Polymer-bitumen mastic: features of modern materials

Polymer-bitumen mastic: features of modern materials
Polymer-bitumen mastic: features of modern materials

Bitumen is a derivative product obtained during oil refining. An indispensable material in many areas, but most often used for waterproofing construction sites, when laying and repairing roads. It can be compared in importance with materials such as rubber, glue or cement. The technical features of bitumen allow you to work with it only while maintaining it in a heated state. We had to adapt to this shortcoming until the time when polymer-bitumen mastic appeared - the prototype of liquid rubber.

New Possibilities of Polymers

Polymeric materials have become a new stage in the development of many technologies and materials, and even industries. By acquiring a new formula, bitumen not only eliminated its drawback, but also improved its quality. The used bitumen-polymer mastic for waterproofing has now been used for partial insulation against current, noise and temperature.

bitumen-polymer mastic
bitumen-polymer mastic

The new generation of bitumen has new technical capabilities:

  • Working with bitumen does not require preparation.
  • Does not require heating and working with fire, which, accordingly, reduces harmful working conditions.
  • Application in three ways.
  • Simplified repair of old bitumen.

Quality indicators are no less important:

  • Fast curing.
  • Evenly drying without cracks or smudges.
  • Good flow and filling small cracks.
  • UV resistant.
  • High plasticity (the higher the plasticity, the less the possibility of cracking, chipping and depressurization).
  • Low sound and temperature bandwidth.
  • The ability to apply evenly to any texture and shape of any complexity.

Technological features of use and storage

Modern polymer-bitumen mastic is produced with the addition of polymers, modifiers, artificial rubber, mineral fillers, solvents that maintain its pasty, i.e. working condition. The applied mastic does not require any preparation, except for mixing to obtain a uniform consistency. Preparation is required only for the surface to be treated, which must be cleaned of old materials and degreased.

Mastic can be applied to the surface in two ways: by spraying and by hand. On complex shapes and large areas, polymer-bitumen mastic is applied by special equipment under pressure without the participation of air. This makes it possible to obtain a seamless monolithic coating structure and provideuniform drying. But if it is necessary to repair old bituminous coatings or treat small areas, polymer mastic can be applied to the surface with a brush or rubber trowel.

Markings and designations

Bitumen-polymer mastic for waterproofing
Bitumen-polymer mastic for waterproofing

Complies with GOST polymer-bitumen mastic, and also meets the requirements of international standards. According to GOST, it has its own marking, in which, using abbreviations and digital signs, significant characteristics and defining indicators are indicated:

  • Softening temperature.
  • Penetration - the depth of penetration of a standard needle into the mass.
  • Ductility - the property of bitumen to stretch into a thread.

All oil-based mastics are labeled with the first two letters BN. The third letter indicates the category in the direction of the types of work: K (roofing), D (road), I (insulating). Further, the marking consists of their digital designations for temperatures xx / xx. Each application has its own metrics.

  • Road: BND хх/хх – penetration change limits.
  • Roofing: NBR xx/xx - the numerator indicates the softening temperature, and the denominator indicates the penetration temperature.
  • Insulating: BNI-IV or V.
  • Hot bituminous roofing mastic can be made with the addition of herbicides or antiseptics. The figure is the heat resistance temperature for 5 hours, the subsequent letter indicates the content of these elements: MBK-G- xx A.

Demanded brand of bitumen for outdoorworks

bituminous polymer mastic GOST
bituminous polymer mastic GOST

Types of bitumen, the most popular and frequently used in their categories, have an individual name, for example "Slavyanka" or "TechnoNIKOL".

Bitumen-polymer mastic "Slavyanka" belongs to the category of insulating materials. It has proven itself with universal properties for a wide range of applications, undemanding in preparation for work. The one-component composition after opening is immediately applied to the cleaned surface. The hardening time is 8-12 hours, after which the coating reliably protects against the electrochemical effects of water in any state (atmospheric, capillary, ground, direct contact). The hardened monolith has a high coefficient of adhesion to surfaces: sand-concrete mixtures, metal structures, wood, asbestos-cement and silicate mixtures, as well as all derivatives of these materials. To strengthen the coating can be reinforced.

Use "Slavyanka" for interior work is strictly prohibited!

Universal interior brand

The TechnoNIKOL bitumen-polymer mastic has a completely different purpose. Made on a water basis, it is designed for indoor use. According to the principle of preparation for work and the method of application, the mastic is also convenient and simple. The one-component mixture does not require heating; if necessary, it is diluted with a water-based primer and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Used for roofing, waterproofing of interior spaces (bathrooms, swimming pools, basements,balconies, etc.). Also, to strengthen the layer, it can be reinforced.

bituminous polymer mastic Slavyanka
bituminous polymer mastic Slavyanka

Bitumen reinforcement

To give greater strength, bitumen reinforcement is used, especially for knots, ligaments, mating contact parts. For these purposes, fiberglass mesh of various diameters and cell calibers is used. Its important feature is that the mesh is not weaving, but a one-piece construction. But reinforcement, while increasing strength, reduces ductility, and it should be carried out only in justified cases.

bituminous polymer mastic technonikol
bituminous polymer mastic technonikol

All polymer-bitumen mastic is made strictly in accordance with GOSTs. Products undergo quality control at all stages of production and are provided with Russian and European (ISO) certificates.
