Men whose children are growing up, it's time to think about the right and active rest of their

babies. Of course, the swing is the most common fun among the young inhabitants of the yard. Not only children love to spend time on the swings, but adults sometimes also actively relax on them. Therefore, the question arises before the head of the family: "How to make a swing?" Doing this useful thing with your own hands is quite simple if you have an idea where to start and what you need for this.
To make a swing you will need the following:
- bar (dimensions - 100100 mm), well dried;
- metal corners;
- fasteners, screws and bolts.
- screwdriver;
- slats, bars for making shops.
When connecting the swing bench and the supporting element, you will need

double device. In the question, which concerns how to make a swing with your own hands, there are enough nuances, but not impossible ones. A cable without lint and notches or a special hook can serve as a hitch.device.
So, the materials are ready, now you can take on the manufacture of the swing. You should start from the very bottom and implement load-bearing structures. To do this, at the initial stage, a lower frame is designed, to which the support bars are then attached. In most cases, the size of the beam depends on the dimensions of the swing bench. At the second stage, vertical bars are attached to the lower frame (with self-tapping screws or bolts). After fastening the bars, triangles are formed, on which a horizontal crossbar is attached. The foundation has been laid, you can start making a swing bench. You need to complete two frames: one for the back, the other for the seat. Plywood is attached to the finished frames or slats are attached, if desired. Next, the finished frames are attached to each other with prepared metal corners. For convenience, it is necessary that the angle between them be equal to 120 degrees. Armrests are made of beams. They are mounted on the frame structure of the bench and bolted.
So practically we answered the question of how to make a swing with your own hands. It remains only to fix the hook devices on the upper crossbar, which will serve as a bench suspension, and stretch a cable or a special chain through special brackets. The height of the bench from the ground is adjustable so that a person can easily reach the ground. The optimal seating option is 60-70 cm deep, while the length should be 170-180 cm.

Today you can find a lot of swings in stores. Garden swing "Tornado" looks quite attractive. In appearance they are not stepped onalso others. Not a bad option for your own garden - garden swing "Varadero". You can take them as a sample and use them to make your own product. After all, it is no longer a secret for you how to make a swing with your own hands at home.
You can supplement the built swing with a special awning or a small roof. To do this, you just need to fix the structure on top of the main product. The roof can be made from the same rails as the bench. It is much easier to make an awning: pull any durable fabric over the bars and fix the swing on top of the bars. The swing will not only be fun for children, but also a great decoration for your yard or garden.