Beetroot is everyone's favorite vegetable, from which you can cook delicious dishes and he althy salads. Today it can be found on the site of almost every gardener. There are many varieties. The review will consider a description of such a vegetable as Boyarynya beet, reviews about it, its planting, care for the variety, as well as yield.
For the Russian latitudes, where summer is not so hot, Boyarynya beets are considered a real find. It is allowed to sow seeds from the end of April - the beginning of May. This allows the plant to catch every ray of spring sunshine. If you love this vegetable, then be sure to purchase the Boyarynya beet variety. The description says that the root crops grow round and have a dark red hue.
This is a mid-early variety that takes approximately 60-120 days to mature. One fruit can reach 500-600 grams in weight. This variety is very resistant to bloom. The fruits ripen without rings. Suitable for:
- cooking;
- juicing;
- salads;
- first andsecond courses;
- stuffing;
- canning.

Beetroot "Boyarynya" has excellent taste. Reviews of gardeners say that the variety gives a high yield. From one square meter of the garden, you can collect 4-7 kg of vegetables. Gardeners also appreciate:
- good keeping quality;
- high cold resistance.
Soil preparation
If you have chosen the beet variety "Boyarynya", then in order to get a good harvest, you need to plant it correctly. It begins, of course, with the preparation of the soil. There are some specific rules to follow:
- The plot of land should be well lit. If you plant beets in the shade, they will have large tops and small roots with poor taste.
- Pay attention to the acidity of the soil. For this vegetable, it must be neutral. The approximate pH level is about 6-7 units. Alkaline soil will encourage fruit to rot, while acidic soil will slow down plant growth.
- If it is necessary to reduce the level of acidity, then ash can be used for this.
- In no case do not spoil the soil with organic fertilizers. Beets are one of the few vegetables that absorb all nitrates perfectly.
- Prepare the land for planting only in autumn. Dig this place. Add manure, compost, or bird droppings to the soil.

How to determine soil acidity
Beets (beetroot) "Boyarynya", likeit was said above, prefers neutral soil. Many gardeners have problems with the determination of acidity. This can be done even without special laboratory tests. To do this, do the following:
- Look around the area and see what weeds are growing around. If you saw horsetail, plantain or wild sorrel, then definitely the land with an acidic environment.
- Keep an eye on your beets as they grow in the garden. If distinct red streaks appear on the tops, then the soil is alkaline. In a neutral environment, there are usually red petioles, and the leaf plate is green.
Sowing seeds
In order for the Boyarynya beets to sprout, reviews of which are mostly positive, the temperature should be at least 10-12 degrees Celsius. Frosts are not terrible for this variety. If you are going to use beetroot in cooking in the summer, then you need to plant it in the second half of May.
Need long-term storage vegetables? Then the optimum soil temperature should be only 5-6 degrees Celsius. Beet seeds of this variety can be sown before winter. In this case, you will get an early beet harvest.

Perfect seeds
Seed for planting can be used dry or soaked (germinated). If you use the latter option, then do not forget that the land for planting must be wet. Otherwise, small sprouts will simply die. Spreading dry seeds into the ground, you need to water the Boyarynya beets daily. It takes a long time for the seeds to swell.
In order for beets to grow to the delight of everyone, you need to choose a certain growing tactic. Seeds should be planted to a depth of about 2 cm. This is for heavy soils. If the soil is light, then you need to increase it to 4 cm. The seeds should be scattered at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Between rows, it is necessary to withstand 25-30 cm. In order for the yield to be high, it is possible to grow beets in ridges. This will give the plants plenty of sunlight and give the roots plenty of room to grow.
From one sown seed, several shoots may appear. Because of this, as soon as everything rises, the beets must be thinned out. Many experienced gardeners do not advise pulling everything out right away, because the sprouts may turn out to be weak and disappear. After about a month, the procedure is repeated, and a distance of about 10 cm is left between the plants. If this is not enough, then at the end of summer thinning is carried out again so that the root crops have time to gain weight.
Feed and water as needed. Be sure to loosen the soil so that a crust does not form on the ground. Usually beetroot is not a hassle to care for.

Useful properties
Do you know what is useful beet "Boyarynya"? Like all other varieties, these root crops are famous for the following properties:
- Prevention of beriberi and scurvy. Especially do not neglect the tops, from which you can cook soups.
- Useful vegetable for anemia. To do this, use beetroot juice together with carrots and radishes.
- Applied for iodine deficiency, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
- Beetroot is a must for those with hypertension, as well as excess magnesium.
- Dried root vegetables help to cope with ulcers and tumors. To do this, they should be applied to the wound.
- Prevention of cancer.
- Helps reduce blood pressure.
- Prevention and treatment of rickets.
To help maintain he alth, it is recommended to consume about 6 kg of beets fresh, 16 kg - boiled. The calorie content of the product is 45 kcal.

Negative qualities
But not only beets "Boyarynya" bring benefits to a person. Reviews of gardeners and doctors suggest that a vegetable can have a negative impact on he alth. You should pay attention to the following contraindications:
- It is not advisable to use beets in the presence of urolithiasis.
- You can not eat it category of people who have a weak stomach. Beets cause severe diarrhea. Later, chronic diarrhea may develop.
- You can't take freshly squeezed beetroot juice alone. This can cause spasms in the blood vessels.
- Frequent use of beetroot contributes to the accumulation of nitrous acid, from which harmful bacteria can develop in the body.
You need to choose only quality seeds. Beet "Boyarynya" is sold in special packages. Each pack contains 2 grams of seeds. BeforeBe sure to pay attention to the expiration date when purchasing. The germination of plants will depend on this. The cost of one pack of seeds is about 15-20 rubles. Additionally, the price depends on the manufacturer.

Reviews about this beet variety are mostly positive. Gardeners and gardeners note that Boyarynya beets give a good yield. The fruits grow large, without rings. Beets have a good, sweet taste. Moreover, it can be noted that it is very juicy.
Boyarynya variety appeared on the market a few years ago and is loved by many gardeners. Now it can often be found in the beds.
Many people say that "Boyarynya" beets are picky in care, give a good harvest even in not very favorable conditions (cold weather, unfertilized or acidic soil, etc.).

For gardeners and gardeners living in the northern regions of our country, it is Boyarynya beets that will be an ideal option. Reviews, its prices meet the expectations of many people. If you follow all the rules when planting and caring for the root crop, you will get a wonderful harvest with which you will delight the whole family with he althy and tasty dishes.