Almost every person understands to some extent what a metal detector is, what it is intended for. In fact, this is a device with which you can detect metal objects deep underground. Not only is it used to make some money selling scrap metal, it is also used by sappers to detect mines or other explosive items.
Not everyone can afford to buy such a device, even if it is used. Its cost varies depending on the depth of scanning, convenience and brand. There are many varieties of such devices. All of them differ not only in their characteristics, but also in the type of construction. Therefore, it is best to learn how to make a metal detector with your own hands at home, and then try to make it.
Of course, if you do it for the first time, then there may be difficulties and misunderstandings. Therefore, you need to thoroughly prepare for this: read a few articles, ask your friends how they did it, and only then buy the missing items.
Also worth notingthat the search for metal is an unpredictable activity. That is, today you may be lucky, and then there will be nothing for several weeks. Therefore, anyone who is going to engage in this kind of activity needs to be patient. If you plan to find large volumes of iron objects every day and thereby improve your financial condition, you need to weigh everything well again, and only then proceed to create a metal detector.

Thanks to the metal detector in the 90s, it was possible to live in peace without the main job, as this device brought a lot of money. Young guys, having designed a metal detector, often walked around the neighborhoods of large industries and abandoned factories, trying to find coins, jewelry or spare parts from broken equipment.
Already in their youth, many teenagers knew how to make a metal detector at home. After walking around the abandoned ruins for several hours, one could find many useful things. No one was ashamed of this way of earning money, because this activity brought good profits.
Let's see how to make a metal detector at home. Perhaps, in our time, luck will smile at you.

As we have already found out, there are different types of metal detectors. They differ not only in characteristics, but also in design.
The most primitive is ultra-low frequency. Almost anyone could make this deviceschoolboy. Just because it doesn't require a lot of effort and knowledge to assemble, and because it's a primitive design, doesn't make it inefficient. If you correctly configure this device, the results will be amazing. The most important thing is patience.
The second variety is the pulse seeker. This machine has a deeper scanning environment. It is able to detect coins, figurines and other valuables at great depths. Experienced treasure hunters use such devices.
Beating metal detector is valued for its maximum detection depth. This device will find any metal object or mineral at a depth of more than one meter.
Another species is the radio detector. Its detection depth is less than a meter, so its design is very simple. Often such a detector is used by pioneers, beginners. For experienced diggers, such a device is not suitable.

How to make a metal detector with your own hands
The most important part for a metal detector is the attachment. A longwave radio is perfect for this occasion. To assemble it, you need to draw the simplest electrical circuit, consisting of:
- Generator.
- Coils.
- Resistors.
Fixed everything in order. First, we attach a circle cut out of plywood to the handle. After that, we tightly fix the prefix on the other end of the handle and install the handle. It is necessary for comfortable and long-term use of the device.
Afterinstallation of the radio receiver, the device must be attached to the coil. We have already said above that you need to worry about a comfortable handle that will help you hold the finder for a long time. In practice, such a simple detail turns out to be very important.
Having attached the handle to the radio, you can begin to tune it to the desired frequency. In our case, this is 140 kHz. As soon as the first squeak is heard, then the setting is completed. You can try it.
To check the performance of the metal detector, you need to bring it to any metal object. If you hear a change in tone, then the device is set up correctly.
Metal detector “Pirate”
This is a fairly popular model among both amateurs and professionals. How to make a Pirate metal detector? Everything is simple. Fortunately, there is no need to reprogram the microcircuits, since they are all ready for a long time. It is only necessary to correctly assemble all the parts.

The schematic for this finder can be purchased from the market. All the parts that will be needed are cheap and common, so there will be no problems with their purchase. The “Pirate” scheme is superior to many other analogues in its characteristics. Let's figure out how to make a metal detector according to this scheme.
You will need:
- Chip NE555 (KR 1006VI1 can also be used).
- NPN transistors.
- Material for the body of the device.
- Transistors of the IRF40 and BC547 series.
- Microcircuit K157UD2.
- Insulating tape.
- Workerstools.
- Resistors.
- Diodes.
- Ceramic and electrolyte capacitors.
The circuit has two main nodes: a transmission circuit, consisting of a pulse generator, and a transistor switch. The coil should be 190 mm in diameter, and the turns on it should be 25 pcs.
First you need to create a printed circuit board. Then install electronic elements on it. Connect power supply. Assemble the coil.
If you assemble this metal detector correctly, there is no need to adjust it.

Summing up, we can say that to assemble almost any metal detector, you need to spend quite a bit of effort and diligence. To learn how to make a metal detector, you need to view explanatory materials on this topic. In the age of the Internet, this is not a problem.
How to make a metal detector? In this article, we have looked at two of the most popular options, which are preferred not only by beginners, but also by experienced professionals. All the necessary equipment that you may need can be found in almost any market. You can also use old electrical appliances that have circuits, such as radio, tape recorder, TV, and so on.
You might be thinking, "Why do you need to know how to make a metal detector when you can buy one at the store?" Yes, but the cost of such devices is quite high. For example, the price of a simple HOOMYA MD-1008A in terms of features and functions starts at 2900 rubles, and for a professional Marko Multi Kruzeryou will need to pay more than 40,000 rubles.
It is much more profitable to make a metal detector yourself.
If you manage to make such a device with your own hands, then you will not only get great pleasure from the quality work done, but also save a decent amount of money.