During the construction of any type of building, special attention is paid to the decoration of the facade, because it is its uniqueness that emphasizes the appearance of the building. The modern market is filled with a wide range of different finishing materials, which have many colors, shades, various textures. A fiber cement panel can be an excellent option for cladding the facades of buildings, cottages, private houses.

What is this facing material
Fiber cement panel is a modern artificial material that has a multilayer structure. It consists of a cement-sand mortar, fiber fibers and special additives. The initial density of fiber cement depends on the volume of components such as water and air. Medium density panels are designed for small building projects. High density products are used in large scale projects.
Panels have a different texture (stone, wood, brick) and are covered with a protective film. Each type looks aesthetically pleasing and natural. Finished products undergo heat treatment, which is carried out under high pressure inspecial chambers. This makes it possible to completely dehydrate them, which excludes various kinds of deformations in further operation.
Fiber cement panel is used for cladding facades of brick, wooden, frame buildings. The average weight of 1 m2 is 16-38 kg. Panels can be mounted on a metal profile or wooden frame.

All fiber cement façade panels feature:
- incombustibility;
- UV resistance;
- low water absorption;
- corrosion resistance;
- thermal insulation;
- frost resistance;
- noise reduction;
light weight

Panel sizes
Dimensions of facade fiber cement panels depend on the manufacturer. The thickness of the product varies from 8 to 35 mm. The width and length of the panels can be 455 x 3030, 455 x 1818, 910 x 3030 mm.
Most Popular Brands
Japanese fiber cement panels have gained the greatest popularity in the domestic market. Consumer reviews about the technical characteristics of Nichiha brand products are only positive. These are full-bodied panels that are of high quality and a huge selection of textures. The filler for their production is natural fibers from hardwood.
No less popularKmew brand fiber cement panel. Products of this manufacturer have a hollow structure. Its improved characteristics make the panels durable and strong. Chopped paper or cellulose is used as a filler.
Russian facade fiber cement panels of the "Rospan" and "Latonit" brands are also in good demand. Performance indicators allow them to be used in various climatic conditions.
Domestic fiber cement panels, customer reviews of which are very different, have strength, durability, resistance to precipitation. In addition, they have an affordable price.

Installation of facade panels
Installation of facade panels is carried out similarly to the installation of siding and involves three consecutive stages of work:
- wall preparation;
- mounting frame;
installing fiber cement panels.
Before you start installation, you should first measure and prepare the walls of the house. In order to identify irregularities, it is necessary to make a geodetic survey of the facade. Next, drainpipes, platbands, window sills and other finishing elements are removed. Check for fungus or mold on the walls, and eliminate any possible damage. After carrying out the preparatory work, they begin to install the frame.

Like all ventilated facades, the fiber cement panel is fixedon vertical guides, which can be wooden or metal profile. The distance between the planks should correspond to 40-60 cm. It is best to use a metal frame structure. Special brackets are provided for its fastening. They are mounted vertically with a step distance from each other of 1 m, horizontally - 60 cm. After the installation of the frame, a layer of vapor barrier and insulation is laid.
The final stage is the installation of panels. To do this, first set the starting bar, which will be based on the first row. Its width must correspond to the thickness of the panel. Plates are mounted from the bottom up. The method of fastening the panels depends on their thickness. Thin products 14 mm can be fastened with self-tapping screws, and 18 mm thick - with special clamps. The joints between the plates are sealed with sealant. Panels are cut with specialized power tools.
A well-made façade with fiber cement panels that mimic stone, brick or wood will give your home a beautiful appearance that will delight you for many years.