With the growing popularity of installing easy-to-assemble greenhouses in summer cottages and personal plots, the demand for greenhouse arcs has increased on the market. They are responsible for their durability and stability. This is a kind of "skeleton" of the greenhouse. Mainly plastic (or fiberglass), polypropylene, and metal are used to make arcs. From what material the greenhouse is made, in the future its price, weight, maximum dimensions depend.

Another criterion by which arcs for a greenhouse are distinguished was the method of assembling and installing the structure. There are two large groups here: prefabricated greenhouses and welded ones. The former can be assembled and disassembled several times. For this, detachable connections without fasteners or with the use of hardware products (bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws, etc.) can be used. The disadvantage of this type of greenhouses can be considered their small size and relatively low strength. Welded greenhouses are much stronger, but after assembly they, as a rule, cannot be dismantled. Such designs are ideal for a personal plot and can be used all year round.

Let's consider each option in more detail. The case when the greenhouse arcs are made of plastic is suitable for growing small plants, such as cucumbers or peppers. Such designs, as a rule, are covered with a film and used only in the warm season. To make such a greenhouse at home is not difficult. Polypropylene pipes, which can be found in any plumbing store, are perfect as a frame. A special "iron" is used for welding. Connections can also be made collapsible, but this will affect the strength of the entire structure.

Metal arcs for a greenhouse can also be both welded and prefabricated. However, unlike plastic ones, the second designs have become more widespread, since they are faster to assemble and do not require welding equipment and special skills. Complete with such greenhouses is a detailed instruction, which greatly simplifies the work. As a covering material, polycarbonate or polyethylene film is mainly used. The metal frame is much stronger than plastic, so it allows you to operate the greenhouse all year round, even withstanding the load of snow cover in winter. Another indisputable advantage of metal arcs is the size of greenhouses. They can be made to human height and above, and cover large areas, depending on the design.
As for the self-production of metal arcs, the situation here is more complicated than in the case of plastic. material greatlymore expensive, and besides, the master must have special skills to perform such work, as well as use welding and other construction equipment. In addition, it will not be difficult to buy arcs for a greenhouse today. The market is replete with offers for the sale and manufacture of greenhouses according to individual sizes. Ultimately, considering all the costs, it is more profitable to purchase a finished structure with a metal frame than to try to do something similar on your own.