Interior of the attic room: ideas, selection of furniture and accessories

Interior of the attic room: ideas, selection of furniture and accessories
Interior of the attic room: ideas, selection of furniture and accessories

With the right approach, a room located under the roof of a private house will turn into a cozy space that is not inferior to other rooms in terms of comfort.

When designing a living space in the attic, it is imperative to take into account the features of its design and how to use it.

Room feature

Attic - a room equipped under the roof of the house, which is used as a living room. Its inventor was the French architect Francois Mansart. In the 17th century in France, students and poor people often settled in attics under the roof of the house, who did not have enough money to rent a room with windows. One of these people was a budding architect.

Guest room
Guest room

However, having settled under the roof of the house, he did not despair, but came up with an interesting way to make a cozy space out of a dark attic. He developed projects for houses with an attic. They became popular very quickly. Now the attic is widely used asadditional area for furnishing living space.

Experienced designers believe that this is the most affordable way to expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe house without reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and significant financial costs.

What is the room like

The interior of the attic room is a very important point, on which the convenience of its use largely depends. It is important to consider many aspects, in particular, such as:

  • rafter device;
  • roof angle;
  • ventilation;
  • room lighting.

The roof on which the living room will be equipped must be of the attic type. Its peculiarity lies in a certain angle of inclination of the slopes. The variety of roof shapes that are suitable for attic equipment is not so great. The best option is a broken gable structure.

The ceiling of the room must be at least 2.2 meters high. If the height is less, then storage space is recommended in this area.

To make the interior of the attic room cozy, it is important to think over the organization of lighting. To do this, you need to install conventional gable or dormer windows to maximize the use of natural light.

To avoid cold on this floor, you need to reduce heat loss, which may be due to the large surface of the slopes. To do this, the roof is insulated, and heating is also carried out. To create the most comfortable microclimate, as well as reduce excessive humidity in the attic, it is necessary to equip a forcedventilation.

Attic room options

Attic can be used to expand the area of the house. At the same time, if you install heating devices, you can live indoors in winter, and not just in summer. This will also require insulation slopes. If you correctly think over the original design of the room on the attic floor, then you can make it out of it:

  • children;
  • bedroom;
  • cabinet;
  • living room;
  • wardrobe.

Children's room is a good option for using this room. However, when equipping it, you need to remember that the ladder should be as safe as possible for the baby. That is why it is best to give such a room to a teenager.

Wardrobe in the attic
Wardrobe in the attic

Often you need an isolated place to relax, work or read. An attic would be the best option to place an office in it. The interior should fully reflect the interests of its owner, as well as fully satisfy all his needs.

You can use the free space as a wardrobe. Such rooms are very convenient because they are used to store seasonal clothes. The attic can also accommodate a large home theater, gym or library.


It is quite difficult to develop the interior of an attic room, as certain knowledge and skills will be required. However, with some effort, you can equip a stylish and comfortable bedroom. A rather interesting option would be a room made in white with a minimum amount of furniture.

Woodenthe attic floor allows you to equip the bedroom in a rustic style. Simplicity and comfort are ideal for every person. This style is characterized by a white palette of colors, in which raw wood surfaces are painted. In addition, you can create various landscapes and floral motifs.

Bedroom arrangement
Bedroom arrangement

English country style is quite suitable for bedroom design. In this case, the main emphasis is on warmth and comfort. The country style is characterized by the presence of yellow, red and brown tones, their extraordinary combination. All this contributes to the fact that the interior acquires logical completeness, color and fullness. Interior design implies the presence of such prints as lavender flowers, a cage, geometric patterns. The floors are made only of wood, and the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard. It is better not to touch the ceiling beams, as they look more natural and bright in the raw form.

Designing a bedroom in a classic style, which is characterized by elegance, palace chic, and impeccability, is very popular. The bedroom should be equipped with furniture and other items made only from natural materials, such as wood or marble. Walls should be painted in light colors, but colors such as green, olive, burgundy, blue can be used.

Space under the roof is a great opportunity to equip a loft-style bedroom. Its main concept is simplicity and minimal cost. In addition, attention should be paid todetails such as:

  • original accessories;
  • many metal surfaces;
  • plank floor;
  • uncovered ventilation;
  • multifunctional furniture.

However, a similar bedroom design can be arranged in the attic with only small windows and high ceilings.

When equipping the interior of the attic floor under the bedroom, you need to position the bed so that you can get up from it freely without hitting your head on the ceiling. If there are slanted windows between the rafters, then you can place the bed under them so that you can admire the stars.

You need to install it so that the headboard is located near the lowest part of the wall, and closer to the middle of the room. Such a room will be as comfortable and cozy as possible. Free space can be used to organize storage locations. Ordinary cabinet furniture does not fit into such a room, which is why it is advisable to order cabinets according to your own standards.

Living room

Within the attic, you can equip a living room. The interior must be conducive to communication and relaxation, which is why you need to take into account many different nuances.

The interior of an attic room can be very stylish and cozy, the most important thing is to correctly approach its arrangement. Basically, inside the last floor there are many beams that you can decorate yourself. For this, it is good to use crafts. Near the partitions, you can mount a fireplace and equip a recreation area.

Arrangement of the living room
Arrangement of the living room

In addition, you can resort to installing a bar counter. It is important to pay attention to the organization of lighting. It should not be very bright in order to have a rest. It is necessary to give preference to floor lamps, dim lamps and similar electrical appliances. They can be modern or antique.

The living room in the attic can be made in absolutely any style, but it is best to prefer minimalism so as not to clutter up the free space. As a decor, you can use old things, having previously restored them. This will help bring a special coziness to the interior.


If you need to make a children's attic room, then it is important to think carefully and organize everything. Thinking through the interior, you can deviate from the usual stereotypes and completely give free rein to your imagination. A lot depends on the gender and age of the child, as well as his own preferences.

Children's room
Children's room

When arranging a nursery, it is important that the stairs in the house to the attic are as safe as possible so that you can not worry about your baby at all. It is also important to choose the right furniture. Tables, nightstands and beds should not have sharp or protruding parts so that the child does not get injured when using them.

It is important to perform zoning in the room so that there are several zones, in particular for sleeping and playing. In addition to a bed, you will need comfortable boxes for clothes and toys, a desk, shelves for books.

If there are two children in a family and they are of different sexes, then it is necessarytake into account the features and preferences of each of them when arranging the attic. The room can be divided in half using a small plasterboard partition, and the resulting halves can be arranged depending on the gender and age of the children.


If you need to equip an office in the attic, it is important to properly organize the lighting. To do this, you need to mount large skylights. Their location must be considered at the stage of developing the project of the premises. It is desirable to put a desk near the window. It should be located in a location that is easy to get to.

Furniture should be as simple as possible, and the common space should be organized so that it is as conducive to work as possible. Designers recommend using built-in wardrobes and modern hanging shelves made of natural wood. They differ in ease of use. Built-in wardrobes are ideal for both a small room and a spacious room.

Bathroom refurbishment

Many in the attic are equipping bathrooms. Finishing should be carried out with materials that are resistant to high humidity. Ceramic tiles would be ideal. There are also many other options for finishing materials. The most important thing is that the room should be done in light and warm colors.

Lighting should be done so that water does not get on it, as it can lead to a short circuit. It is unacceptable to neglect security measures. It is advisable to focus on natural light.

Finish options

When choosing the style of the interior of the attic floor, color scheme and finishes, you need to take into account the features of the room, as well as follow the advice of designers to help you choose the best option.

Interesting interior
Interesting interior

Finishing is carried out in two stages. First, a rough sheathing of the frame is performed, and then a fine finish. When choosing a stylistic direction, it is recommended to prefer rustic, natural design styles. They will allow you to beat the charm of the room as accurately as possible and make it especially cozy.

It is best to use natural materials. This will create a comfortable environment. It is advisable to purchase storage space and furniture for the attic built-in to use areas with a lower ceiling level.

Preparation and finishing

Before arranging the attic space, everything must be carefully thought out and designed in order to get the most positive result. When preparing, you need to take into account many nuances, namely, the shape of the walls and ceiling, the presence or absence of communications, the degree of illumination.

If you do not need to make global changes, only cosmetic repairs are carried out, which is designed to improve the premises. Much depends on the shape of the roof. That is why there will definitely be rafters and beams inside the room. Many designers focus on them.

At the initial stage, you need to bring the communication system. To do everything correctly, you should contact a specialist. Warming matters a lotattic. This will prevent condensation, improve the microclimate, and also make you feel very comfortable.

Stylish attic
Stylish attic

It is important to have a good level of natural light. Basically, initially in the attic there is only one window, which you need to try to expand as much as possible. It is worth remembering that the width of the windows should not exceed the distance between the rafters. Their length depends on the slope of the roof.

In order to provide the required protection against atmospheric precipitation, it is possible to mount inclined double-glazed windows. They also help increase the intensity of lighting. It is recommended to hang not only curtains on the triangular attic window, but also use blinds.

Various options and materials can be used to finish the ceiling. Stretch ceilings are used only if the height of the walls allows it. Otherwise, there is a risk of frequent damage.

When arranging the floor, it is important to provide good sound insulation. To do this, you need to mount the crate and fill it with a heat insulator in the form of plates. Top coat them with pine boards and varnish.

Walls can be finished with wood, panels, wallpaper. The type of finishing materials largely depends on the style of the interior and the owners' own preferences. To give the attic a unique look, you can drape with a seamless fabric.

Light Feature

Luminaires for the attic are selected depending on the features of the room and the stylistic direction. The main emphasis is on natural light, and lamps playonly a supporting role. It is advisable to use lamps, floor lamps, as well as the main lamp. This will help adjust the light level.

Attic room in a private house can be decorated in a stylish and creative way, the most important thing is to competently approach this issue.
