Rose Amber Queen is a blooming beauty. This is exactly the bush that is worth growing at home in a flower bed, making it a central element. The petals of an unusual amber shade of a lush flowering bush, immersed in dense dark green foliage, look stunning. It is interesting that the flowers emit a scent with a subtle lemon note, and for some this fragrance is similar to bergamot.
Distinctive features of the variety
Of all the floribundas, Rosa Amber Queen (UK, Harkness, 1983) is the most abundant bloomer. It has sprawling bushes with foliage of the original color, a glossy surface, which makes the color even more expressive. At first their color is bronze, then saturated greenery (bright green with a yellowish tinge). It is interesting that the flowering period of this bush begins from the end of spring and ends by late autumn.
These flowers are grown and cherished everywhere, but rose bushes are especially valuable in the northern regions, where the changeable alternation of tones is revealed in a special way.

Shade of flowers inmostly amber with notes of apricot, which is influenced by temperature, weather, microclimate, sunlight during the flowering period. A slight change in color from light yellow to rich pink with a slightly pronounced golden overflow is acceptable. You can only imagine how beautiful and spectacular these flowers look.
From elastic buds large (up to 8 cm in diameter) flowers bloom.
Benefits of Rose Amber Queen
Among the advantages of roses are the following characteristics:
- early and long flowering;
- abundant flowering;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- adaptability to the microclimate of central Russia, the possibility of survival in the northern latitudes.

What are the features of bush farming
In order to get luxuriantly flowering bushes grown with your own hands, you should first study when it is better to plant roses and where exactly. This culture loves sunny areas, but in this case it will not bloom so much, form buds less than those bushes that are planted in partial shade.
A plot with a pronounced landscape is not a very good choice, it is better to plant plants on flat terrain with moderate humidity, as an increased water content contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora - the habitat of black spot and powdery mildew. He althy bushes almost never get sick, but weakened ones die in almost all cases.
Because ofFrom the foregoing, only one correct conclusion can be drawn: it is better to plant an Amber Queen rose in a darkened part of the flower bed, where there is a more or less flat area or with a slight elevation (within the normal range), protected from strong gusts of wind.

How exactly to plant floribunda
For planting, they dig a deep planting hole so that both the root system and the planting neck are hidden under a layer of earth. The soil with a slightly acidic environment is considered the best for growing this variety of roses.
Watering is provided infrequently, but plentifully: up to 10 liters of water per 1 bush systematically 1 time in 10 days. The fertilization system remains the same as for other types of roses.
Amber Queen Rose is the perfect shrub for your flower bed, captivating the eye and filling the yard with fragrance. For a gardener, this is something new, the opportunity to grow unique flowers in your yard.