Carpets made from natural materials create comfort in our homes. In the winter cold, it is impossible to imagine your home without a pleasant and warm pile under your feet. In addition, carpets are an economical alternative to underfloor heating. But over time, they lose their original color, besides, their capricious pile so "loves" to absorb various stains. And if at first an ordinary vacuum cleaner copes with the removal of small contaminants, then after a certain time the housewives have to look for an effective carpet cleaner. Which composition should be preferred: a chemical reagent or a folk method? There is no single correct answer to this question, because the products are selected depending on the type of stains, the pile of the coating and the complexity of the pollution.
Compounds for regular cleaning
Every housewife in the apartment should have detergents for cleaning carpets. Consumer reviews indicate that cleaning with a vacuum cleaner alone is not able to maintain the original cleanliness and brightness of such a coating. The most popular detergents are mild shampoos that form a thick lather and easily cope withhousehold pollution. For stubborn stains, stain removers are used. There are also all-purpose cleaners on the market. These compositions must be treated with caution. After all, there is no truly universal remedy designed to remove all types of pollution.

Some rules for removing difficult stains
Fresh stains are easiest to remove. Therefore, you do not need to wait for the next day or weekend, but you should start cleaning immediately, because it will be extremely difficult to remove a stubborn stain from coffee or jam. As soon as an incident occurs, detergents for cleaning carpets will come to the rescue. If you can’t clean it to the end the first time, then you will have to resort to more drastic measures. If the stain is large, do not pour the entire composition onto it at once. It is best to test it on a small area of the stain. Store-bought chemicals are suitable only for synthetic pile, for natural, you need to use folk remedies for cleaning carpets. In this case, avoid getting hot water on the stain - this will only exacerbate the problem. Do not overuse hard bristled brushes to avoid damaging the carpet surface. After completion of the procedure, the wet area is well dried. It is good to remove stubborn dirt, as well as ink, with undiluted lemon juice. It is squeezed directly onto the stain and left for 1.5 hours, then wipe the problem area with a damp sponge.

Folk methods
The inquisitive mind of folk craftsmen and experimenters, by trial and error, tested folk remedies for cleaning carpets at home. Sometimes the most unexpected products were used for these purposes. So, even our grandmothers adapted to clean carpets with sauerkraut. The method is suitable for general cleaning. Before use, the brine must be drained, and the cabbage should be evenly distributed over the surface of the carpet. Then clean the cabbage leaves from the pile with a brush. The cabbage is harvested, washed in water and used again in the same way until the dirt is no longer absorbed. At first glance, this is a laborious process, but in fact a fairly quick procedure. In conclusion, the carpet is put in order with a vacuum cleaner. Regular carpet cleaning with home remedies is carried out using approximately the same technology. All dry cleaning components act as an abrasive that absorbs dust and dirt particles. Instead of cabbage, you can use table s alt, sawdust or bran.
Benefits of folk remedies

What are the good folk cleaning methods? Firstly, almost all the components that may suddenly be needed are always at hand. Folk methods are available and do not cost fabulous money. Secondly, such methods are absolutely safe and do not damage the quality of the coating and its pile, which cannot be said about chemical compositions. The fact is that the carpet consists of a base to which the pile is glued. Underunder the influence of a chemical reagent, the adhesive layer can be destroyed, the pile wears out, bald spots form, and a presentable appearance is lost.
Wet cleaning
If hostesses are asked to recommend the best carpet cleaner, they will undoubtedly name vinegar solution. The composition is prepared in this way. They take an ordinary household spray bottle, put baking soda and washing powder in it in equal proportions. Most often, one tablespoon of these components is used. Then pour 1/3 cup of vinegar into a container, and finally add hot water to the contents. After thoroughly shaking the resulting cleaner, spray it on the surface of the carpet. For cleaning, do not use a brush, but a sponge. At the end of the procedure, the composition is washed off with water.

Homemade carpet cleaners for specific stains
If blood acts as a pollution, then no means will help, except cold water. An old bloody stain is first soaked, covered with a damp cloth, and then removed with a sponge. A fresh stain is much easier to remove. Fresh drops of tea or coffee are removed with soapy water, and glycerin is first rubbed into old ones for about half a day. To remove chewing gum, you must first freeze it. To do this, pieces of ice are applied to the problem area, after freezing, the chewing gum is removed with a scraper or knife. Alcohol stains are removed with warm water and a tablespoon of vinegar. Vinegar neutralizes the smell of spilled alcohol so it doesn't get in the way.comfortable existence, the stain should be removed immediately. To achieve the greatest effect, use a soapy brush. It is then placed in a vinegar solution and the appropriate manipulations are carried out to remove the stain.

Specific complex pollution
Very difficult to excrete fruit juices, leftover berries or chocolate. Old stains are practically not removed. In cases with the listed products, carpet cleaning with home remedies should be carried out immediately. To help in the extermination of fruit and berry dyes, as well as spilled drops of wine, laundry soap and vinegar will come. Soap should not be rubbed directly into the carpet; for the cleaning procedure, you will need to dilute a little dry shavings in an vinegar solution. Cleaning is done with a brush. Such a gentle solution can be used several times until the pollution disappears completely, then the place is wiped with a damp cloth. Also, ammonia is used to exterminate wine stains. The best carpet cleaner for greasy stains is talcum powder. You can use crushed chalk in the same capacity. The greasy spot is sprinkled with talcum powder, and then, covered with a sheet of blotter, iron the sprinkled area with an iron. The fat should be absorbed into the blotter. Sometimes, to absorb fat, the place is sprinkled with sawdust, previously soaked in gasoline. In this case, the composition is left in the problem area for several hours and the room must be thoroughly ventilated. As a result, the winter cleaning procedure in this way looks somewhat difficult.

Pile types
For different pile structures, various home carpet cleaners are used. Long pile is difficult to clean due to the fact that it literally attracts particles of dust and dirt, which firmly settle in it. Cleaning in this case takes place in two stages. First, use the soapy foam of the shampoo and a gentle brush. After absorbing the foam for final cleaning, the vacuum cleaner comes into play. If housewives do not like the laborious cleaning process, then it is better for them to keep short pile carpets in the house. Such products are successfully cleaned with both dry and wet cleaning. Ammonia and tea tree extract do a good job of tidying a short pile.
Natural carpets

If the house is covered with natural materials, then it is necessary to use gentle carpet cleaners. The reviews of the hostesses indicate that, in addition to the usual pollution, natural pile is susceptible to moths, fungus and mold due to frequent wet cleaning. If store-bought formulations are used, then it is necessary to carefully read the instructions and labeling. The label should indicate that the product is suitable for cleaning natural pile. Synthetic carpets are the most unpretentious in cleaning the coating. Artificial fibers do not attract a lot of dust; a vacuum cleaner or a damp brush is enough to clean them. Sometimes housewives easily cope with the care of synthetics with the help of an ordinary broom. Howeverthe service life of such a product is much shorter.
Product color
Light-colored carpets are best cleaned with shampoo or shavings of laundry soap. It is strictly contraindicated to use lemon juice or tea leaves. For dark pile, there are also unsuitable products for cleaning carpets at home. These include those that are able to leave light stains, for example, starch or soda. The best helpers in cleaning dark pile are ammonia diluted in water and a soft brush. If you carry out such a procedure regularly and do not delay the removal of problem stains, know the secrets of use, have good carpet cleaners on hand, then cleaning the house will be easy. Going to the dry cleaners and constantly taking the cover outside to dry and remove dust with a cracker are a thing of the past. Now the main companions of housewives in the fight for cleanliness are vacuum cleaners, cleaning shampoos, folk remedies and brushes with soft bristles.