The birthplace of indoor lemon

The birthplace of indoor lemon
The birthplace of indoor lemon

Lemon is a short evergreen plant. Its peculiarity is that it does not throw off all the leaves at once, this happens gradually, over the course of several years the crown of the tree is completely renewed. The tree blooms several times during the year. Indoor citrus varieties have a stronger flavor and less thick skin than outdoor lemon varieties. Homeland lemon - India, China.


Citrus plants were first mentioned as early as 2000 BC. e. The lemon tree was called citron in those days. Citruses became more widespread in the Middle Ages, when they appeared in the Mediterranean countries.

the birthplace of the lemon is
the birthplace of the lemon is

Greenhouse tree species have appeared in Europe since 1654, and a little later greenhouse lemon was brought to Moscow from Holland. Greenhouse species got their distribution from India, this is the birthplace of lemon. Quite quickly, they began to appear not only in greenhouses, but also in pots on the windows of gardeners.

Practically all the accumulated experience of previous citrus growers had been irretrievably lost by that time.

Lemon: the birthplace of the plant

The birthplace of the lemon is China, India (and to be more precise, the foothills of the Himalayas). The main varieties subsequentlywere brought from India. There is also an opinion that the birthplace of the lemon is the islands located in the Pacific Ocean. It is very difficult to find out how everything really happened. But we can say for sure that citrus originated a very long time ago, and the first mentions in literature were 300 years BC. e.

Home-made varieties of lemon also originated a long time ago, so it is almost impossible to determine the exact origin of each species. But the main part of the species originated in India - this is the birthplace of room lemon. The growth of the house tree in its wild state is unknown.

birthplace of lemon india
birthplace of lemon india

Spreading indoor lemon

After its origin, indoor lemon from India came to Mesopotamia, then to Asian countries, and after a while to Europe. Lemon is a perennial tree, 45-year-old plants can be found today. Home varieties today are distributed almost throughout Russia. And one of the centers of the Pavlovsky lemon is the city of Pavlovo-on-Oka, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Lemon is widely cultivated in areas with a subtropical climate. However, given that the birthplace of the lemon is a hot country, the lemon should always grow in warmth. Homemade citrus is also cultivated in Central Asia, on the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus.

Indoor lemon

Indoor lemon is a short plant with light green leaves, pleasant aroma and axillary spines. Lemon blossoms 2-3 times a year, the flowers have a pleasant and strong aroma. The fruit of the plant has its own peculiarity - it can remain on the tree for two years, while itperiodically changes color, from bright yellow to green, and then vice versa.

birthplace of room lemon
birthplace of room lemon

The peel of the fruit itself can be not only yellow, but also green, it also contains essential oils. The homeland of the lemon gave the fruits their own flavor, they may not have a smell, and the taste may be different, but this is inherent only in hybrid varieties of homemade lemon.

During one year, a lemon tree shoots an average of three times, and sometimes four. Sometimes it happens that the fruits are not yet ripe, and new ones are already appearing.

Panderose homemade lemon

Panderosa is a hybrid type of lemon, supposedly obtained by crossing a lemon with a grapefruit. It is mainly found as a houseplant, rarely found in citrus plantations. Panderose spreads more and more every year, today it is the most common type of indoor lemon. Well, the homeland of lemon panderose is India.

The tree is low, with a wide crown and short shoots. Panderose leaves are large and dense. It blooms very beautifully and abundantly, the flowers are large, collected in clusters and with long petals.

birthplace of lemon panderose
birthplace of lemon panderose

There are so many flower buds on the tree that when a young seedling is just being formed, buds appear instead of new branches. Therefore, they must be cut off before they bloom. You need to do this until a good escape appears.

The most common types of indoor lemon

There are many hybrids among domestic varieties. Where is the homelandlemon of crossed varieties - it is impossible to say unequivocally: some are purposefully bred and their origin is known, others may be the result of selection. held in any country.

Meyer Lemon. The tree of this variety grows small, but bears fruit abundantly. The fruits must be consumed in an unripe state, since they are more acidic when ripe than other varieties of lemon. It is attractive for indoor cultivation as the fruits ripen quickly, there are many of them, and the size of the tree does not require much space.

Meyer lemon, like other varieties of this houseplant, needs warmth, and the reason is that the homeland of indoor lemon is hot climate regions.

Pavlovian lemon. Tall tree, reaching a height of up to 2 meters, shade-tolerant. Lemon fruits are thin-skinned, with a pleasant aroma, weighing up to 500 grams. At home, Pavlovsky lemon reproduces perfectly vegetatively. Very common in room culture.

birthplace of lemon
birthplace of lemon

Novogeorgian lemon. The tree has a pleasant delicate aroma. The fruits are practically seedless. It bears fruit and blooms throughout the year. This lemon will need a lot of space, it grows tall, has a lush crown and many thorns.

Genoa. This variety looks very different from Novogruzinsky lemon. Genoa is a short tree and has no thorns. Blooms several times a year.

Lisbon. A plant with thorns, vigorous, bears fruit several times a year, tolerates heat well.


Lemon is not a very tall plant withpleasant aroma. The main part of the varieties is remontant. Panderose is a lemon common at home. The homeland of the panderose plant is India. There are many indoor varieties of lemon, some of them are obtained by crossing plants. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the origin of hybrid lemon varieties.

Flower growers, lovers of sour, definitely need to grow a lemon at home. This graceful plant will be a great addition to any home, with any interior. The main thing is to choose a variety that fits you in size.
