Goat's rue-grass, plant description

Goat's rue-grass, plant description
Goat's rue-grass, plant description

Goat's rue is a grass of a legume crop, the yield of which reaches 70-80 tons. It can grow in one place up to 20 years. There are 2 types of this plant: Lori and North Caucasian. Goat's Rue is a frost-resistant grass that tolerates cold winters and cool springs well. Thanks to a powerfully developed root system, its crops can be used on sloping areas as a means of combating soil erosion.

goat's rue grass
goat's rue grass

Oriental Goat's Rue

Oriental goat's rue contains active substances that stimulate milk secretion, excite the sympathetic-adrenaline system and enhance blood circulation. Goat's rue is an excellent honey plant, which is visited by bees during flowering, as a result of which this crop is marked by a stable crop of seeds. Oriental goat's rue is equal to sainfoin in terms of its honey and nectar productivity. A small prospect for the distribution of goat's rue is presented in areas of sufficient humidity, where at least 500 mm of precipitation falls in one year. Oriental goat's rue is a perennial herbaceous plant. According to the root system, it refers to plants with a tap root, which forms root offspring. In the first years of life, the development of goat's rue occurs relativelyslowly, produces no more than one mowing of 4 tons of hay, and it is not recommended to mow it in the first year of life, if by the end of the growing season the plant has a height of no more than 20 cm. grow intensively. This crop is indispensable for humans due to its ability to grow for a long time, the use of grass stands until the end of autumn, and the high energy of shoot formation.

goat's rue oriental
goat's rue oriental

Useful properties

Oriental goat's rue is a herb that is high in protein, ash and carbohydrates. The nutritional value of the plant remains high throughout the growing season. The stems and leaves remain green after the seeds have matured, while retaining their nutritional value. Plants are used as fresh feed for livestock, for making hay, and for preparing high-protein concentrates.

goat's rue officinalis
goat's rue officinalis


The ripening process is marked by coarsening of the stem, which, together with the leaves, remains green until the seeds are fully ripe. When they are harvested, it is possible to simultaneously obtain green mass for food. Oriental goat's rue is demanding of light, especially in the initial stage of growth, it does not tolerate shading. The cover culture should not be too lodging and thick; it should be harvested early. For the same reasons goat's rue is sensitive to infestation, and especially in the year of sowing. For this culture, loose,fertile and moist soils. Goat's rue crops are successful not only on chernozem, but also on sod-calcareous and sod-podzolic soils. Plants are cultivated on reclaimed drained peatlands and floodplain lands. The soil in any case should be cultivated, rich in organic matter and have a sufficiently deep arable layer, be clean from weeds.
