the article, you can also use elements made of metal. It can be a corner or fittings. To begin with, such blanks are well degreased, and then stained in the desired color. It is best to choose a composition that has the qualities of weather resistance. Wooden elements are recommended to be fixed with galvanized parts. The wooden arch is better combined with plants, however, during severe frosts and subsequent thawing, the wood can change its original dimensions and also darken, which does not always look very attractive. It is important to consider that plants, freezing to metal, may die.
Garden pergola arches can be made from combined materials, such as wood and OSB, with which you can make the walls deaf. Using as many materials as possible, you have the opportunity to realize all your design ideas. Wooden arches for the garden can also become full-fledged gazebos if polycarbonate is used for this, which will become a covering material. Its fastening is carried out on a frame, previously made of wood or metal.