How to heat water in the pool: devices and methods

How to heat water in the pool: devices and methods
How to heat water in the pool: devices and methods

Summer, dacha, swimming pool - the dream of city dwellers. And many, seeking to realize it, get out in the hot season closer to nature. But here's the problem: the main equipment was bought from the street version, and the heating device is not included in its kit. Therefore, we will consider in more detail the methods of how to heat water in the pool. First, let's look at what design options exist for swimming.

Types of pools

Seasonal outdoor models are very popular for summer cottages and suburban housing:

  • Inflatable. Such designs gained their fame due to the low price, ease of installation / dismantling, mobility. Most often they are purchased for children. Small volumes, low sides ensure safety for babies.
  • Frame. Types and volumes of such models are numerous. They are affordable, easy to install and portable. Purchased for family holidays.
  • Bowls. This optionrefers to stationary. Shape and size can vary. Buy for the whole family. Installation is simple, the price is quite high compared to previous options. Requires supply of communications.
  • Concrete. The most expensive of the above and technologically complex option. But the design, volume, dimensions are made for any request. When constructing such structures, a heating system is thought out even at the project stage.

As you can see, the modern market offers a wide range of models.

how to heat water in a pool
how to heat water in a pool

You can purchase a budget option or start a capital construction of an outdoor covered structure.

Temperature Standards

There are a number of indicators of a comfortable stay in the pool. One of them is the optimal temperature regime. For an adult, it should be in the range of 24-28 ° C, for a child - 29-32 ° C. Such temperatures are provided for active water recreation without harm to he alth. Therefore, how to heat and keep warm in the pool is one of the hot topics of the summer.

Heat saving elements

Before considering the question of how to heat the water in the pool, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of heat saving. There are several options:

  • Covering material. As a rule, the structure is covered overnight to prevent strong cooling. The same material will help to warm the water a few degrees if the pool is left covered during the day. Bubble wrap is considered the most effective option.
  • Sometimes overa pavilion is made into a pool. Some craftsmen use old greenhouses. This option retains heat amazingly at night and allows you to heat water during the day.
  • Choose or equip swimming structures with bottom colors that will absorb heat. This will significantly speed up the process of natural heating of water from sunlight.

The considered measures can be applied comprehensively, they will significantly reduce the cost of heating the liquid with electricity.

How to quickly heat water in an inflatable pool

Such designs have a small volume, so one of the popular ways to increase the temperature is to heat water in containers on a separate heat source (gas, electric stove, electric kettle, fire, bath).

how to quickly heat the water in the pool
how to quickly heat the water in the pool

After that, it is carried and poured into the pool, achieving the desired temperature. The method is one of the simplest and safest. But suitable for small volumes, such as children's designs.

Some people try to heat the water in the pool with a boiler. Yes, it can be done. But do not forget about safety. If this method is used in a place where there are children, then they should not be left unattended even for a second. The consequences can be very sad, given the childish spontaneity and curiosity. Therefore, think several times about the safety of this method before using it.

We have considered two options for how to heat water in an inflatable pool, now let's get acquainted with another, more powerfulequipment for such purposes.

Flow heater

Applicable to structures no larger than 35 cu. m. The principle of operation is based on the circulation of water through a container with a built-in heating element. The recommended inlet fluid temperature must be at least 18°C. The cost of such equipment is low, but there are significant costs for electricity. The power consumption of the units is from 3.5 to 18 kW. Using a covering material, you can partially reduce these costs.

Heat exchanger

"How to heat the water in the pool without electricity?" is one of the popular questions. Heat exchangers are just such devices operating from the heating system. They are presented in the form of a flask, inside of which there is a coil. This equipment also includes a circulation pump, thermostat, valve. The liquid from the heating system is supplied to the coil, and the water for heating is supplied to the cylinder itself. Having reached the desired temperature, it enters the pool. The operating parameters are set using a thermostat. The power of such installations reaches 200 kW, which is suitable for heating a large volume of water.

The minus of the heat exchanger is depending on the heating of the house. In the summer, it is usually irrelevant. Therefore, a separate working circuit will be required to heat the pool. And this will entail reworking the gas heating project and extra financial costs.

Solar collectors

How to heat the water in the pool in the country, using natural resources? This issue is especially relevant in areas where there is no gas connection, and the supplyelectricity is unstable. Solar collectors in such cases become an ideal solution to the problem.

how to heat water in a swimming pool
how to heat water in a swimming pool

In our time, such equipment is purchased in stores selling swimming pools. The installations are quite compact, and they can be located near the structure for swimming. When heated, the collectors transfer thermal energy to the water in the storage tank, after which it enters the pool. This method will allow you to quickly reach the desired temperature in sunny weather, but this will not work in cloudy weather. One collector module can heat up to 30 cubic meters of water, respectively, their number is selected according to the required volume.

how to heat the water in the pool
how to heat the water in the pool

Such equipment should not be purchased in regions where cloudy weather prevails. It will not be economically justified, because you will have to use additional devices for heating.

Solar mats

This kind of solar collector is presented in the form of two cuts of a black film, soldered in such a way that channels for water circulation are formed in the internal space. Such a system is connected to a conventional pump, which is included in the set of basic equipment. How to heat the water in the pool with such a device? Simple enough: it is launched to the surface of the water, and the pump is placed on the bottom, from where it will supply liquid for heating.

This design works from a regular network. Minus - designed for small volumes and depends on sunny weather.


This is a fairly new, and therefore expensive way to heat water in the pool. This equipment is interesting in that it can be used in two directions at the same time: as a home air conditioner and a water heater.

The principle of operation of an air source heat pump is based on the technology of conventional air conditioners, only in reverse. Swimming water is heated in the condensate system, and the refrigerant cools down due to this. The heat itself is taken from the surrounding air.

how to heat water in an inflatable pool
how to heat water in an inflatable pool

The power consumption of such a device is three times lower than that of an instantaneous water heater. Therefore, the high purchase price will justify lower energy costs. This equipment is also notable for the fact that it can work effectively at an ambient temperature of +5 °C. Having de alt with factory devices, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what folk craft offers in this area.

Rubber Collector

For this type of water heater, they take an ordinary watering hose, preferably black, and lay it in a plane in the form of a snail. One end is attached with clamps to the hole in the pool, the other to the pump filter. Circulating through the formed system, the water is heated. This method is good for sunny days. This is one way to quickly heat the water in the pool.

Wood heating

A coil is taken, the performance depends on the size of its spiral. It is better to prefer stainless steel. One end is connected to the hole in the pool, the other - topump. The coil itself should be mounted in a container in which firewood will be burned. This is a fairly effective option for how to heat water in a frame pool.

how to heat water in an inflatable pool
how to heat water in an inflatable pool

For greater effect, you can make a serpentine - a container for burning. That is, firewood will burn in the inner space formed by the tubes. This is an even more efficient water heater.

This method is distinguished by low price, independence from energy carriers, high speed, independence from weather conditions. The disadvantages include the need to control heating. Overheating can cause the pool to warp.

A few important points

Since heating water in a pool using electricity and heating is quite a costly exercise, the field for craftsmen to work is wide enough. An interesting direction is the use of natural resources such as wind and sun. By "taming" them, you can get a free and high-quality source of energy, which is suitable not only for heating the pool, but also for other needs.

how to heat water in a swimming pool without electricity
how to heat water in a swimming pool without electricity

Be careful with homemade electric heaters. It is necessary to observe all safety measures during their creation and operation, do not disregard this process and keep children away from it.

If we consider factory products for heating, then the choice depends, first of all, on the financial component. Attention should be paid not only tothe initial price of the equipment, but also the costs that will be required during its connection and operation.

Bathing in pools is one of the most popular types of recreation for Russians. Therefore, the topic of water heating is always relevant. Which choice will be made depends on the weather conditions of the region, the parameters of the pool, financial possibilities. The main thing is to observe the installation technology and safety measures during operation.
