Clematis Omoshiro is endowed with unique beautiful inflorescences. Its petals can have a soft pink color, which gradually, closer to the edge, changes shade to pale lilac. In this article, we will look at a photo of Omoshiro Clematis, the history of this flower and basic care requirements.

Origin story
The very name "clematis" comes from the ancient Greek word "vine". This is due to the fact that most types of this plant have the form of vines. In turn, Russian flower growers gave him the name "clematis". According to assumptions, clematis Omoshiro received this name for the impenetrable thickets that can be created by lianas. When growing, they cling to the branches of bushes and tree crowns, as a result of which, making their way through them, you can fall and break your nose. The second version suggests that the special smell of dug roots, which is not very pleasant for the human sense of smell, contributed to obtaining such a name.
Today, clematis is a whole family that includes about 265 species and more than two thousandvarieties, each of which has its own differences in size, shape and color of flowers.
Among European flower growers, Omoshiro began to gain popularity around 1569. Truly wide popularity came to the plant after three hundred years. This happened thanks to the British G. Zhakman, who compiled a complete description of Omoshiro's clematis and demonstrated it at the exhibition. It was a hybrid plant with large flowers. Thirty years after the exhibition, the clematis family numbered over 190 species.
The flower came to Russia at the end of the 19th century. It is noteworthy that at that time it belonged to greenhouse plants that were not suitable for the climate of our country. However, over time, clematis Omoshiro could increasingly be seen on noble estates growing in the open field.
In 1896, Albert Regel, in his book Graceful Gardening and Artistic Gardens, described in detail the methods of using clematis in landscaping summer cottages. And the journal Progressive Horticulture and Horticulture in 1912 recommended decorating garden trees and building walls with these plants.
Clematis Omoshiro is a very beautiful culture, capable of decorating a summer cottage or courtyard of a private household with its presence for many decades, and giving it a unique aesthetic look.

Seating and boarding
Clematis Omoshiro is a plant that loves intense light, so it should be planted in sunny places. In the most extreme case, you can choose a site that willget at least 2 hours of sunshine a day.
This plant is very demanding on the soil. The soil should be soft and loose. Such conditions will be ideal for the roots of the plant. For planting clematis in heavy soil, you need to purchase river sand. It must be filled in at the landing site in advance. To enrich the plant with essential nutrients, both organic and mineral-based fertilizers are used.

Transplantation and care
The best time to transplant Clematis Omoshiro is April. This process can be carried out in any other month, but no later than the end of August. During transplantation, it is necessary to dig a hole no more than 40 centimeters deep and fill it with river sand or pebbles. After that, the seedling of the plant is installed vertically, covered with soil and compacted. Immediately after planting, you need to carry out abundant watering of clematis. In addition, the culture should be intensively watered for the next week. This is necessary in order for the clematis to take root. You need to fertilize the plant at least 3-4 times a season. But it is strictly forbidden to fertilize after the end of the summer period.
Abundant moisture is needed for clematis only during its disembarkation, but after rooting it is not required. Therefore, water the plant should be moderate. Young - 1 time per week, and in dry summer periods - 1 time in 5 days. Adult plants need watering no more than once every ten days.