Growing strawberries from seeds is a very exciting process. In order not to be disappointed, it is better to purchase them from reputable manufacturers. Buy seeds that are more than 12 months old at the time of planting.

Seeds of remontant small-fruited beardless strawberries germinate best, for example, strawberries of the Baron Solimakher variety, as well as Alpine, Ali Baba, etc. There are a lot of seeds of these varieties in a pack, the price of packing seeds is a little more than 10 rub.
Large-fruited strawberries are more difficult to grow from seeds. But how much joy and pride you will experience if you succeed! There are few seeds in a pack, usually 10 pieces, and it is not cheap - more than 50 rubles. It makes sense to try to grow small-fruited strawberries, gain experience and skills in growing them, and then try to grow large-fruited ones.
For growing strawberries from seeds, it is better to purchase universal soil or soil for Saintpaulia. Whichever one you use, it must be disinfected. The easiest way to disinfect the soil is in the microwave. It must be placed in a container, sprinkled with water andsteam at maximum microwave power for 5 minutes. The soil must be completely cool before sowing.

The optimal time for planting strawberries for seedlings is from February to April. If it is possible to create additional lighting, then strawberries from seeds can be planted as early as January. If this is not possible, then you should not rush into planting, as you will get a weak elongated seedling.
To improve the germination of strawberry seeds, it is necessary to carry out stratification. In the process of stratification, inhibitors that inhibit the growth of embryos are destroyed in seeds. Strawberries from seeds germinate better if a layer of snow about 1 cm thick is laid on the ground and the seeds are evenly spread on top of it (if there is no snow at the time of planting, you can scrape frost from the freezer). The container should be placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass and put in the refrigerator for several days, about a week. In the process of snow melting, the seeds will fall to a depth that is optimal for germination. Crops must be ventilated daily, removing condensate accumulated on the glass (film).
After the expiration of the stratification period, the seed container must be taken out and placed in a well-lit place with diffused light. Strawberries from seeds after stratification sprout relatively quickly. The first shoots appear in a week. The remaining seeds can germinate within a month. During this period, ventilation with the removal of condensate is mandatory. When the top layer of the soil dries out, you need to water it carefully, you can use a pipette or a teapot.spoon, can be sprayed from a spray bottle. The soil in which strawberries grow from seeds should be moist, but not waterlogged.
When the sprouts develop 3-4 true leaves, you need to pick (seat young plants in separate containers). When picking, you can not deepen the heart of strawberries. It should be at ground level, not above and not below. When planting plants, it is advisable not to disturb the earthen lump of the root system, then the engraftment process will be easier. Picked plants can be put in an impromptu greenhouse or covered with foil. They need to be kept in shading for several days, and then put in a bright place so that the seedlings do not stretch.

You can plant seedlings of strawberries in the garden at a time when there is confidence that there will be no more frosts. By this time, as a rule, 5-6 real leaves have already formed on the bushes.
Among the numerous varieties, I would especially like to note the variety of strawberries "Elizabeth II". This is a large-fruited culture that bears fruit without pauses. Strawberry "Elizabeth II" forms berries weighing up to 40 g, not only on the mother specimen, but also on the mustache. This variety can be planted in containers. The benefit is double - tasty large berries and an excellent decoration of the site. In adverse weather conditions, it is easy to move the container indoors.