"Agrospan" - covering material for plant protection

"Agrospan" - covering material for plant protection
"Agrospan" - covering material for plant protection

Early planting in open ground in most Russian regions is a rather dangerous undertaking. In an unpredictable climate, there is always a high risk of return frosts, which can negatively affect the crop, if not completely destroy it. If you need to quickly sow the seeds or take the seedlings out into the open air, you can protect them with a special cover made of non-woven fabric. It will trap cold air and keep the tender sprouts from freezing.

Varieties of covering materials

Among covering materials, Agrotext, Agrospan, Lutrasil are especially popular - all these are different types of spunbond, a special fabric created or polymer fibers woven together in a special way. Only the production technology and the weaving method differ. The fabric is strong, durable and welltransmits light. Protection of plantings from frosts, shrubs from the bright winter sun or soil from weeds - all these functions can be performed by Agrospan non-woven covering material.

agrospan covering material
agrospan covering material

Features of "Agrospan"

The canvas has a porous structure that allows air to pass through and allows you to create an ideal microclimate. Thanks to this, the plants covered with it become he althier, stronger, bloom more abundantly and produce more fruits. The properties of the coating largely depend on its density. Usually it is indicated in the name itself, for example, on the package it can be written: covering material "Agrospan 30". The number indicates the density of the material in g/m2.

How to choose the right covering material?

To protect your plants from frost, hail, rainstorms and the scorching sun, you need to be able to choose the right remedy for protection. Covering material "Agrospan 60" is the most dense material that can be used to create greenhouses and portable greenhouses. It is able to protect crops from temperatures down to -10 degrees. The special stabilizer which is a part of material protects a surface from influence of an ultraviolet therefore it practically does not collapse. There is a black canvas that is used as a substitute for mulch: they cover the soil, protecting it from weeds and pests.

covering material agrospan 60
covering material agrospan 60

Material specifications

The service life of the canvas can reach 6 years, but most often "Agrospan" is used for 2-3 seasons. HeIt is able not only to protect from the sun, strong gusts of wind, but also from precipitation in the form of hail. Thin canvas from 17 g/m2 is suitable for covering plants without stretching over the frame.

In order to choose the right option correctly, it is important to know whether the density of the material is evenly distributed, and whether a stabilizer has been added to the composition of the fabric that protects from ultraviolet radiation. If the surface is not dense enough, and the monofilaments are too thin, ruptures and damage to the fabric by the wind are possible. If the density is high, cold air will not penetrate below the surface and all plants will remain intact if the temperature drops sharply. Uneven distribution of fibers and damage to the web will cause heat loss during the frost period, causing some sprouts to freeze.

covering material agrospan reviews
covering material agrospan reviews

Pros and cons of covering material

The advantage of this material is that you can water the beds without removing the shelter: water easily penetrates through the pores in the surface, and its light weight does not damage the stems of plants. A he althy microclimate, which is created under the covering material "Agrospan", increases the immunity of plantings, so that they better resist various diseases. An additional feature is pest control. They simply cannot get through the dense surface of the canvas. Productivity is also increased by keeping warm, as the material does not allow cold air to pass through.

Ways to use the material

Fruits can be harvested earlier if seedlings are planted in open ground after harvestingsnow and cover it with Agrospan. Due to the low cost, there is no need to save on footage and tightly stretch the fabric. It is enough to throw the canvas on top and press it on the sides with sandbags, bricks and other weights. Lay it on the beds immediately after sowing seeds or planting plants. Plants can be watered from above without removing the cloth.

covering material agrospan 30
covering material agrospan 30

Judging by the reviews, the covering material "Agrospan" is not afraid of pesticides and pesticides, it is not damaged by acid rain. They can cover not only small plantings, but also farm fields. Agrofabric scatters light and keeps the soil sufficiently moist, reducing the level of evaporation. Its only drawback may be that a dense surface will weakly transmit sunlight.

This material is best used to cover shrubs for the winter to avoid sunburn and prevent hypothermia of the crown. A black canvas is laid on the ground before planting, and then holes are cut in it and holes are made. With its help, seedlings are grown that require careful care, and are also used to create alpine slides and rock gardens.
