
How to cover the tree? Surface preparation and material selection

Wood is often used to build houses and make furniture. It is lightweight, low cost, and easy to install. At the same time, the material is afraid of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, fungus. It is possible to protect structures with the help of a large number of means: varnishes, paints, antiseptics, etc. Let's try to figure out how to cover the tree, and how to prepare it for finishing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

When is it better to dig a well: preparation, choice of location and material, drawing up a rough plan and estimate, expert advice

A well is needed to get water in a private house in the absence of a central water supply. When building a house, you need to think about where and when you will dig a well, water will be required both during construction and for living. When is the best time to dig a well, a beginner should know in advance to plan costs and time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How and how to putty OSB-plates: tips and reviews

Many owners of suburban areas today are building frame houses with wall cladding with OSB boards. And of course, the owners of such residential buildings are also interested in the question of how to putty OSB. For this purpose, you can use, for example, oil-based or synthetic-based products. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The best wood-burning stove for a bath: an overview of models and reviews

Let's try to figure out which wood-burning stove is better to buy for a bath. Here is a list of popular equipment, which includes the most intelligent models with a high-quality component and a large number of positive feedback from consumers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Farm from the corner: description, design, installation, functions, photo

Most often, the frame of roofs of buildings for various purposes is erected, of course, from timber and boards. But in the event that the loads on the roof in the future will be large, they do not use wooden structures, but metal trusses from a corner or a profiled pipe. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Strengthening floor slabs: calculations and technologies. Reinforced concrete floor slabs

Coating slabs are reinforced using a technology that provides for marking the structure at the first stage. It will be necessary to outline the zones where the reinforcement elements will be located. These areas are cleared of finishing materials, cement laitance and pollution. You should reach a coarse concrete aggregate. To do this, use an angle grinder or a water-sandblaster. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Warm electric floor in a wooden house: device and installation options, photo

In a wooden house, you can install an electric floor heating. This system consumes relatively little electricity. At the same time, the quality of heating in this case will be much higher than when using convectors, batteries and other similar equipment. How to install a warm electric floor in a wooden house will be discussed in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Profiled sheet facade: installation technology, advantages

The façade is one of the most demanding parts of a house in terms of finishing. Its surface is exposed to a wide range of threats, including mechanical and climatic ones. To cope with loads of various kinds will help the facade of the profiled sheet, which can be performed in any configuration, depending on the characteristics of the house. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Foundation of piles: types, classification, choice of materials, pros and cons, expert reviews

The use of piles in the construction of the foundation is often determined by the desire to optimize the design solution and overall savings. Indeed, the implementation of this technology for building the foundation of a house requires less financial and labor resources than in cases with traditional construction methods. Nevertheless, subject to the competent installation of the foundation of piles, you can get a completely reliable platform for the main structure of the building. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Warm floor under self-leveling floor: types and methods of installation, tips and tricks from masters

Building technologies do not stand still. One of the best options for heating today is underfloor heating. It is combined with different types of coverage. One of the possible options may be a self-leveling floor. This coating has a lot of positive qualities. How to mount a warm floor under the self-leveling floor will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to fill the floor in the garage: materials, technologies, instructions

Arrangement of the floor in the garage is an important stage of construction work. Higher demands are placed on the quality of materials and workmanship. To cut costs, many garage owners decide to do all the work themselves. Almost anyone can do this job. The article will consider detailed instructions on how to fill the floor in the garage yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to insulate a bathhouse: a project, a choice of high-quality material, instructions, ideas for design and decoration

Insulation of the bath is an important stage of construction work. This process is planned at the stage of creating a building project. The quality of thermal insulation will depend on energy consumption, as well as indoor comfort. There are a number of recommendations on how to insulate a bath. This will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to hide heating pipes in a private house: installation methods, tips, solutions, photos

The answer to the question of how to hide heating pipes in a private house can be different technologies. For example, highways can be embedded in walls, floors or ceilings. Also, pipes are often covered with plasterboard boxes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Soundproofing for laminate: the best ways and materials to reduce noise

Laminated panel is a unique material that combines natural texture and a whole range of protective technical and physical properties. It organically enters both the residential area and utility rooms, maintaining resistance to negative influences of various kinds. However, improper laying without a backing nullifies all the benefits of the coating. At a minimum, effective sound insulation under the laminate is required, which will eliminate noise from impacts on the panel during operation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Satin stretch ceilings in a modern interior

Satin stretch ceilings today enjoy great and well-deserved popularity. Not so long ago considered an inaccessible curiosity, today they adorn the interior of many city apartments. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house sometimes becomes the only alternative to standard solutions. Compared to other types of heating, electrical systems are practical and autonomous. They allow the owners to get rid of various urgent problems associated with the arrangement of heating. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cellular polycarbonate: properties and uses

One of the important properties of cellular polycarbonate is its high fire safety. When an object made of polycarbonate ignites, the cells in the panels contribute to the removal of combustion products and smoke. At the same time, the material itself is not a fire spreader and does not form falling hot drops. During combustion, it swells, thin and light threads appear, which quickly cool in air. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Dump house: definition, appearance, advantages, building rules, materials, building pros and cons, compliance with building codes and safety rules

Prefabricated frame houses are in high demand due to low cost and accelerated installation technology. The technology of a frame-fill house allows you to eliminate the disadvantages of this construction method, while maintaining the main advantages. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Interior decoration of cottages - stages and types of work

Interior decoration of cottages begins immediately after the completion of the construction of the house box. For the production of these works, it is necessary to have pre-compiled project documentation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The best putty - "Vetonit"

We have to make repairs from time to time. And not necessarily in your apartment. Putty "Vetonit" will help to make it qualitatively. With it, you can level walls or painted surfaces, and then carry out painting work or glue wallpaper. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is soldering copper pipes

Brazing of copper pipes extends the service life of such a connection, as well as the tightness of its seams under pressure, provides high resistance to corrosion. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a sewer in a private house? Detailed consideration

Organization of sewerage is a rather complicated process. However, if a person decides to independently engage in its arrangement, then this is quite possible. The main point in this case is the knowledge of the features of the process, which will allow you not to encounter difficulties, of which there are quite a lot. So, when deciding how to make a sewer in a private house, it is important to pay attention to many details. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Hydraulic calculation of heating systems. Heating in a private house

Modern heating system is a demonstration of a completely new approach to its regulation. To date, this is not a preliminary adjustment before starting the system with the facilitation of the subsequent hydraulic mode of operation. Modern heating in a private house during operation has a constantly changing thermal regime. What requires the equipment not only to track changes in the heating of the room, but also to respond correctly to them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Technology for mounting plastic windows and their additional elements

Following the rules for installing plastic windows, the installed product will perform the necessary functions for many more years, because its quality and performance depend on it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Interior decoration of loggias and its varieties

It is worth deciding in advance what the interior decoration of the loggia in your house should be like and what building materials are needed for this. Their choice directly depends on the functions that square meters will perform. The interior decoration of the loggias can be made in several versions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Volma plaster is an excellent modern tool for leveling walls and ceilings

Volma plaster is designed for leveling the internal surfaces of walls and ceilings by machine and by hand, followed by wallpaper, ceramic tiles or painting. It can be applied to brick, concrete, gypsum board, aerated concrete base, as well as gypsum blocks, chipboard panels, MDF, wood and cement-lime coatings. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Wood siding: installation features, types and reviews

The texture of natural wood attracts the attention of designers even in the age of modern technology, when composite products can be given a variety of shades and patterns. In the case of facade decoration, the imitation of the traditional style goes beyond the scope of the color scheme. Wood-like siding has nothing to do with the environmental characteristics of natural lumber, but in terms of technical reliability and operational practicality, this solution has much more advantages. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Flexible tiles: installation, types, laying technology

Roof tile elements have long formed a special segment on the market, which is successfully replenished with bituminous flooring, shingles, tiles and other products. In fact, these are modular sheets with unusual cutouts along the edge. Typical installation of flexible tiles is carried out with an overlap and without special fixation to the rafter frame. The use of such coatings is allowed both as a new roof and as a replacement for obsolete decking during roof reconstruction. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Aerated concrete or aerated concrete: what material to choose for building a house?

When planning to build a house, it is extremely important to choose the right material for this work, since all the most important characteristics of your future home will depend on it. In particular, it must be completely safe from an environmental point of view, have excellent thermal insulation qualities, and also be quite cheap. That is why we will try to answer a very common question: "Aerated concrete or foam concrete"?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cottage from timber: advantage, features, highlights of construction

Recently, a cottage made of timber has become quite popular. And this is quite reasonable. This material has many advantages. In a rich variety of building materials, timber rightfully occupies a special place. Its limitless possibilities and undeniable advantages have been appreciated by modern developers. In this article we want to talk about the advantages of a dacha made of timber, and how to work with this material. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make gazebos from timber with your own hands?

Arbors from a bar with their own hands are built very simply. This material is easy to process and inexpensive. A paving arbor can have a rectangular or multifaceted shape. Barbecue facilities are considered very convenient. Such buildings are erected on a columnar foundation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Heating connection diagram. How to connect the heating battery correctly

Without a heating system in our apartments or private houses, it is impossible to provide ourselves and our families with the necessary level of comfort. And the he alth of each of us directly depends on this. Therefore, it is important to make the right heating connection, along with the right choice of radiators. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01