When building a bath or sauna, you need to think not only about the comfort of future visitors, but also about their safety. Heat-resistant sauna wire must be resistant to the conditions of high humidity and temperature that prevail in these rooms.
For electrical wiring, depending on the coverage area, wires are laid from various materials and excellent in their properties. One thing unites them - they are all heat-resistant. It makes no sense to use heat-resistant sauna wire in the dressing room, which is resistant to hot atmospheres and dampness. A large selection of wires by type is associated with this. Some allow you to save money so that others are purchased - expensive, but durable.
Types of heat resistant wires
There are several types of heat-resistant wires. Among the most popular are:
- Copper PVA is a multi-core cable covered with a polyvinyl sheath. The temperature maximum at which its operation is allowed is +40 degrees. Therefore, you cannot use it directly in the steam room.
- RKGM - heat-resistant cable for sauna,withstand prohibitively high temperatures (up to 180 degrees) with 100% humidity. The copper wires are insulated with silicone and the braid is made of fiberglass.
- PVKV. The cable sheath contains silicon, so it easily withstands mechanical stress even in conditions of high humidity and temperature. Absolutely not susceptible to oxidative processes, resistant to ignition. This is an excellent heat-resistant wire for saunas and baths.

- PRKA - heat-resistant copper wire with an increased hardness index. One of the most ideal options for steam rooms and dryers. It has one big minus - it is sensitive to multiple bends.
- PNBS. Suitable for use at temperatures up to 150 degrees.
- PAL - varnished asbestos cable. Maintains performance at temperatures up to 200 degrees. In the range of 200 to 300, it does not break down, but releases toxic fumes.
- PMTK - cable brand for saunas and baths. It is a heat resistant product, great for connecting high power equipment.
- PRKS. Functionally similar to previous products. Flexible, moisture resistant.
Depending on the goal to be achieved, the specialist makes his choice.
Installation of electrical circuit
The choice of cable depends on the types and conditions of the forthcoming work: whether it is required to connect only lighting devices or heating and other equipment. Laying is carried out in a closed way, only in a plastic box. The use of metalexcluded due to the fact that it is subject to destruction under the influence of moisture and high temperature, which may lead to damage to the wiring and unpleasant consequences.

Without having the appropriate qualifications, you should not perform the installation yourself. As a rule, non-professionals make the most common mistake - connecting all equipment with ordinary wires using PVC insulation. It is necessary to contact a specialist with the appropriate clearance.
Nevertheless, it is useful to represent the algorithm of simple basic steps of the process in order to be able to control it:
- Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a competent electrical circuit of all the main and auxiliary rooms of the bath.
- Cables are laid only in vertical or horizontal direction. They must not be kinked or twisted.
- We must not forget about the aesthetic component and spoil the interior. To do this, the cable is laid in inconspicuous routes. At the same time, communication elements should not be located in the corners, opposite the doors and too close to the heating elements and pipes (at least 500 mm).
- The most dangerous thing in wiring is joints, junctions of wires. These places require enhanced isolation.
To bring electricity to the building from the switchboard, one of two possible options is selected - air or underground. It all depends on the distance to the energy source and the nature of the terrain. If remotenessover 25 meters, then an additional support is installed. For the overhead line, a self-supporting insulated cable (SIP) is used, which is resistant to overloads. Minus - badly bends. This nuance is taken into account at the design stage.

Underground laying is carried out using armored copper wire VBBSH. It is more expensive than SIP, but is better protected by a steel braid that protects against damage by moles and small rodents.
Product quality can only be guaranteed by a specialized store with a qualified sales assistant. Since not only comfort, but also safety is at stake, you should not buy components for future wiring in dubious outlets.
Optional accessories
Switches, sockets are not installed in the washing room and steam room. For this, a rest room, dressing room is suitable. The recommended height from the floor is 1 meter. In addition, they must be equipped with protective covers. They are connected by a cable with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm. Lighting fixtures throughout the area must be sealed to prevent short circuits. Optimal placements are corners on the ceiling. Aesthetic and practical - in these places the lowest temperature.
Expert opinion
Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a wide range of heat-resistant RKGM cables for baths. Many samples are similar, but differ in price. Models brought from abroad are much more expensive. But, according to the sellers, they have additionalenhanced performance.

This is not always true or does not greatly affect the effect achieved. When purchasing components for the electrical circuit of a bath, sauna and other premises, it is necessary to rely primarily on the minimum requirements of the approved project.
Note to buyer
The quality of heat-resistant sauna wires made in Russia can even surpass analogues. Everything else is a matter of taste and abilities of the buyer's wallet and the talent of the marketer.
What you need to know about baths and saunas?
As you know, in construction, along with natural wood, such an equally common material as brick is widely used. As for the baths themselves, they can be built using not only timber, but also a frame structure or logs. However, it is the beam that has such characteristics that allow it to be most often used for the construction of such structures. Moreover, baths from it are very cheap and economical.

In order to improve the basic characteristics of wooden structures, it is now customary to also use such building materials as profiled beams. It does not require any caulking or exterior finish, which is one of its main advantages. The profiled beam has a whole set of excellent properties, due to which it acquires extremely high reliability and strength. This is explained by the fact that the middle of the log, which isthe basis of the timber, during operation it is impregnated with resins and thus becomes much more dense and durable. The material also acquires resistance to decay, deformation and many other negative external influences. Thanks to all these advantages and positive qualities, timber is the best material for building baths.
The main advantage of a bath from a bar
Bar baths, despite the relatively high cost of the material used, are in any case much cheaper than many other similar designs. For many, this is very important.

Main advantage
Another advantage of such structures is the short time for completion of works on their construction. This is possible due to the complete absence of such a phenomenon as wall shrinkage. This usually takes at least a few months, which is most typical for natural wood houses. Due to the complete absence of shrinkage, baths from timber can be built in the shortest possible time. Heat-resistant wire RKGM for baths and saunas is best.