Mosquito treatment - tips for gardeners

Mosquito treatment - tips for gardeners
Mosquito treatment - tips for gardeners

Summer is a great time. As much as you want, especially for a city dweller, to get out into nature at this time, to relax in your own dacha. But the picture is spoiled by small stinging insects. They become especially annoying and numerous if it is rainy weather or there is a reservoir near the garden, they strive to bite more painfully and, in addition to inconvenience and irritation, bring with them the risk of various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the summer cottage from mosquitoes, we will consider its methods in more detail.

mosquito treatment
mosquito treatment

As a rule, this service is provided by disinfection stations, they have very strong, effective drugs at their disposal. With their help, you can only process twice a season. But this option, due to its high cost, is not suitable for summer residents with an average income. Therefore, you should take care of saving from insects on your own. There are special chemicals for this.

The site is being processed from mosquitoes in accordance with the instructions for a specific product. For example, the drug "Medilis-Ziper" is quite popular. From its positive characteristics, one can note safety for people andeffective protection against blood-sucking insects. The concentrated drug must be diluted with water immediately before use. You can spray it with a spray gun or adapt a plastic bottle for this purpose, having previously made holes in its lid. The drug "Cifox" has a wide range of effects on insects. It is used not only to fight mosquitoes, ticks, flies, but also to rid apartments of cockroaches. They are treating the area from mosquitoes, they also use the drug in medical institutions. The insecticide is a clear yellow liquid. It is packaged in bottles made of polymer or glass from ten to two hundred and fifty milliliters. When dissolved in water, a milky solution is obtained.

treatment of the site from mosquitoes reviews
treatment of the site from mosquitoes reviews

In order to destroy mosquitoes in the garden, it is enough to take from 10 to 30 milliliters of the product. When an area is treated for mosquitoes, the amount of the drug is calculated depending on the area to be sprayed. In terms of toxicity to humans, the drug is classified as moderately dangerous drugs. After spraying the drug, it is recommended to leave the treated area for a day. To combat mosquitoes, an aqueous emulsion "Cifox" is used. In total, it can be used from 2 to 4 times a year.

treatment of the suburban area from mosquitoes
treatment of the suburban area from mosquitoes

Adapted to fight insects and sophisticated mechanisms. So, the treatment of the site from mosquitoes can be carried out using a thermomechanical generatorhot mist. It is very effective, but its cost is quite high. There is a special device - the exterminator of mosquitoes, which lures insects and sucks them inside. Gardeners who were worried about mosquito treatment received positive reviews from the special chemicals described above. You can completely get rid of blood-sucking insects if the garden is processed according to all the rules.
