Life in the country is inextricably linked with the need to constantly work in the garden or in the garden. However, it is best to move heavy objects from place to place with the help of a special cart, especially when it comes to building materials. In our article, we will tell you everything about how to make a do-it-yourself self-propelled cart from a walk-behind tractor, a bicycle and other vehicles. Such information will be useful for both beginner summer residents and professional builders.
What to pay attention to when making?
To make a do-it-yourself garden self-propelled cart, you first need to decide on the characteristics of the future product, as well as the function that your invention will perform. For example, if you need a cart to transport heavy building materials from place to place, then it must have goodcarrying capacity. And for the transportation of sand or gravel, a low unit should be made so that it is convenient to pour building material into it with a shovel. We also strongly recommend that you pay attention to the following nuances during construction:
- maximum volume;
- maneuverability;
- ICE power.
As for the last point, it deserves a much broader mention, so we will return to it in the following sections. Well, everything should be clear with the first and second: maneuverability will allow you to easily pass difficult obstacles when loaded, and a large body volume will give you the opportunity to spend less time transporting building materials or soil.
Create drawings
Any work on making something with your own hands should begin with the preparation of competent drawings, especially when it comes to a self-propelled cart. Without a schematic drawing in front of your eyes, it will be enough just to make a mistake in the calculations, so do not be too lazy to spend a few hours so that you do not have to redo all the work later.

It is worth noting that the drawing must be submitted in two versions. The first should show the body and frame, which will be made from improvised materials. The second page of the drawing should be occupied by the internal combustion engine that will be used in the assembly, as well as options for attaching it to the body and wheels.
List of required materials
We decided to make an electricdo-it-yourself self-propelled cart? We strongly recommend that you make a list of the necessary materials in advance and purchase them at the construction base, since the price in stores or on the market is usually several times higher. Here are just the basic things you might need:

- metal parts - pipes, plates, lath sheets and so on;
- wooden parts - suitable for making body and frame;
- wheels from a walk-behind tractor, bicycle, car or scooter;
- internal combustion engine with good power.
Also, do not forget about the various fasteners, which in each case will be different. For example, if you decide to use boards for construction, you will have to get several dozen self-tapping screws, and it is best to use welding to fasten metal parts.
List of required tools
In order not to be distracted while searching for the necessary tools, it is recommended to get everything you need in advance. If something is missing, then you can use an alternative option (instead of a screwdriver with self-tapping screws - a hammer and nails), but this must be done wisely so that the quality of the product does not suffer. Here is a list of basic tools you will need:

- electric jigsaw and circular saw - for woodworking;
- grinder with discs and welding machine - for working with metal;
- screwdriver or drill with a special nozzle– for fixing wood;
- a set of wrenches and screwdrivers - to remove unnecessary elements from the engine.
Don't forget that this is just a minimal list of things that might come in handy in the process. It can be expanded if necessary. It all depends on what kind of cart you want to make.
Metal body and engine from a moped

In this and the following sections you will find information about the features of assembling garden carts with your own hands. Options can be very different. For example, you can use an internal combustion engine from a conventional eighty cc moped, and also its rear wheel. In this case, it is practically not necessary to remove any elements. It will only be necessary to correctly attach the internal combustion engine to a metal body, with the manufacture of which there should also be no particular difficulties. Also, as an additional element, you can use the brake system from a scooter by attaching cables from the pads to the handles.
Self-propelled cart from an old tractor

If you have an old unwanted tractor that is still on the move, then it will not be difficult to make a self-propelled cart out of it. We simply remove unnecessary elements from agricultural machinery, for example, a driver's seat and put some kind of deep bathtub or a body made of wood instead. Such a unit is ideal for transporting heavy building materials (cement,bricks and so on) for a fairly long distance. As an additional element, we recommend making a small metal plane on which the driver can step.
Unit from motor cultivator

Any motor cultivator that is out of order can be used to create a do-it-yourself self-propelled cart. In this case, you will first have to sort out the engine problems (replace the belt or put new candles), and then proceed to the manufacture of the frame on which the internal combustion engine and the bogie body will be attached. It is best to use iron corners for this purpose, welding a rectangle of the desired shape from them according to pre-prepared drawings. Then the structure will be more durable, and the self-propelled vehicle will be reliable.
Bicycle cart - fact or fiction?
Did you decide to make a self-propelled bicycle cart with your own hands? There are many instructions on the Internet on how to do this, but few people mention the capabilities of such a device. Just think, if you use thin bicycle wheels to carry heavy loads, sooner or later they will simply bend, since a few bags of cement usually weigh several times the mass of a person. However, it would also be wrong to completely dismiss such an option. Such a trolley is perfect for summer residents who do not like to carry the substrate and fertilizers for plants in buckets, but prefer to use a self-propelled machine for this.
Video andconclusion

As you can see, there are quite a few options that allow you to make a self-propelled cart with your own hands. Such a unit can be made from almost any engine, and most building materials are suitable for the frame. However, be sure to consider the purpose of your future "assistant". It would be rather foolish to build a cart out of wood in order to transport heavy slabs or bricks on it, because sooner or later such a body simply will not withstand the load. We also offer you to watch a short video from which you can also extract a lot of useful information.