Cement facade plaster for leveling surfaces

Cement facade plaster for leveling surfaces
Cement facade plaster for leveling surfaces

Cement plaster is often used to prepare uneven bases in the form of external walls. The front part of the building after its application can be finished with other decorative compositions. Gypsum mixtures are not suitable for work from the street side, as they have insufficient moisture resistance and relatively low strength indicators.

Facade cement plaster
Facade cement plaster

Advantages and disadvantages of cement-based mortars

Usually, cement facade plaster is supplied in the form of a dry composition, which, after adding a certain amount of water, can be applied to the surface of walls or ceilings. The binder used has a number of suitable characteristics for outdoor use.

First of all, it is worth noting weather resistance. After the final hardening, the mixture can be kept in a humid environment for a long time without any damage. The leveling coating is not afraid of ultraviolet rays and sudden changes in temperature.

Many consumers are also attracted by the low cost of products. For example, plaster is inexpensivecement facade "Knauf Unterputz". The price of one bag weighing 25 kg is about 220 rubles. At the same time, the material consumption is relatively small.

Of the minuses, it should be noted the low plasticity of the finished solution, which somewhat complicates the application process. However, with the right approach of the master, this disadvantage is not so noticeable.

Most Popular Brands

The modern market offers a wide range of products, as there are quite a lot of manufacturers. Ingredients may differ in quality characteristics. Sometimes additional substances are introduced into them to improve specific parameters.

The table shows brands that are highly popular among various categories of consumers. It also contains information about how much cement facade plaster costs. The price is for 25 kg of dry composition.

Name Cost in rubles
UNIS 300
"VOLMA" 230
Knauf: cement facade plaster
Knauf: cement facade plaster

The listed brands are well known in the Russian market. They have proven their worth in a competitive environment. They can be purchased,fearing that the product will be of poor quality. In the case of unknown brands, there is a risk of encountering low-grade products.

Specifications of one of the brands

Cement facade plaster "Knauf Unterputz" will be taken as the sample under consideration. It is proposed to carefully study its technical characteristics to make sure that it is appropriate to use it. The main parameters are clearly stated in the table.

Characteristic Meaning
Compressive strength > 2.5 MPa
Frost hardiness level 25 cycles
Consumption at a standard thickness of 1 cm 16.5kg/sq. m
Mobile time 90 minutes
Grainy < 1.25mm
Storage period 1 year
Maximum application thickness 3.5cm
Facade cement plaster Knauf Unterputz
Facade cement plaster Knauf Unterputz

The plaster composition of the presented brand can be laid on the surface of walls or ceilings not only manually, but also by machine. The coating after final hardening is able to withstand a temperature range from -50 to 70 degrees. Since the mixture has a neutral color, it will notappears.

Surface Application Technology

Cement facade plaster is used to obtain high-quality bases for other types of cladding. The hardened surface can be coated with a paint or decorative mixture. The whole process is conditionally divided into several stages.

  1. Preparing the base. At this stage, all kinds of contaminants are removed from the surfaces. For better adhesion of the applied composition to the wall, a primer is applied.
  2. Installation of beacons by level. You can simplify the application process with the help of special metal elements with perforations. The distance between them is determined by the length of the rule. They are attached to the wall with dowels.
  3. Preparation of the mixture. To obtain a working solution, the dry composition is introduced into a suitable container with water. After stirring, there should be no lumps left. 25 kg usually takes 4.5-5 liters of liquid.
  4. Applying the finished solution to the wall. The building mixture is applied to the base with a spatula between the fixed beacons, after which it is smoothed out with a rule. After hardening, the metal elements are removed, and the remaining traces are sealed with mortar.
Facade cement plaster: price
Facade cement plaster: price

If it is planned to apply a layer with a thickness of more than 15 mm, then it is recommended to use a reinforcing mesh. Its laying helps to avoid delamination of the coating in the future. Most often, not metal, but polymer meshes are used, as they are quite affordable.

Precautions forworks

When cement facade plaster is applied to the wall, in no case should:

  • to allow the dry mixture to get into the eyes and respiratory organs;
  • leave heaters and other drying equipment unattended, if used;
  • use unstable scaffolding at height;
  • carry out finishing activities at temperatures below +5 degrees.
Cement facade plaster Knauf Unterputz: price
Cement facade plaster Knauf Unterputz: price

As a conclusion

While the choice of brand name is important, the correct application of the mortar directly onto the surface to be finished is of no small importance. In some cases, it is not so important whether it will be Unis or Knauf products. Cement facade plaster must first of all be correctly applied. Even the highest quality mixture will not last long if the basic rules were not followed during facing work.
