We equip the hallway: how to choose a mechanism for a shoe rack?

We equip the hallway: how to choose a mechanism for a shoe rack?
We equip the hallway: how to choose a mechanism for a shoe rack?

The problem of storing and placing shoes is familiar to every family. It is especially close to those people who live in large families. Usually hallways are not large, and storing shoes in closets is not always convenient, and they take up quite a lot of space. The solution to this problem can be the acquisition of a compact and multifunctional design, and the mechanism for the shoe rack should be chosen based on your own preferences.

Size matters

If you have a relatively large space, your choice of shoe models is not limited.

mechanism for shoes
mechanism for shoes

Many designs consist of several tiers, where one part is for storing shoes, and the other for other items. They can also be an interesting decor element or just an ergonomic purchase. For owners of houses with small hallways, there are also great options. No need to chase the big onesdimensions, because they cannot guarantee capacity for all available shoes. There are models that, at first glance, are quite compact, but properly selected, for example, a folding mechanism for a shoe rack, allows you to fit a decent amount of shoes in them.

mechanism for shoes
mechanism for shoes

What is the construction made of?

In stores you can find shoe racks made of various materials. The most common are:

• Chipboard, wood, plywood.

• Metal.

• Plastic. When choosing a specific model, one should take into account the fact that air is passed only the first. In turn, metal and plastic cannot boast of such characteristics. Therefore, shoe racks made of such material can only be open, otherwise the shoes simply will not dry out and be ventilated. At the same time, the mechanism for the shoe rack and other fastening elements must be made of durable types of metal. In more budget options, instead of metal structures, you can find plastic ones.

Types of shoe cabinets

Having decided on the dimensions and material, you can proceed to the most difficult task - the choice of the model itself. Today on the market of goods there is a huge number of various designs. Some have a rather simple and classic look, and some surprise with their design decision. Here it is important to take into account the features of the interior of the room and the functionality of individual samples.

shoe swivel mechanism
shoe swivel mechanism

Let's consider the most popular types of shoe racks.• The most common and simple in formthe design is a kind of rack of several sections - there is no mechanism for a shoe rack in them. In the people they are also called galoshes. This type of product is quite cheap and has both pros and cons. The positive aspects include the fact that the shoes are constantly breathing. If you place wet boots on a shelf, they will dry out after a certain time and will not rot. Another plus is the ability to use the upper tier as a seat by placing a pouffe or pillow on it. Such a design decision will be an interesting highlight, as well as make the lower levels and the shoes placed on them more invisible. Among the minuses is the fact that all the shoes are in plain sight. Sometimes it does not look very aesthetically pleasing and creates a feeling of confusion.

flip mechanism for shoe rack
flip mechanism for shoe rack

• Another type that is widely used in the arrangement of hallways is a shoe cabinet. It can be of different lengths and widths. From the first type, this model is distinguished by the presence of doors that hide the contents. Among the minuses, one can single out a rather massive design and poor air conduction. It is strictly forbidden to place wet shoes in such a space.• The last type is a slim wardrobe with folding compartments. This allows you to save space very effectively. Depending on whether a regular, 2-section, or a 3-section shoe mechanism is used, the capacity increases. This is ideal for small spaces. But, despite the large capacity,the sections are quite narrow, so there is hardly room for boots.

shoe rack mechanism 3 section
shoe rack mechanism 3 section

Summing up

As you can see, today there is a huge selection of different models of shoe racks that can satisfy any wishes. But if for some reason there was no suitable option, it is quite possible to make a shoe rack with your own hands. This will require the main material for the structure, fasteners, for example, a swivel mechanism for a shoe rack and suitable fittings. When purchasing this interior detail, it is important not only to take into account its functionality, but also external characteristics, because it is she who will meet and see you out of the house. Therefore, her appearance should bring only positive emotions.
