Comfortable desks with shelves for the student

Comfortable desks with shelves for the student
Comfortable desks with shelves for the student

Study is, of course, hard work. At least that's what every second student thinks. And so that such a difficult task is not a burden, provide your child with a decent job. The old, inherited desk will not work here. Look at modern functional desks with shelves. The photos show us compact models that combine cabinets with drawers, open sections and niches. For small children, there are special modules in which the place for preparing homework is successfully integrated into the ensemble of a wardrobe and a bed.

desks with shelves photo
desks with shelves photo

Even if your apartment is so small that you can only dream of a separate children's room, try to allocate at least a modest patch of free space to equip an office for your student there. The writing table is a corner of the student, where he tunes in to a serious mood, leaving the games overboard. Here he has everything at hand: textbooks, notebooks, books, pencils and pens. There is also a laptop or desktop computer. They are essential tools to help you succeed in your studies.

Now on sale you can find special desks with shelves for a student, designed for more than one student. Twin designs greatly facilitate the life of families in which two children of different ages are brought up. No more daily showdowns for a comfortable workplace. Everyone has their own territory, occupied by literature, discs and office.

student's desk
student's desk

Before buying, consider in advance where and how the student office will be located. Will you get by with a standard model or will you need an angular design. Decide on the sizes. Desks with shelves (it is important for a student to choose the right height of the working surface) are often produced with an adjustable lift. Since the child is growing, and the requirements for the location of the tabletop do not change (the optimal distance is 5-6 centimeters above the level of the elbow of the freely lowered arm of the student sitting at the table), such transformation mechanisms turn out to be very useful. Positive feedback from pediatricians deserved designs with a surface tilt mode.

Care for children's he alth explains the strict rules for the location of the computer monitor. Under it, a special stand is usually assigned.

student desks with shelves
student desks with shelves

Materials from which desks with shelves are made must be absolutely harmless for a student. No dangerous fumes, no questionable artificialcoatings. The best choice is natural wood. If you have looked after products made of plastic or chipboard, then carefully study the attached certificates.

At the same time, check the reliability of fittings and fasteners. Jamming guides, flimsy shelves hanging on the “word of honor” doors are clear signs of marriage. A responsible manufacturer will simply hesitate to display such samples on the trading floor.

In addition, desks with shelves for the student must be examined for injury risk. You don't need to be an expert to do this. It is clear that sharp corners with hard edging will cause bruises and abrasions. And too high book niches threaten to fall from a chair that your child will climb on to get the right volume.
