Modern odor absorber for refrigerators: say no to odors

Modern odor absorber for refrigerators: say no to odors
Modern odor absorber for refrigerators: say no to odors

The problem of unpleasant smell from the refrigerator is familiar to many housewives. Everyone is trying to solve this difficulty in their own ways. Someone wipes the walls and shelves with warm water and vinegar, others put a slice of lemon, cinnamon or cloves, others defrost every week, and there are those who use an odor absorber for refrigerators. So what methods can you try to get rid of this bad smell?

odor absorber for refrigerators
odor absorber for refrigerators

Odor elimination options

There are several proven ways to keep your fridge fresh.

  • Recipes of housewives. This method is harmless, since it uses common products and tools that can be found in every kitchen. For example, black bread, rice, vinegar, s alt and others.
  • Household chemicals. This wayOdor removal, although effective, must be handled with care as the chemicals can be quickly absorbed into certain foods and subsequently be detrimental to he alth.
gel odor absorber for refrigerator
gel odor absorber for refrigerator

Special odor absorber for refrigerators. These are special devices, they are mostly harmless and can be produced in different forms. For example, a round container that is hung on the grill of the refrigerator or means in the form of balls. It is worth considering in more detail the forms in which odor absorbers can be found, as well as their features


This refrigerator odor absorber is very similar to a chicken egg. The peculiarity of this model is that at normal temperature it is bluish in color, but, being in the refrigerator, the “egg” becomes white. If this device has not changed color and remains bluish, then the temperature in the refrigerator is not suitable and the food may begin to deteriorate, exuding unpleasant odors. That is, this model fulfills not only its intended purpose, but is also an indicator of cold.

Gel devices

Gel refrigerator odor absorber is especially popular because it works faster than other similar devices. The gel contains lemon extract and algae particles. Some models additionally have an antibacterial property. This is possible due to the fact that silver ions are added to the composition. Usually these scavengers are placed in the egg cell. So it will be possibleimmediately see if the gel runs out.

Ball air fresheners

This refrigerator odor absorber has a simple structure and is easy to disassemble. It consists of a box containing three balls. Unpleasant odors are absorbed here by a sachet containing silicagen. The package must be opened immediately before use. Balls that have not been used are best wrapped in a bag. Such packaging usually lasts a whole year. This type of freshener is the most affordable.

Absorber with dispenser

This appliance has filters that can be replaced. They are made of coal, which does its job well. When purchasing such an absorber, buyers usually receive two more filters for it. In total, the operation of the device is enough for six months.


These absorbers are battery operated and can not only eliminate odors, but also prevent food from rotting. The ionizer does not require a constant stay in the refrigerator. To fulfill its function, it is enough to put it on the shelf for a few minutes every day.

odor absorber for refrigerator reviews
odor absorber for refrigerator reviews

Reviews about appliances

Although not many people have a refrigerator odor absorber yet, reviews show that it makes life easier. Housewives who have equipped their refrigeration unit with this device now do not spend much time cleaning and ventilating it. But it is very important that the odor absorber is food safe, compact and does not take up much space.
