The unbearable heat outside in the summer can force you to build a humidifier with your own hands, because climate technology for a home is quite expensive.
Homemade devices are usually based on the principle of cold steam. To lower the air temperature in the house, plastic bottles, glass jars, computer fans, as well as rags, gauze and clothespins are used. Cheerful inventors even make air purifiers for the home on their own. At the same time, waste baskets, various lids and other little things lying around in the pantries are used.

The easiest way to make a humidifier with your own hands is to put a simple jar filled with cold water indoors and dip a rag into it. Thus, the water will evaporate, and the air will gradually begin to humidify. This method functions flawlessly, but it is ineffective: a liter of water can evaporate only for a long time. Alternative option -dampened towel, located on a rope. It can also create a similar effect. And yet, the productivity of such technologies is practically zero, so those suffering from stuffiness began to invent all kinds of devices.
If you want to make a humidifier with your own hands, you need to clearly define the components. In fact, the design of a home-made device is very simple and consists of some kind of water tank, a special cover, a fan with a diameter of about 140 mm, fabric filters and a voltage regulator necessary for the operation of a rotating element. A plastic bottle is most often used as a container for the device, which is an excellent container for supplying water. Its size doesn't really matter.

Making a humidifier with your own hands is not a problem at all. True, in many cases the inventions are cumbersome, unaesthetic and noisy. However, this does not prevent them from performing their main function, humidifying the air up to seventy percent. Some models work thanks to self-wetting discs that are constantly wetted with water. Another version of the device is a design that operates on the basis of a computer fan that converts individual droplets into water vapor.
So how do you make a simple DIY humidifier? For these purposes, a plastic bottle is taken, in which a 5x10 cm hole is cut. Then it is hung up with a cutout upwards on a battery pipe located vertically. Forfasteners are used fabric ribbons, fixed on the bottle with ordinary tape. One end of gauze, folded in the form of a wick, is lowered into the slot, and the other end is wound around a hot battery. The bottle itself is filled with plain water. If you need to buy an air purifier, but there is not enough money for the device, then it can also be made from improvised means.