Even the most sophisticated gardeners fall in love with buttercups. Growing and caring for these bright summer flowers does not require much attention. Ranunculus (which is the Asian buttercup) grows in simple garden soils and is disease resistant. This flower is great as a cut flower. The extravaganza of color of these plants is striking in its diversity. Multi-colored buttercups in group plantings compete with many garden favorites.

Due to their unpretentiousness, buttercups, which are easy to grow and care for, are spread almost all over the planet. In the bulk, Asian buttercups are perennials. But there are annual and biennial species. Their delicate and thin petals form simple double flowers with a diameter of 5-12 cm.
The main feature of buttercups is that they do not tolerate frost. They must be dug up for the winter and stored indoors. When the aerial parts of plants wither (this happens towards the end of summer), tubers similar to crow's feet are removed from the soil. Before sending them to storage, you must carefully check whether they are not damaged. It is necessary to remove low-quality specimens and separate the resulting"kids". After that, it is desirable to lower them into a manganese solution. After thoroughly drying, it can be placed in boxes with peat, sawdust, dry moss or sand. The storage area should be cool, dry and well ventilated.

In April, these tubers are taken out of the shelter, carefully checked for appearance and prepared for planting in the ground. It is recommended to place them for several days in wet sawdust. Buttercups, the cultivation of which begins with planting at a depth of 4-5 cm, are planted at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other. Preliminary it is desirable to introduce good organic fertilizers into the soil. The flowering period is well supported by feeding the plant with potash fertilizer (potassium sulfate, potassium s alt, wood ash).
Ranunculus love sunny, slightly shaded places where they will bloom longer and the petals will be brighter. Small drafts can carry buttercups. Growing and caring for them during this period need special. Under no circumstances should the soil be waterlogged. By the way, they are picky about her, the main thing is that she be loose and soft. Heavy and wet soil sometimes leads to rot of tubers, and hence the death of plants.
Buttercups are propagated by daughter tubers or seeds. The first year passes mostly without flowering. But young plants during this period grow up, gain strength and are saturated with many nutrients.

There are also simple types of buttercups: creeping, Kashubian, golden, caustic. The most popular in our latitudes and folkmedicine - buttercup creeping. He is very venomous. Grows in shady places on wet alluvial soils. It is used only as an external agent: for scrofula, rheumatism, scabies.
Summing up, we can say that these are very beautiful and useful flowers - buttercups. Growing and caring for them is quite simple. It is only important to remember about frosts and cold winters - during these periods they need to be hidden indoors. And the rest of the time - enjoy the beauty of these incredible flowers!