At first glance, it may seem that the trees do not need special care and even without human intervention are able to grow and please the eye for quite a long time. However, this is not quite true. A diseased or dry tree can become quite dangerous for others, which is why plantings need constant monitoring and care. Tree trimming is one possible way.
Main purposes of pruning
Kronirovanie is the process of forming the outlines of trees, as well as large shrubs.
This is done for several purposes:
- decorative: the main purpose of pruning trees is to give the crown a certain shape;
- functional: with this procedure, you can balance the resulting imbalance of the crown and root system of the tree, prepare the plant for winter or improve the tree by removing weak, dry and diseased branches.
Main types of tree trimming
Today, there are three main cropping methods:
- Sanitary crowning of trees. It consists in removing dry, damaged branches and trunks, as well as those that are susceptible to various diseases. This iswill help to significantly improve the tree itself, thereby reducing the risk of tissue rotting. Also, the result of the procedure will be the release of additional power reserves of the plant, which it spent on the vital activity of diseased branches.
- Rejuvenating pruning of trees. It involves the removal of those branches that are characterized by a long lifespan. This happens in favor of younger and more promising shoots. This will thin out the canopy of the tree in order to provide more light to branches and plants that are in the shade.
- Formative crowning of trees. Depends on the type of green space. If a fruit plant is pruned, then skeletal, non-fruiting branches are removed, as well as growths that thicken the crown.

In addition, we can distinguish shaping (giving the necessary growth direction to young branches), thinning (crown thinning), lowering (performed in order to protect power lines and balconies) and increasing (in order to free up space under the tree).
Which trees can be pruned?
When carrying out this procedure, you should take into account the features of the process for each individual type of tree. For example, species such as elm, poplar and maple are most easily tolerated by pruning. But conifers, oak and birch require special care after that.
In addition, the duration of the healing process also depends on the direction of the cut of the branch, as well as the method of processing the site of damage.
When to spendbooking?
It is best done in early spring. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the state of each branch can be determined. However, it is still worth considering the type of wood, as well as its location.
Kronirovaniye of poplars and coniferous trees is carried out in process of growth. But pruning of fruit trees such as apple, pear, plum and others is required every year.
Technology of work
The crowning process always involves the removal of some wood. As a result, there is a loss of nutrients. To reduce it, you need to carefully plan the process to complete before the buds open on the tree.
After the removal of especially large branches, the resulting wound can heal for several years. To speed up this process, you need to follow some rules:
- You need to cut the branches in such a way that the cut plane completely coincides with the edge of the annular influx. This will achieve a minimal wound surface, and, accordingly, a shorter healing time.
- In case of removal of especially large branches, it is necessary to start cutting at a distance of 20-30 cm from the intended cut point. This will avoid tearing the wood.
- When working on a tree with a flat or rounded crown, you need to transfer branches to side branches.
- After removing branches, the cut surface does not need to be treated with pitch, as this can lead to decay. However, if the purpose of pruning was to remove disease-prone branches, treatment will still be required.

The process itself, regardless of the type of wood, takes place in several stages:
- choose crown shape;
- cut side branches (skeletal branches should not be touched);
- thinning of internal shoots;
- removal of stem growth;
- giving the crown the selected shape.
However, there is still some specificity for each individual breed. For example, poplar crowning is a very topical issue, since fluff can cause allergy attacks and other troubles. This tree grows quite quickly, and to prevent the appearance of a large number of flowering products, almost all branches are pruned.
Pruning fruit trees, such as shaping the crown of a pear, also includes cleaning the bark and treating it with antiseptics to protect the plant from disease and attack by parasites.

Types of tree crowns
In order for the landscape to have a well-groomed and aesthetic appearance, trees and shrubs are given a variety of shapes. Among them:
rounded: spherical, oval, ovoid;

outstretched: the crown of the tree is extended in a horizontal plane parallel to the ground;

- spreading: no clear outline;
- pyramidal.
A tree that has been pruned according to the requirements of the technology and landscape of the site will be attractive and he althy enoughlong.