Zucchini is a he althy and very unpretentious vegetable. It is low in calories, for which nutritionists love it, and rich in vitamins and minerals. There is very little trouble with zucchini, so you can find it in absolutely any garden. Hybrid high-yielding varieties are becoming more common, several bushes of which can provide twists for the whole winter. The first place among such varieties is occupied by Iskander zucchini.
Characteristic variety
This early Dutch hybrid is able to set fruit at low temperatures. Zucchini Iskander have a thin, waxy skin with barely noticeable specks of light green color. Its flesh is creamy white and tender. The average weight of one fruit is half a kilogram. Its average length is 18 centimeters, its shape is cylindrical.

Zucchini Iskander F1 has a powerful upright compact bush with a stem of 15-20 centimeters.
Dignity of the variety
All gardeners in their reviews note the excellent yield of this zucchini. One bush can give up to 17 kilograms. Long period of fruiting, which ends withthe arrival of the first frosts, also provides the variety with the first place among the “comrades-in-arms”.
Early ripening (from germination to maturity should take a little more than 40 days) allows you to harvest the first crop in late spring or early summer.
Iskander squash is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and anthracosis.
Planting zucchini
You can get a squash bush by sowing seeds or seedlings. The method of planting depends on the warmth of the climate and how soon you want to get the first harvest.

Iskander F1 prefers light soil. Acidic soils are considered unsuitable, as is the presence of closely spaced groundwater.
Potatoes, cabbage, radishes, onions, legumes will be good predecessors. You should not plant zucchini where any vegetables of the pumpkin family last year.
If the seeds are sown directly into the soil, then it should be pre-prepared, make holes at a distance of at least 60 centimeters from each other, add compost or humus to the holes and then plant the seeds. They need to be soaked in advance in warm water before pecking. You can do the procedure at the end of March or at the beginning of April.
On average, a month before planting the seeds of a plant in the ground, you can independently start growing Iskander squash for seedlings. To do this, put peat and humus in pots or disposable cups, water it all a little and stick the seeds no deeper than 3 centimeters. Seedlings are watered no more than once a day.ten days. When transplanting, seedlings should be placed in the ground along with an earthen clod from a pot, since all pumpkins do not tolerate the moment when their roots are disturbed.
Zucchini care
So, there is no difficulty in planting Iskander zucchini. Growing a variety will be successful if you properly care for the plant. If there is a need or desire to fertilize the bushes, then it is worth remembering that zucchini does not like fertilizers with chlorine. Two top dressings per season (during flowering and fruit growth) will contribute to a significant quantitative increase in yield. When the fruits are formed, the bushes respond well to 50 grams of potassium s alt dissolved in a liter of water.

Zucchini Iskander, like any other variety, loves loose, well-permeable moisture and heat soil. How often to do the procedure depends on the type of soil in each case. For example, loamy soils are prone to hardening, and the loosening procedure will have to be done more often.
Reviews indicate that it is possible to increase the yield of zucchini by spraying the plant during the flowering period with a sugar solution and boric acid. This will attract insects, improve pollination, and as a result, increase the yield.
How to water the zucchini?
Watering the zucchini is necessary immediately after planting, whether it be seeds or seedlings, during the flowering period and in case of mass formation of fruits. This plant has a powerful root system, which means that it needs abundant watering: at least 20 liters of water per m².
Superfluousmoisture can cause the tip of the zucchini to rot. But an unripe fruit can be saved if the rot is cut to a he althy pulp and the place of the cut is burned with fire. The tip may also begin to rot due to the fact that the flower did not fall off after fertilization.
When to harvest? How do you know when a zucchini is ripe?
It is clear that each variety reaches maturity at different times. Reviews note that after 20 days after planting, the first crop can already be harvested. If there is an intention to store the zucchini for a while, then it should be left to sing longer. The skin of the zucchini, hard to the touch, and a dull sound when tapped, are evidence of the final maturity of the fruit. Such a zucchini can be stored in the basement for up to five months. It is very important not to overdo the zucchini. Indeed, otherwise it will lose all consumer properties.

Iskander zucchini, the reviews are only positive among experienced gardeners, have proven themselves well in the domestic market, although they were acclimatized in Krasnodar not so long ago. They delight everyone with early ripening, delicate taste and excellent yield.