As a rule, gardeners who are just starting to comprehend the basics of this art ask a reasonable question: "How to prepare potatoes for planting so that in the end there will be an excellent harvest?"

First, let's talk about the harvest
It is necessary to choose tubers for planting, the mass of which ranges from fifty to one hundred grams. If you have tubers of smaller size and weight, you need to throw three or four pieces into one hole. Naturally, be sure to check the tubers for stains, rot, and so on.
Answering further the question of how to prepare potatoes for planting, it is worth mentioning that the tubers need to be warmed at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius for two or three days. After that, they need to be laid out in one layer so that they are all "kind" with daylight. For this purpose, a window sill, a floor, and a low box will do.
How to prepare potatoes for planting, what other rules must be followed? It may take about a month or more for the seed potato tubers to germinate, as this approach will provide an excellent harvest. Naturally, light is needed, otherwise the root system will be too weak, and it is unlikelythis will allow you to get a great harvest.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to how to prepare potatoes for planting, with the above method of sprouting tubers, several rules must be observed:
- every five days the tubers are turned over;
- as often as possible, the tubers need to be treated with a special mineral solution to speed up the quality germination process;
- after the time for warming up, the potatoes must be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate, for which one teaspoon of the substance is diluted in three liters of water and the tubers are sprayed or dipped into it for one minute;
- every three days it is worth spraying potatoes with nutrient solutions, not forgetting about clean water, which is used in the middle of the day and in the morning.
The technology of planting potatoes also has its own rules. The third decade of April is an excellent time for planting seedlings or already germinated potatoes. If the temperature by this time does not please with its warmth, the planting site with the vegetable is covered with a film, spudded with moist soil, or covered with paper. And early in the morning you need to spray with clean water.
But this applies only to the early ripe variety. If your variety is mid-season, then you should plan to plant potatoes in early or mid-May.

If your site is very close to groundwater, you are very lucky: the soil in this place warms up and ventilates very quickly. Soyou need to plant potatoes in ridges, the height of which should not exceed 15 centimeters, the planting depth is six centimeters, and the distance between them is sixty centimeters.
If the soil is far from ideal, it must be leveled with a rake after planting, thereby slowing down the process of moisture evaporation a little.
If you list all the ways of growing potatoes, you will need to write more than one article. It is worth remembering the two most important methods: seedlings and pre-sprouted tubers.