
Indoor flower rabbit ears: care, description and photo

Flower hare ears, or gemanthus - the plant is extremely unpretentious and at the same time quite spectacular. Many lovers of indoor plants grow it. The rules for caring for him are quite simple. Hemanthus, first of all, should be periodically watered and shaded from the sun. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Echeveria: home care and reproduction, photo

Deservedly popular among flower growers are representatives of the Crassulaceae family, in particular, Echeveria. Home care for these marbled succulents is not that difficult, and the variety they bring to any green community is hard to overestimate. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

A flower that looks like a peony. What are the names of flowers that look like peonies

Peonies are frequent guests in gardens and summer cottages. A short flowering once a year is the main drawback of this beautiful flower. Flowers similar to peonies come to the aid of aesthete gardeners and florists. What are the names and what these plants look like, you will learn in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Composition and application of ammonium nitrate

The use of ammonium nitrate is possible on most types of soil for any crop. However, under some of them - gourds and pumpkins - it is better to apply ammonium forms of nitrogen fertilizers, since an excessive amount of nitrates may form. On acidic soils, simultaneously with the introduction of ammonium nitrate, liming should be carried out, since it will contribute to an even greater acidification of the environment. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to plant an apple tree: instructions, features and recommendations

The apple tree is the queen of all gardens. This fruit tree is unpretentious, hardy, allows you to harvest a large crop. A variety of varieties allows you to get fruits both in summer and late autumn. In addition, among the wide variety, you can easily find the variety that suits you. The main thing is to plant a tree correctly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Undersized shrub: types, features of planting and care. fast growing shrubs

Beautiful landscapes of a summer cottage or garden plot help its owners to relax physically and mentally in nature. A low-growing shrub is actively used today in landscape design. The variety of species will allow you to choose the best option for your dacha or cottage. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fertilizers for strawberries in the spring to increase the yield

On the eve of spring - the beginning of the gardening season - many people who grow strawberries on their plots care about only one question: what do you need to know in order to grow a rich harvest? Therefore, the purpose of this article is to figure out which fertilizers for strawberries are the most effective. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Rose wrinkled: description, planting and care, reproduction

Among the numerous ornamental shrubs, the Rosehip genus occupies a special place. One of the most popular plants of this genus is the wrinkled rose. Long-term preservation of decorative qualities allows you to use it to decorate the site. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Rosehip "dog rose": description, features of the variety, care and reproduction

Surprising with its unsurpassed vitality, wild rose, colloquially referred to as "dog rose", is a plant common throughout Europe, Western Asia and northern Africa. A habitual shrub with delicate pink flowers and thorny shoots is found everywhere in Russia and is so famous that it has become invisible, but also indispensable in the surroundings of forests, meadows and gardens of middle latitudes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to store cut tulips at home?

One of the most popular spring flowers are tulips. It is they who are massively given on March 8, birthdays and other significant holidays to ladies. And then many owners of bouquets begin to think about how to store cut tulips for as long as possible so that their aroma and appearance please for a long time. There are a few secrets worth knowing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Large-flowered chrysanthemum: description of varieties, secrets of cultivation and care

Large-flowered chrysanthemums are popular with gardeners. These attractive plants look impressive both in a flower bed and in a bouquet. In addition, they flourish at a time when all other crops are already withering. From this material you will learn how to grow and propagate flowers, the nuances of caring for them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Electric and petrol lawn verticutter: reviews

To make the green carpet always look good and well maintained, cutting and fertilizing the grass is not enough. Here you already need something else, such as, for example, an aerator (verticutter) for a lawn. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The flower of happiness is the key to the fulfillment of desires

Change life for the better is easy enough: for this you need to believe that it is changing. If you buy a flower of happiness, then it will certainly help the fulfillment of your cherished desire, even if it seems to you that it is practically impossible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ornamental quince: planting and care

Quince fruits are known to many. Have you seen how decorative quince grows? This is an amazing shrub that pleases the owner with bright flowers and juicy fruits, decorates the garden with its appearance all season long. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What are green manure and why are they needed? When to sow and when to cover green manure

Experienced farmers know what green manure is. To take more from the soil, you need to repay it with the same. To restore the composition of the soil and its permeability, plants that meet these requirements are used. This article provides information on how to properly enrich the land with the help of natural components. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Canadian sanguinaria: cultivation and medicinal properties

Unfortunately, sanguinaria is not very common in our gardens, but in vain. This perennial plant is able to please the eye at a time when the rest are just beginning to wake up after hibernation. And let it bloom for only a couple of weeks, but during this period it completely attracts attention and serves as an accent among other flowers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow strawberries in a pipe?

Bad strawberries? Low yield? Then we are in a hurry to share the secret of how to increase it. And we will do this in an unusual way. Today we will plant strawberries in a pipe. And how to do this and what should be the care of plants, you will learn by reading our article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Propagation of cherries by cuttings and seeds: description, care and recommendations

Propagation of cherries - both ordinary and felted - in a suburban area is possible in different ways. But most often this culture is bred with green cuttings. Sometimes bones are also used for this purpose. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Proper watering of onions: how often and how much

Onion is perhaps the most popular garden crop among Russian summer residents. It is grown in almost every suburban area. Of course, in order to get a good harvest of this crop, all the required technologies should be observed when cultivating it. This also applies, of course, to such a procedure as watering onions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Vika is a plant from the legume family. Description, properties, cultivation

Many legumes have long been favorite plants on the site. Not only do they give a tasty harvest, but they are also known to enrich the soil with nitrogen with the help of special nodule bacteria on the roots. However, few people know their botanical name. They belong to the numerous flowering genus - Vika. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Garden blackberries - planting and caring for shrubs

The article is devoted to garden shrubs - blackberries. Describes the care of him, the methods of planting and cultivation at their summer cottage. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How and when to plant imperial hazel grouse?

In April-May, exotic plants with orange flowers proudly stand among the spring flowers in the front gardens. The flowers look like a crown, hence the popular name. This flower is called Imperial Fritillaria. Varieties with orange flowers are the most common. Less often in gardens you can find plants that bloom in yellow and red. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

When and how to cover grapes for the winter?

In our harsh climate, sheltering vines is a way to protect them from winter frosts. Professionals know perfectly well how to cover grapes for the winter. Our tips are for beginner amateur growers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Tulips: planting in autumn. Tips from an experienced gardener

Tulips are one of the earliest and brightest spring flowers, blooming very quickly after the shoots appear. They are invariably planted in all regions of our country, but the time for this procedure is slightly different depending on climatic conditions. Tulips, which are planted everywhere in autumn, are planted depending on the ambient temperature. The higher it is, the later it should be done. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Advice to a beginner gardener. When to transplant the host?

Hosta refers to ornamental shade-loving perennials. Nature endowed it with nondescript flowers, giving preference to bright and varied leaves. Landscapers practice the use of plant bushes in garden compositions and flower beds. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Exotic tropical flowers: anthurium. Home Care

There are exotic and unusual plants, the approach to which is unusual even for those who know well how to care for flowers. Anthurium is one of such indoor green pets. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Muscat grapes: variety description and photo

Muscat is widely known. Meanwhile, this is not a separate hybrid, but a whole group of cultivated grape varieties. The berries of this variety group are valued for their specific musky aroma and are used both fresh and for wine production. Muscats are grown in Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Crimea, Moldova, etc. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Salad Kucheryavets Odessa: the technology of growing he althy greens

Every spring our body lacks vitamins. They can be replenished using early vegetable crops. These include the Odessa salad Kucheryavets, the cultivation of which will not be difficult. This article will discuss cultivation methods, basic plant care. As well as reviews and advice from experienced gardeners. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Graceful beauties of orchids: care at home. Phalaenopsis

Orchids are rightfully considered one of the most magnificent flowers. In the conditions of an ordinary city apartment, cymbidiums, cattleyas, dendrobiums and, of course, chic phalaenopsis grow well and bloom profusely. The latter have gained popularity due to their long flowering, lack of dormancy and attractive appearance. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Paphiopedilum: home care, photo. Orchid lady's slipper

Paphiopedilum translates as "a slipper from Paphos" - the city where the goddess Venus was born. A feature and main decoration of the plant is an unusual flower, similar to a woman's shoe. In America, this flower is called "moccasin flowers", and in England - "slipper". Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Mexican hat, or plant ratibida columnar

Who discovered the plant ratibida columnar - the Mexican hat? Description of the structure of a flower. Similarities and differences with the closest relatives. Where is the plant distributed? Growing a flower. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow fragrant tobacco. Growing from seed

Few people know that tobacco is used not only for smoking, but also for decorative purposes. One of the most fragrant summer flowers that will brighten up any garden or flower bed is fragrant tobacco. Growing it from seeds is a simple matter and even a novice gardener can do it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to care for roses in spring

Caring for a plant like a garden rose requires attention all year round. However, special attention should be paid to the spring period, when the sun is already warming, and the earth has not yet frozen. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How garden cranberries are grown. Planting and plant care

Cranberries require proper planting and careful care. If you follow the plant well, then it will give you all its usefulness and vitamins, it will delight you with an unsurpassed taste. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to store cut mimosa, prolong the joy of spring days?

Today the flower market abounds with all sorts of spring heralds: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses and tulips. But mimosa is in no way inferior to its position in the competition for choosing a spring bouquet. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Perennial spray flowers: description and photo

The dream of every mistress of a summer cottage or a personal cottage is to create a blooming oasis around, to the envy of all neighbors. It would be nice at the same time to pick up such perennial plants that will delight with flowering from early spring to late autumn. Often used to decorate the garden and flower beds perennial bush flowers. It's convenient and not too hassle. And no doubt very beautiful. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Sorrel: growing in a summer cottage

Sorrel, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult, tolerates partial shade, acidic and poor soils well, and also does not require frequent watering and top dressing. With a minimum of effort, you can get a good vitamin supplement for soups and salads. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Reproduction of jasmine by cuttings, as well as in other ways

Propagation of jasmine by cuttings is not the only way to get several from one bush. Seeds, root cuttings and cuttings can also help in this matter. If your plant is varietal, then it is advisable to use the last two methods. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Why do we need stratification (seeds in the refrigerator)

Most experienced gardeners and gardeners know what stratification is. Seeds that have undergone this preliminary pre-planting treatment give a much higher percentage of seedlings. At the same time, plants grown from them are characterized by increased resistance to external factors. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make flower beds out of plastic bottles? Examples

Every self-respecting gardener wants his garden to look perfect. To do this, summer residents come up with various "chips". One of these is the creation of flower beds from plastic bottles. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01