What is a balancing valve and what is its scope

What is a balancing valve and what is its scope
What is a balancing valve and what is its scope

When laying and assembling water and gas supply systems, various kinds of fittings are used, which have a specific purpose. One of its important elements are balancing valves (or valves).

Balancing valves and their modifications

balancing valve
balancing valve

Balancing valve (or valve) belongs to the class of pipeline fittings, the main function of which is to regulate excessive pressure in heating systems, ventilation systems, plumbing and refrigeration. Valves are used for hydraulic coupling of throttle rings and rings for the circulation of liquids or gas-air masses.

Such valves are divided into manual, automatic and combined type.

Manual balancing valve (for aquatic environment) is usually used in those systems where static hydraulic modes are installed. Automatic valves are designed forsystems operating on dynamic hydraulics. In such systems, balancing is necessary due to possible pressure drops and the need for its regulation.

balancing valve danfoss
balancing valve danfoss

Improper circulation of water in heating systems is fraught with many unpleasant consequences. If there is a low pressure in the radiators and the boiler and a lack of water, firstly, there will be a low temperature in the room, and secondly, this will lead to corrosion of the boiler itself. And at too high temperatures (if there is no balancing valve in the system), extraneous noise appears in the batteries and pipes. Therefore, valves are always installed on collectors and risers. Heat stations can't do without them.

For connection with other fittings, the balancing valve is equipped with an internal or external thread. The maximum operating temperature is up to 120 degrees above 0, and up to 20 degrees below 0 (on the Celsius scale). The valves are equipped with drain devices, pressure gauges and setting locks.

Danfoss valves

balancing valve
balancing valve

The sanitary fittings market has the widest selection of different parts and elements. One of the most popular manufacturers is the Danish company Danfoss. It produces a balancing valve of such a popular brand as "MSV-BD".

Manufactured products belong to the latest type of balancing valves used not only in heating and cooling systems, but also in hot water supply systems. They organically combine the properties and capabilities of bothvalve, so ball valve.

Danfoss balancing valve has a number of advantages over similar products:

  • simplicity of all kinds of settings;
  • convenient location of the indicator scale, allowing you to see the setting from any angle;
  • two measuring nipples;
  • additional drain tap to allow for two-way drainage;
  • you can open and close the valve in case of unforeseen situations using a hex key;
  • there is an indicator on the handle indicating the position of the valve in the "open" / "closed" system.

A portable water flow meter is designed to set the correct operation of the balancing valve. It can also be done based on water temperature or hydraulic calculations.
