If you go back for a moment to the times of the Soviet Union, then there were no garden figures, and there was only one decoration on the site - a garden scarecrow. At that time, there was not even such a thing as landscape design. Now, ornate flower beds often appear on personal plots, where tropical plants, bright green lawns, rose gardens, garden fountains, alpine slides, wells with decorative log cabins and so on grow. A special place is occupied by various statues, especially if garden figurines are made with their own hands. It only adds charm to your site.
Features of garden figures

Now a new trend has appeared in the world - the installation of garden figures with your own hands. This is in demand in landscape design, statues give attractiveness to the backyard. You can put garden gnomes, figurines of fairy-tale heroes who will guard your peace. You can put a couple of mythical characters in the form of birds, caterpillars, frogs and other interesting animals on the site. If you have the desire and time, you can createan interesting fairy tale plot that will become a real highlight of the garden. Experiment, create garden figurines with your own hands, decorate the estate.
Details on the use of garden figures
The easiest way to decorate the site is to buy ready-made figures from polyresin or plaster. Polystone is an artificial stone created on the basis of acrylic resin. However, it is very interesting to create garden figurines with your own hands. Then you will understand that absolutely no one will have such products.
Before you decorate the garden with figures, you should immediately think about what impression they will create. Will it be the central composition or an unexpected surprise that you can stumble upon by chance? Will the figure be cheerful, calm or relaxing? It's up to you to choose!
You can also make garden figurines for giving with your own hands, if you wish. Once you have decided which sculpture you will install, it is recommended that you pay special attention to the compatibility of the figures, garden and home. For a formal garden, it is worth picking up classic sculptures from mythology, fairy tales and legends. Beautiful figures, for example, Cupid and Psyche, create a romantic atmosphere.
If your garden is informal, then you should choose a slightly different way to decorate the estate and plot. You should not put statues of Venus or a bust of Macedon, because they will be completely superfluous. You can choose figurines in oriental style or just make garden figurines with your own hands from improvised means.
If you choose garden sculptures, you should immediately focus on the sizeterritories and the possibilities of your wallet. For a small garden, do not choose huge sculptures, because they will clutter up the free space. However, small decorations can get lost in the garden.
What to remember before choosing?
Gnomes can be used for decoration in a rustic style, different animals with birds, fairy-tale characters will also be appropriate. However, do not forget that a measure is required everywhere, do not overdo it. Children's playgrounds can be decorated with characters from fairy tales, handmade gypsum garden figurines can be a great decor for stumps, snags, ponds, flower beds and so on.
What materials to use?
If you want to create something yourself, then you will need to stock up on different materials in advance, depending on what you like to work with. You can create garden figurines with your own hands from gypsum, plastic, ceramics, wood, stone, plastic and other raw materials. Anything you find on hand will do, even polyurethane foam or old car tires.

Wood is a natural and environmentally friendly material that attracts with its warmth. You can make a garden figurine out of it with your own hands, it will breathe life into your garden, and it will sparkle with new colors. Even if you make evil forest spirits and place them in the darkest, most remote areas, they will not seem scary. To create an interesting composition, it is best to take an untreated tree: ordinary branches, snags, logs, and so on.
You can createnot only interesting spirits, but also, for example, an old forest man, a pianist and much more. Get creative. A beautiful owl can turn out from a tree, do not give up if something does not work out - an unusual figure will become the highlight of your site.

DIY garden figurines (the process is described step by step below) are also made of stone, but you will need to immediately determine the material of the desired shape and size by eye, so you will need to consider the future creation in an ordinary boulder. You can find a stone that resembles a sleeping cat or dog, funny turtles or other animals. If the image brightly appeared in your head, then you can simply paint the stone in your own way, put it in the garden and you will get an interesting decorative element.
You can also decorate the garden with stones that you brought from the seaside resort. They are beautiful and untreated, valued for their original unusual condition. If you wish, you can still add a little varnish, paints to “revive” such a peculiar figure.
This is a fairly new and optimal option for creating garden crafts. It is an artificial product consisting of aluminum hydroxide, acrylic resin and various pigments. The product is durable, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, it does not deform, and the material is not so expensive.

The material is in great demand, because you can make garden figurines from plaster with your own hands, and they will lookjust amazing. The product is popular due to the fact that any shape can be created from it, however, do not forget that the plaster figurine is very fragile, so try not to damage it. When creating special figurines, you can use special forms, although you can mold a figurine without them.
Interesting fact: the caterpillar is considered the simplest figurine. To blind it, it is enough to create a dozen flattened circles (better of different sizes) and tie them together. Make the head round. You can put a couple more balls (small ones) on top to make eyes.

To create an interesting figurine, you can use a cement mortar. It can be poured into a ready-made form, which is designed for a garden figure, or you can use improvised means for this. For example, if you want to create a kolobok, then an old rubber ball is suitable for your mold, which you can cut and pour the finished solution inside. You can also make a special frame in advance, and then cover it with a ready-made solution.
Hay and straw

Look at the photos of garden figurines that you can make from straw and hay with your own hands, make sure that they look very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, original. You can make a hedgehog out of dry grass, you just need to twist the material into a dense oval, which will become the body for the animal. Then form the muzzle, fix the needles on the body, and then attach the nose, eyes.
Unusual scrap materials

Further). From all this you can make an interesting palm tree, cactus, Christmas tree and other interesting things.
Tires can be used to create a bear or (by cutting) a snake. You can find an application for any thing, the main thing is to connect your imagination.

Mounting foam
This is an unusual material that can also be used to create garden figures. Such sculptures will be durable, strong and resistant to water, and these qualities are indispensable for garden decor. You can create a snail, a bird, a dolphin, a donkey, a gnome and other characters from polyurethane foam.
The whole process begins with the fact that you need to form the skeleton of the hero. To do this, you can use different bottles, wire, buckets and other components. It is required to apply the foam in stages, make sure that each layer dries out. Excess can be removed with a utility knife. The sculpture can be painted and varnished.
What is the most popular material?
Most often create beautiful figures of plaster. This material is easy to handle, even a non-professional can work with it, it is plastic and it is easy to sculpt different shapes from it. In addition, gypsum is easy to paint and resistant to weather changes. However, do not forget that the material is still quite fragile and should not be dropped from a height, otherwise it will break.
How to make a plaster figurine?
Now let's deal with this question:
- First, you will need to purchase material at any hardware store. Do not throw away the instructions, because you need them to create the right solution.
- Prepare a container for kneading, it is better to take a container made of rubber or plastic.
- Add PVA glue to the mixture.
- Pour the figure into a mold, but do not make the base. Silicone molds are the most convenient. They are easy to buy or even make your own.
- If you need a large sculpture with legs, arms and a tail, then it is better to make a reinforced frame. Cut the reinforcement and connect it so that it repeats the skeleton of the future product. At the foot, make protruding elements for attaching the product.
- Now you can pour the solution up to half the mold. After shake it, knock on the walls. All air must come out. If it remains, then the bubbles will become holes, and this will spoil the appearance of the figure, lower its strength characteristics.
- Once all of the above is done, add the remaining plaster, repeat the shaking manipulation.
- Align the mass with a spatula and let the figurine dry. It will take at least a day to dry completely.
- Is the material frozen? Get the figurine.
- Now you can start coloring, prepare acrylic paint (it will work best). Gouache also fits well, but it is afraid of moisture.
- Before painting the product, cover it with primer. It can also be replaced with PVA glue.
- To decorate crafts, you canapply a colored mosaic, which is made in advance from colored glass and ceramics. Decorate the figure in your own way, then it will become indispensable for you, it will radiate warmth and light.
It's so easy and simple to create a garden figurine. Use garden decor that is made by your own hands, and the figurines will become the main decoration of the site, the garden. Do not worry, everyone can create a sculpture with their own hands, you just need to take the time for this and try to show creativity and imagination. Choose the model you like, be smart so that you don’t have a copy on your site, but an original product that no one else has. It is quite possible that the activity will captivate you and become an interesting hobby.
Buy or do?
If after reading you are not carried away by the idea of creating your own garden figurines, then you can buy ready-made ones. There are many shops with garden decor, so choosing something interesting will not be so difficult. If you want to express yourself, your imagination, then feel free to create. The figurine may not work the first time, but the main thing is to try.