Features and use of cast iron balusters

Features and use of cast iron balusters
Features and use of cast iron balusters

Cast iron balusters are considered one of the important decorative elements that are included in the fencing of stairs or balconies. Not only provide safety, but also create a beautiful and stylish look. The main function of balusters is to protect against falls. They are durable fencing pieces that come in a variety of shapes.

Product benefits

In addition to supporting handrails, balusters perform other functions. They are an element of creating comfort and styling of the room, because thanks to the use of various forms they help to emphasize the individuality of the interior. The advantages of cast iron balusters include the fact that they can be used as decorative elements, as well as practical additions to the base of the stairs.

cast iron balusters for stairs
cast iron balusters for stairs

Compositions with different works will look especially good. The main advantage of cast iron is its durability, because after decades the material does not lose its beauty and strength.

The material is of a combined type because it cancomplement both wood and natural decor elements. Also, the advantage of cast iron balusters is that they can be used both in classic types of interior design and in modern stylizations. Strength, durability, endurance, beautiful appearance, resistance to negative environmental factors make the material simply indispensable for decorative work both in interior design and in the exterior of the facade.

Preparation for work

The production of cast iron balusters begins with the fact that the specialist first draws a draft of the future staircase. Here, not only the parameters of the finished product are taken into account, but also the consumption of material, the execution of decorative elements, the addition of other materials.

cast iron balusters from the manufacturer
cast iron balusters from the manufacturer

After that, a special frame of the wood product is made. This is done in order to see the final result in practice, make additions, correct and correct the elements of the future staircase. After the wooden model is completely ready, the specialists begin to form the future metal product.

The process won't take long. A baluster is imprinted in the ground using a finished wooden mold, after which molten metal (iron and cast iron) is poured into it. After the material begins the process of solidification, it is covered with earth from above.

When the finished product is formed, the cast iron balusters for the stairs begin to be removed from the mold. This option for manufacturing elements is considered one of thethe most budgetary, since no additional molds are required, natural materials are used, the work can be done in a short period of time.

Additional processing

In order to bring the item into a marketable condition, painting elements are used. For this, a special emulsion is used, means that prevent metal corrosion, strengthen the surface, give shine and an additional shade. Cast iron balusters from the manufacturer already go through the initial painting process at the factory, but this may not be enough to maintain their durability and increase their shelf life.

version of cast iron balusters
version of cast iron balusters

Therefore, at home, before attaching to the stairs, each baluster must be additionally treated with a protective agent or emulsion composition, which will increase the durability of the material.

Expert Tips

In the process of attaching balusters to the surface of the stairs, special fasteners or rivets can be used, craftsmen attach elements to metal surfaces using the welding method. It is considered one of the most reliable, because it allows you to connect the elements together and create a single surface.

When using composite materials such as wood, special screws are used. Thanks to them, the elements of the stairs are securely connected to each other and provide protection against falling, creating the desired barrier.

cast iron balusters how to fix
cast iron balusters how to fix

How to fix cast iron balustersright to the surface? Experts do not advise to carry out this stage of work if there is no level of knowledge and understanding of the execution technique.

In interior and exterior design, cast iron balusters allow you to recreate the classical era, emphasize sophistication and subtlety of taste, create a unique staircase style against the background of other elements of the house. The choice of material, the shape of the balusters depends on the owner of the house, but this should be included in the style concept and combined with other forged elements, if any, are used in the design.
