Coconut in the aquarium: craft ideas, preparation, processing. How to choose a coconut

Coconut in the aquarium: craft ideas, preparation, processing. How to choose a coconut
Coconut in the aquarium: craft ideas, preparation, processing. How to choose a coconut

Judging by the reviews, many aquarists create various decorations for their pets. A coconut in an aquarium is a rather original decorative element. Being in water for a long time, the nut shell will not collapse. Of course, it will be pleasant to see it only if it is properly prepared and processed. For information on how to prepare a coconut for an aquarium and what decorations you can make from it, you will learn from this article.

how to choose coconut
how to choose coconut

Designed for

Coconut shell will become a personal shelter for small cichlids, catfish, crayfish, shrimps and crustaceans. According to the owners, panaki, plecostomuses and ancistrus can hide in such houses.


Some beginner aquarists wonder: why is coconut shell considered the most common decorative element?There are several reasons for this. On a well-treated surface, the appearance of rot, pathogenic bacteria and mold is not observed.

how to prepare coconut for aquarium
how to prepare coconut for aquarium

Because the coconut shell has negative buoyancy, it will be easy to sink it to the bottom of the aquarium. Externally, the product also looks quite attractive and will please the eye. Processing does not involve the use of harmful components and foreign substances. Purchased products are an exception.

do-it-yourself coconut grotto for an aquarium
do-it-yourself coconut grotto for an aquarium

Where to start?

Many beginner aquarists are wondering how to choose a coconut. Experienced craftsmen recommend taking into account the following nuances:

  • Coconut should be with a completely dry surface and an attractive shade.
  • If there is mold and rot, then this fruit should not be used. Also, coconut that has any damage or deformation will not work.
  • It is desirable that there is liquid inside the coconut. It's easy to check. Enough to shake the fruit. If you hear a splash, then there is milk in the coconut, which means it is not spoiled.

After the raw material base is selected, you can get to work.


To cope with the preparation for the further installation of coconut in the aquarium can be easily and quickly with the help of special tools. You will have to work with a knife, pliers, a drill and a hacksaw. Installing a coconut in an aquarium involves a number of activities. How competently you do everything will dependproduct life.

How to cut a coconut in half?

First of all, you need to extract milk from the fetus. To do this, the nut should be sawn. First, a few holes should be made in it with a drill. Only after that you can start sawing the shell. You will have to work with a hacksaw for metal. If you want to simplify this task, then you should cut across the nut.

Walnut halves
Walnut halves

Second step

At this stage, they are engaged in extracting pulp from the fruit. Three methods are provided for this purpose:

  • Removing pulp by scraping. The contents of the fetus are removed with a knife. The pulp is carefully cut into small pieces. Judging by the numerous reviews, this method is quite laborious. Also, be careful not to cut yourself.
  • Using ants. This method is used in the summer. It is enough to leave the sawn pieces of walnut on the anthill for a while. The red ants will do the rest.
  • By leaven. In this case, sawing the shell is optional. Masters make several holes in the nut, and then put it in a tight bag in the sun. Milk must be left. Saw the fruit at the end. Under the influence of high temperature, a slurry is formed from the liquid, which is easy to get.
how to cut a coconut in half
how to cut a coconut in half

Preparatory work?

To make the coconut last longer in the aquarium, it is soaked in water. Carefully pre-hard kitchen sponge or steel woolthe inside of the fetus is cleaned. Often beginners ask the question: how much to cook coconut for an aquarium? The fact is that due to the chemicals that the shell is treated with before being put on the counter, your pets may feel worse. So that it does not stain the water and does not harm the fish, experts advise boiling the shell for about 10 minutes. Then it is soaked for several days. It is advisable to change the water every 12 hours. At the end, the coconut is cooled. After completing these steps, the material is considered ready, and you can make some kind of product out of it for the inhabitants of the tank.

How to make your own coconut grotto for an aquarium?

A pretty nice composition will be a fish house. To make it, you need two halves of a coconut. A shell with the bottom cut off is also suitable. According to experienced craftsmen, the two halves of the grotto will turn out flat. If you want to make a more voluminous house, then you need to use the second option. It is imperative to drill or gouge several holes in the product so that the fish can safely enter their home and swim out. Each home craftsman chooses the shape and size of the holes at his discretion. Judging by the reviews, the product will look more spectacular if it is made in the form of a pirate treasure cache. It is enough to decorate it with appropriate decorative elements that imitate the treasure. Position them so that they are visible through the holes in the shell.

About making a "boat"

To make thisscenery, you have to spend a little time and effort. Before cutting the fruit in half, experts recommend finding the lines through which the halves are connected. You need to cut exactly along the lines. As a result, two parts will come out of the shell. According to experts, splitting a coconut lengthwise is difficult. In addition, the hacksaw may come off and injure you. This explains why many craftsmen cut the shell across. You can not cut the lines completely. At the end, the nut cracks well with a hammer.


Make it from a large coconut. At the very beginning, the upper and lower parts are sawn off from the shell of the fetus. The result should be a ring whose width does not exceed 100 mm. Then it is laid horizontally on a flat surface. Then a small segment is separated from it with a hacksaw for metal. After it is thoroughly cleaned of pulp and installed in the tank. The bridge will look much more spectacular if it is greened up. For this purpose, its surface is covered with pieces of moss. On top of it you need to put a plastic mesh. So that it does not fly off, experts recommend fixing it. Cotton thread is ideal. Now the design is ready, and it is installed in the aquarium. After two weeks, the moss on the bridge will begin to sprout. As a result, he will cover the polyethylene mesh, and the thread will dissolve.

how much to boil coconut for aquarium
how much to boil coconut for aquarium

Vegetation decor

Walnut shells can make a pretty good hanging pot. This decorative element is made as followsmanner. First, the coconut is cut into 4 parts. Of these, only one, the most even, is required. Further, the back wall for the pot is cut out of plexiglass according to the shape of this part. Its thickness should be up to 3 mm. This blank is equipped with several through holes with a diameter of 20 mm. They are needed so that water circulates well inside the product. A suction cup will be installed in one hole, which is located in the center. The plexiglass blank is attached to the shell with epoxy glue. When it is completely dry, the product can be attached with a suction cup from the inside to the tank.
