When building and decorating houses, wood is often used, because it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials. However, in order for the wooden elements of your home to last as long as possible, so that they are not destroyed by fungus and insects, they must be protected. A tool such as drying oil can easily cope with this task.

Impregnation application
The use of drying oil allows you to increase the life of wooden structural elements for decades. This is especially true for rafters, because they are constantly exposed to moisture. Drying oils are synthetic and natural, purely homogeneous, polydiene, synthetically modified, slate, coumarone-indene, etc. Natural drying oil is very popular. The use of this product will not harm either people or animals. After all, it is based on vegetable oil (up to 97%). Impregnation of facade wooden elements with drying oil allows you to protect them from temperature extremes and air humidity and, of course, from atmospheric influences. When processing a wooden surface with this composition on ita hard, but at the same time elastic protective film is formed, which protects the tree from external influences, including fungus damage. Natural drying oil is made from sunflower, soybean, linseed oils. The best product is based on linseed oil.

Currently, there are many impregnations that have a chemical basis, with excellent, by the way, characteristics. But at the same time, drying oil has not lost its relevance. The use of natural impregnation, in addition to environmental friendliness, has another important advantage - this is the cheapness of such material. Basically, drying oil is intended for interior decoration, its use in outdoor work gives only a temporary effect, requiring further coating with oil paint, enamel or varnish. In the manufacture of oil paints and putties, drying oil is also used. The use of such products protects wooden surfaces from decay. The use of drying oil as a pre-treatment reduces the consumption of paint and varnish when performing paintwork. Usually the product is applied in two or three layers, and after that the surface is painted. It is also recommended to heat the impregnation to a temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius, and then apply it hot to the tree. Thus, a better and deeper penetration of the composition into the pores of the tree is achieved.
Olifa: impregnation characteristics

Now three types of drying oil are common: natural, "Oksol" and composite. Natural impregnation consists of 97percent from natural oil, the remaining three percent is a desiccant (a substance that promotes rapid drying). Drying oil "Oksol" in its composition has only 55 percent oil (linseed or sunflower), forty percent white spirit and 5 percent desiccant. Such impregnation is cheaper than natural. Composite compositions are characterized by a pungent odor; they include petroleum polymer resins that serve as substitutes for natural resins, as well as other petrochemical products. This type of drying oil is the cheapest. Composite impregnations are not recommended for use in residential premises, even on balconies, because even after these compounds have dried, there is still a sharp characteristic smell.