In many cases, lumber is used in the construction and renovation of buildings. They are suitable for various types of work. No exception is the decoration of the premises and the building as a whole. However, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the cubic capacity of lumber.

Calculation process
As an example, let's take a room with a single wall area of 18m², where the width of the wall is 6m and its height is 3m. The total area will be: 18m²x4=72m². In this case, 4 is the number of walls. Let's start the calculation.

- Calculation of the cubature of lumber for walls is determined by multiplying the area of the wall by the thickness of the board. In our example, this will be 72 m²x0.03 m=2.16 m³, where 0.03 m is the thickness of the board.
- Similarly, we calculate the volume of interior decoration of the house.
- Calculate the cubic capacity of lumber for the floor, ceiling and roof in the same way as for walls.
- We get the volume of timber for the frame of the house by multiplying the cross-sectional area of the timber (rack) by the length and bythe number of racks provided by the project of the house.

The specific difficulty of selling and buying lumber is the correct calculation of cubic capacity. Even the regulatory authorities are not always able to check whether the calculation is carried out correctly. Timber from the manufacturer is supplied in original packaging. It accurately indicates the volume and cost of production. If this is not the case, the buyer has to doubt whether the calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber and its cost is correct. The quality parameters of the boards are regulated by state standards, technical requirements, as well as various regulatory documents. It all depends on what kind of wood they are made of, what they will be used for. To determine the cubature of round lumber, the corresponding GOST is also used.

Additional calculation parameters
In the woodworking industry, the concepts of dense and folding cubic meters are used. A conversion factor is used to convert one value to another. For example, edged board in the cost price lists is indicated for calculating volumes in a dense mass. This calculation is not difficult. To do this, the indicators of storage cubic meters are converted into dense masses using a special coefficient.
Measurement and calculation rules
For example, slabs are first sorted by length into 2 types - up to 2 meters or more. Then hestacked in a stack. At the same time, thin and thick ends alternate. The stack fits as tightly as possible. In this case, the height and length should be the same. It is also necessary to maintain right angles in the stack. Multiplying the length, width and height of the package, we get the folding cubature.
It will also be useful to know that the rules for measuring each type of lumber are regulated by the relevant GOST. It contains tables for calculating the volume of production. When selling a building beam or board, each unit of lumber is measured, according to the tables in GOST, the volume of edged lumber is calculated. You should also know that to determine the number of boards in 1 cubic meter, you need to calculate the volume of one board. This calculation is easy to make. Then we divide the unit by the volume of one board and get the desired number of products.